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‘March for the Alternative’ - 26th March - London

Story about the demo - a suggestion that the arrests of UKUncut in Fortnums were politically motivated. A chief inspector was filmed at the scene telling legal observers that they weren't violent so wouldn't be arrested! Just before 130+ were...

of course it was politically motivated. looks like a two purpose operation: info gathering on ukuncut, and to put them out of action on the royal wedding.

i'm willing to bet real money that the charges are dropped between the wedding and the planned court date.
Why do you want to make your mum poorer?

I don't want to make anyone poorer. I honestly believe reducing the deficit is going to help stop our economy going down the pan like Portugal. I've had to take a reduction in working hours and a two year pay freeze too, it's not like I'm not feeling some of the pain like everyone else, although thankfully I still have a job.
I thought incandescent bulbs were mostly some kind of noble gas at not much below 1 Bar. :confused:

Yes you're right, but how do you inject something into a less than 1 Bar container without an ingress of gravity forced air,it will destroy the structure.I assume your familiar with light bulbs (incandescent)?can you think of any way to do this?
Total lulz at the idiot the hilariously named uk uncut put up for interview on newsnight. Surely that was a windup. Jesus. Was she fucking stoned?:D
Or like 250,000 people (at least) walking the streets of london to protest in a non-violent manner. You said yourself it was amazing to see, so many people united. Now what? They just keep doing that?

You are focussing on the minority. What was so wrong about what happened at fortnum and mason - compared to your suggestion? what about all the shops on oxford street that took a beating to their saturday profits but sustained no obvious damage to their shop windows?

There's an econimic cost to protest, there's no need to smash stuff or break into anywhere but they are the most obvious direct actions to take and there's an army of people willing to do it because of its ability to generate coverage and it gets more media attention.

So there you have it, I don't agree with the smashing and violence because it draws focus away from the real issues imo.
I thought incandescent bulbs were mostly some kind of noble gas at not much below 1 Bar. :confused:

Yes you're right, but how do you inject something into a less than 1 Bar container without an ingress of gravity forced air,it will destroy the structure.I assume your familiar with light bulbs (incandescent)?can you think of any way to do this?
Total lulz at the idiot the hilariously named uk uncut put up for interview on newsnight. Surely that was a windup. Jesus. Was she fucking stoned?:D

was it our laurie? she tweeted she was on newsnight tonight.

she isn't brilliant at telly, bless her.
Media training might be useful for her, yes. Emily maitliss even went easy on her and she still came out rather badly.
Yes you're right, but how do you inject something into a less than 1 Bar container without an ingress of gravity forced air,it will destroy the structure.I assume your familiar with light bulbs (incandescent)?can you think of any way to do this?

I'm guessing, but I would think that if you put the needle in with the plunger extended far enough to allow enough liquid in to roughly equalise the pressure then that would work fine.

I should probably point out that this is all academic, I expect that the police accounts are total bollocks.
Yes you're right, but how do you inject something into a less than 1 Bar container without an ingress of gravity forced air,it will destroy the structure.I assume your familiar with light bulbs (incandescent)?can you think of any way to do this?

you can't even buy the fucking things these days. and why bother when you can just buy stink bombs, which are also much easier to transport.
I don't want to make anyone poorer. I honestly believe reducing the deficit is going to help stop our economy going down the pan like Portugal.

I agree that we should reduce the deficit. Why not do this through collecting the £123 billion in uncollected taxes instead of attacking the jobs and services which people like your mum and my mum rely upon?

I've had to take a reduction in working hours and a two year pay freeze too, it's not like I'm not feeling some of the pain like everyone else, although thankfully I still have a job.

You're an idiot then - advancing the interests of the wealthiest even though it will cost you. Fool.
I don't want to make anyone poorer. I honestly believe reducing the deficit is going to help stop our economy going down the pan like Portugal. I've had to take a reduction in working hours and a two year pay freeze too, it's not like I'm not feeling some of the pain like everyone else, although thankfully I still have a job.

You have a job for now. Do you think its fair that the general public should take a battering economically when perhaps some of that burden could be relieved by looking at other things such as business?

Why am I even asking? bed o'clock!
They committed aggravated trespass which is a criminal act and got nicked for it. I'm not a fan of the CJA 1994 but I'm still yet to see an evidence of the police suppressing anyone's right to protest. Tricking them into getting nicked was pretty low. Lesson is police lie too.

actually there's no evidence they did commit aggravated trespass, therefore they haven't acted unlawfully, and as such they police had no legal authority to arrest any of them.
Oh ffs. I'm back. Which means you can take your vitriol out on me now too.

Protesting = good.
Regular protesting = better
Breaking stuff - well whats the fucking point. After all, at the end of the day, who pays for it. Thats why I suggested the smoke bombs and transit vans route.

And everyone here has to remember. This is Urban75. There are 60 million houses in the UK. The readership of the Sun is over 3.5 million. The Metro is the 4th biggest circulation newspapeer in the UK. So while you all frot yourselves into a frenzy, remember that 59,500,500 households just look and tut. And I am not saying that as a downer on you guys, but more as a yardstick of how much further we have to go.

