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Workers Power have split

there is a new anarchist group that deserves to be incorporated into PD.
it has a 'join us' document that spends 6 PAGES explaining the duties of a member
1. Membership in Collective Action requires agreement to the principles and aims of the
association and a level of commitment to its development.
Members are expected to:
i. Study, understand and agree to the principles and position papers of the
association. Study and understand the reference texts of the association.
ii. Make a financial contribution to the association in the form of a monthly
subscription (or give reasonable excuse why this is not possible).
iii. Participate in the national decision‐making forums of the association as far as
reasonably possible.
iv. Form and co‐ordinate circles where three or more Members and Supporters
are based in a locality.
v. Contribute in some form to the propaganda output of the association,
whether this is administration of the blog, the production of articles, creation
of images or multimedia, maintenance of the website, etc.
vi. Distribute or research channels of distribution for the literature of the
vii. Participate in the strategic orientation of the association both through
activity on a local level and in the development of common approaches
across the association (expressed through the decision‐making forums).
viii. Participate in the collective education and theoretical development of
Members and Supporters.
2. Associate Membership
Supporters who wish to become Members of Collective Action will be required to agree
to a period of “associate membership”. Associate Members are expected to use this
time to gain an understanding of the theory and experiences of tasks within the
association. Associate membership lasts for at least three months from the date that
each application is generally approved. Associates may be accepted as Members at any
point after the initial three month period providing they are able to commit to the
responsibilities listed above. Full Membership is confirmed by forums (this process is
subject to review).
3. Supporters
Where an existing or prospective Member feels they cannot fulfil the membership or
associate membership criteria they are encouraged to become a Supporter. Supporter
status can include a range of activities depending on time and commitment.
At the very least, Supporters are expected to:
i. Study, understand and agree to the principles and position papers of the
association. Study and understand the reference texts of the association.
It is the first principle of Collective Action to encourage membership. We do, however,
accept that this may be a role not suited to some individuals.
4. Subscription Rates
Members (waged) ‐ £10 per month
Members (unwaged) ‐ £5 per month
Supporters ‐ £2 per month
5. Circles
Where three or more Members and Supporters are based in a locality they are expected
to form circles. Circles are the collective orientation of Members and Supporters activity
on a local level. Circles are expected to have a strong understanding of the initiatives
and organisations in their locale and tailor their activity accordingly, as well as carrying
out the policies and membership commitments of the association as a whole.
6. National Decision‐Making Forum
Forums will be convened for the purposes of orientating the practices of the association
on a national basis. Both Members and Supporters can submit motions to forums.
However, Supporters and Associate Members will only be able to express an indicative
vote should they choose to attend. Decisions at forums will be passed by a simple
majority. Forums must involve (either in person or in the form of delegated votes) at
least 1/2 of the association’s membership to be quorate. A forum can choose to
postpone the decision on any motion to the next forum on the basis of a simple majority
A forum is expected to be a place of theoretical development for the association;
therefore time will be devoted to the review of relevant analysis, position papers and
reference texts.
Motions should be circulated to the membership at least a fortnight before a forum with
any amendments at least a week before (co‐ordinated by the secretariat).
Circles may elect a delegate to the forum for the purpose of carrying multiple votes.
Votes are expected to be representative of discussion and deliberation within circles.
Forums may form or elect committees or working groups (accountable to the
membership) for the purposes of carrying out specific tasks in between forums, e.g.
editorial roles.
7. Secretariat
The secretariat is elected and recallable to the collective membership. Secretariat
members should be nominated (in writing) before a forum and then elected on a simple
majority. Any member of the secretariat can be recalled via the same process.
The secretariat is expected to:
i. Oversee the administrative functions of the association in between forums.
ii. Maintain the email address and email lists and deal with
membership/supporter applications accordingly.
iii. Keep a good record of minutes from forums over its term and bring
outstanding tasks to forums.
iv. Schedule and advertise forums, compile an internal bulletin and pre‐circulate
an agenda for forums.
The Secretariat is not expected to express policy or matters of political principle as a part
of its role.
8. Public Voice
Although we cannot expect unanimous agreement on the creative output of the
association, it is expected that articles for the blog and journal, images and other
multimedia, will be published in the spirit of agreement within the association.
Members, who take on the role of administrating the blog, editing the journal, or
managing the website, will aim to circulate items within the membership first. If any
Member voices strong objection in a reasonable time‐frame to any item, it will be put to
discussion at the next forum before publication.
This process may be subject to review as the association grows.
Collective Action can make collective statements on the basis of majority agreement
within the membership. However it is expected that in external communications,
individual Members (and Supporters) will express their views as individuals and not
represent them as being those of the association as a whole.
Members (waged) ‐ £10 per month
Members (unwaged) ‐ £5 per month
Supporters ‐ £2 per month

Bloody hell. They seem like sort of half stalinists half anarchists in terms of what theyre demanding from members!
i should hope that everyone takes the decrees of proletarian democracy in the spirit in which they are meant
i should hope that everyone takes the decrees of proletarian democracy in the spirit in which they are meant

Which is to say, I should hope that everyone takes the decrees of proletarian democracy absolutely sincerely as they not meant to be ironic and/or humorous in any way.
Humour is a frivolous distraction from the proletarian struggle. While the lollards and mockers of urban75 are sitting there laughing away Capital is devising new and more terrible ways to destroy us.
Workers bomb desperately needed here.

Daft debate about the UAF, lasted about 40 minutes in a meeting scheduled to last an hour. It was in preparation for the NUS conference where there were far more important issues to discuss. It was implied that an AWLer was racist (or at least not really antiracist) for opposing a proposed motion for affiliation to UAF. Bang out of order.

bit late, but those goings on sound worse than when I was an NUS hack in the early 90's, and we had the RCP to contend with!
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