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1%? Up yours! – We need health workers’ and patients’ power! – Invitation for a meeting, March 11

Small health workers' protest shut down by cops in Manchester today:
I would actually go to one I think. Even if I feel they are pointless. Just to make the point to my other HCPs that it’s an insult. Not because I think it would change anything.
I largely agree that they're of very little value too tbh (at least the way they happen now) mostly due to the way workplace stuff has been partly smashed by the State and partly recuperated into a toothless thing by the unions etc. But as part of something bigger they can be of more use, and I think we need to develop some methods of taking action that are more effective and build our power and strength rather than demoralise and weaken us.
I largely agree that they're of very little value too tbh (at least the way they happen now) mostly due to the way workplace stuff has been partly smashed by the State and partly recuperated into a toothless thing by the unions etc. But as part of something bigger they can be of more use, and I think we need to develop some methods of taking action that are more effective and build our power and strength rather than demoralise and weaken us.
What would be better? The problem with healthcare is any sort of industrial action leaves you feeling like a cunt.

Edited out revenge fantasy
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I didn't see this thread until after I'd posted on the strike thread about the Manchester protests. Anyway hats off to this guy:

Ah, I think your post about it on that thread beat my post about it on this thread by about four minutes.
This is essentially what’s just happened.
View attachment 257790

A pandemic like that, followed by a 1% pay rise, you may as well wave goodbye to the staff loyalty the NHS literally depends on.

It's deliberate. They want to break the spirit of the profession, workers and institution. That way no-one will fight for it and what it means to them/us. That way they can do whatever they want to it. The worst kind of change management. For profit, not people.
It's deliberate. They want to break the spirit of the profession, workers and institution. That way no-one will fight for it and what it means to them/us. That way they can do whatever they want to it. The worst kind of change management. For profit, not people.
I dunno. I think many Tories do support the NHS. Certainly the ones I’ve spoken to do. Not all, obviously.
I dunno. I think many Tories do support the NHS. Certainly the ones I’ve spoken to do. Not all, obviously.

MPs and policy makers? Because that's who I am talking about. The average Tory voter less so. I honestly think individual voters think less in these terms and more about the day to day getting through.
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What would be better? The problem with healthcare is any sort of industrial action leaves you feeling like a cunt.

Edited out revenge fantasy
When Middle Q rang us this morning she had a good rant about this 1%, She's quite militant as nurses go (bit too much of her Mum in her if you ask me) but even she said that unlike teachers (Mrs Q is a teacher), any kind of really efffective industrial action will probably cost patient lives and she really doesn't like that thought.
It just goes on and on into fucking pointless dead ends. Benefit 'scroungers' scapegoating whilst they live high on the hog. Lets say 1% or so take the piss a bit, it's pitting the poor and exploited against the destitute whilst they wank themselves that they are so oppressed and make millions. No one can tell me that me that Boris Johnsons' interests are the same as mine. The NHS nurses have dragged us through, whilst putting their noses to the grindstone. 1%? The government just can't bring themselves to do it, i.e. show a bit of heart. The billionaires have made an astronomical amount during the pandemic, yet they don't even pay their share. The whole Tory ethos is baseless rubbish. 100% behind whatever NHS nurses want and deserve.
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Yeah, I'm annoyed at the media coverage of the NHS generally, and specifically over this pay rise, they only seem to talk about nurses and doctors, it's like the NHS from the 1960s and there's no acknowledgement of all the other jobs and skills that keep the whole thing going. Admin staff for example, especially ward clerks, keep the whole organisation running.


It's deliberate. They want to break the spirit of the profession, workers and institution. That way no-one will fight for it and what it means to them/us. That way they can do whatever they want to it. The worst kind of change management. For profit, not people.

Also this. I think offering 1% and nothing elsewhere was deliberately done and it's worked to some degree. They can paint staff that have been offered something as out of order in the middle of a pandemic when others are losing their job.

I'm glad to see this thread missed it earlier. There is an angry workers of the world Meeting on Thursday I think. Trying to figure out what the response of unison's are going to be and also what more radical elements may be able to do in support. This absolutely should not be focused purely on the 1% rise and the NHS, but also the shit pay and terms so many of us have to tolerate across the sector and in other sectors.
The AWW meeting is a broader one about struggles in healthcare and co-ordinating and building the strength of them, and also how they fit into a wider anti-capitalist thing. Aimed at NHS healthcare workers mostly rather than a general public talk and discussion.
The AWW meeting is a broader one about struggles in healthcare and co-ordinating and building the strength of them, and also how they fit into a wider anti-capitalist thing. Aimed at NHS healthcare workers mostly rather than a general public talk and discussion.

Yeah sorry didn't make it clear that it wasn't directly related.
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Has The Daily Star actually gone left-wing?! A bizarre concept for someone like me who once read it and was appalled at the both the language and attitude used against the left. That was many years ago though.

Well I only see their front pages because I am collecting newspaper front pages in the pandemic, so I cannot comment properly on the rest of their output.

They are owned by the same group that does the Mirror etc these days, but I wouldnt say they have gone left wing. Rather they have gone for a 'take the piss out of the government using visual humour on the front page' approach, which given the current tory regime may involve borrowing some left-wing sentiments at times. But in other respects they are as vile as ever, eg when it comes to the 'culture wars'. I think the same group own the Express these days too, but were required to keep that title at arms length to satisfy market/competition concerns.

Nurses pay is one of those issues where I'd expect some right-wing newspapers to tread more carefully than usual, since they may sense that public opinion across a broad swathe of the political spectrum supports the idea of giving these workers a decent pay rise in the wake of the pandemic.
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Made in Bedlam posted this elsewhere and I wanted to bring it here too.

The fight for better pay and NHS services has to include our other services too. There also needs to be big questions into how many of these services are ran, who they are run by, and how much profit is being diverted away from the services.
I dunno. I think many Tories do support the NHS. Certainly the ones I’ve spoken to do. Not all, obviously.
We know precisely what the Tories in government think of the NHS - its written down - they want to privatize it as part of a trade deal with the USA (under Trump at that point).

“total market access” for the US of A


"many Tories support the NHS" ? In what parallel dimension? If you mean Tory voters, then they obviously dont care enough to not vote for a party whose mission it is to destroy the public sector because its a little bit communism.
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Facebook event next Wednesday:

Join a very special episode of Comrades featuring trade unionists from Massachusetts Nurses Association, NHS 15 pay campaign and others to be announced. Our unique organising call will bring together the struggles of healthcare workers and how the organised whilst protecting our societies during this pandemic. We will also discuss the future and campaigns that unionists are involved in. Do not miss out.
Well I only see their front pages because I am collecting newspaper front pages in the pandemic, so I cannot comment properly on the rest of their output.

They are owned by the same group that does the Mirror etc these days, but I wouldnt say they have gone left wing. Rather they have gone for a 'take the piss out of the government using visual humour on the front page' approach, which given the current tory regime may involve borrowing some left-wing sentiments at times. But in other respects they are as vile as ever, eg when it comes to the 'culture wars'. I think the same group own the Express these days too, but were required to keep that title at arms length to satisfy market/competition concerns.

Nurses pay is one of those issues where I'd expect some right-wing newspapers to tread more carefully than usual, since they may sense that public opinion across a broad swathe of the political spectrum supports the idea of giving these workers a decent pay rise in the wake of the pandemic.
Thankyou for the clarification. It is much appreciated.
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