When 1 family on every estate in every town turns up, week after week, to say enough is enough - thats when government will listen. When the Middle England finally stop being sucked in by the rhetoric that the Mail on Sunday etc feed them - thats when government will listen.

When some hippies spraypaint Ann Summers cos they are walking past it or someone tries to smash the windows of the National gallery (both from posts in this thread) - no-one, *no-one* who has any semblance of power will give a fuck.

I am as frustrated as most of you, but dont ridicule or slag off dissenters on this thread. Whats the point. You just come over as idealised idiots, so far up your own arse that you are starting to *genuinely* believe that you are more important than others.

We are all in this together. You good folk can be the catalyst for that. And I hope you are. This country is fucked and needs proper, concise, prepared, regular action. People like you are the ones that can do it. And as you do, the scales will drop from others eyes and they will join you. And then we have a mass of people fighting for what is right and fair in this society.

Dont break stuff. Those guys working in Starbucks - are they different to you? No - they are just getting a job to pay off their debts too. The guys in Fortnum and Mason? I doubt they get shares in the company. The police? (and I fucking HATE the police) - they are doing what they are told too, and facing cuts of their own. In essence, all protests so far at at too low a level - why take over a shop when you can take over the head office?

Carry on doing what you are doing - your actions will influence each other, so make sure that you mentor them in the right way.

I've just typed this and not read it through, so its an honest and passionate post about how I feel things should move forwards. People will disagree, people will digress, people will tell me to fuck off etc. But the point is - if you want to change anything, you can only change what is in your control. So changing the governments mind is probably not in our control right now. But.....changing the feelings, thoughts and emotions of the people around you will help to achieve your aim.

And with that, I'm oot for another night.
You have a job for now. Do you think its fair that the general public should take a battering economically when perhaps some of that burden could be relieved by looking at other things such as business?

Why am I even asking? bed o'clock!

I don't see business interests as different from our own though. People work in businesses and we need them to be successful to generate more jobs for people. We also need them to be successful so we can generate more taxation income from them. I think when you tax things too much you take capital our of the productive private sector and place it in the hands of the public sector. I'm not saying the public sector is a bad thing, just that if it grows too large then it becomes unsustainable economically.
I don't see business interests as different from our own though. People work in businesses and we need them to be successful to generate more jobs for people. We also need them to be successful so we can generate more taxation income from them. I think when you tax things too much you take capital our of the productive private sector and place it in the hands of the public sector. I'm not saying the public sector is a bad thing, just that if it grows too large then it becomes unsustainable economically.

Why haven't you answered my earlier post Moon?
I'm guessing, but I would think that if you put the needle in with the plunger extended far enough to allow enough liquid in to roughly equalise the pressure then that would work fine.

I should probably point out that this is all academic, I expect that the police accounts are total bollocks.

The problem is it's a glass structure,you cannot pierce the structure without an equalisation of pressure,it's not a balloon it's a rigid crystalline structure.The only way to do this is with a bulb that is not a partial vacuum from the start,e.g. led trick bulbs that have no vacuum.I'd bet the farm this is complete bollocks.
I'm guessing, but I would think that if you put the needle in with the plunger extended far enough to allow enough liquid in to roughly equalise the pressure then that would work fine.

I should probably point out that this is all academic, I expect that the police accounts are total bollocks.

The problem is it's a glass structure,you cannot pierce the structure without an equalisation of pressure,it's not a balloon it's a rigid crystalline structure.The only way to do this is with a bulb that is not a partial vacuum from the start,e.g. led trick bulbs that have no vacuum.I'd bet the farm this is complete bollocks.
she had to keep it pretty neutral to avoid condemning or condoning the "violence" - I thought she was fine under the cimrcumstances -

She reminded me of the lovely but eccentric cat woman two doors down. Leaving aside the fact she wouldn't even answer a question about whether she agreed with direct action, which she clearly didn't. Bonkers.
The problem is it's a glass structure,you cannot pierce the structure without an equalisation of pressure,it's not a balloon it's a rigid crystalline structure.The only way to do this is with a bulb that is not a partial vacuum from the start,e.g. led trick bulbs that have no vacuum.I'd bet the farm this is complete bollocks.

shut up about lightbulbs! :D
The problem is it's a glass structure,you cannot pierce the structure without an equalisation of pressure,it's not a balloon it's a rigid crystalline structure.The only way to do this is with a bulb that is not a partial vacuum from the start,e.g. led trick bulbs that have no vacuum.I'd bet the farm this is complete bollocks.

I'm not disputing it's bollocks, I'm just talking shit on the interweb about whether it's possible (which I think it might be, although probably stupid and pointless).

My point was that if you have the plunger slightly extended, then when you pierce the housing, the liquid would be pushed in, equalising the pressure.

Which doesn't take away from the pointlessness, stupidity or fiddliness of the whole exercise...
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