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Workers Power have split

Also, "comrade" why did you not mention hairdressers and nail bars and beauty salons, or for that matter a position on the hat question? You speak fine words about the evils of the fashion industry but I notice this doesn't extend to hair or nails :mad:

One Solution! Depilation!
Smooth the path to proletarian victory!
Jonny Favourite argued for cosmetic surgery and tattoo removal to be free on the NHS and in the Workers Power manifesto.Whilst a few Trot diehards argued against it others thought this would be good for some peoples self esteem.

It is hardly suprising the Jonny Favourite argued as he did; he was afterall engaged in a degenerate flirtation with the arch 'fashionists' of Conrad's dry cleaner funded CPGB (PCC)faction. Moreover comrade Step self esteem itself must be broken on the wheel of collective criticism and remade as class pride.

All the best - Louis MacNeice
Proletarian Democracy (Provisional Fruitarian Faction) – Collective Statement 2

Socialism or Barbieism

A choice is facing humanity. It is a straight forward one. On the one hand there is a potentially blissful future built on solidarity, equality and freedom, a future in which care, respect and innovation blossom. While one the other there is what we can already see all too clearly; the burgeoning apocalypse in which increasingly alienated and atomised individuals, turn their gaze inwards in increasingly desperate, destructive and futile attempts to find meaning and fulfilment through their lonely selves.

Faced with this reality the PFF of PD calls for the formation of workers militias to suppress:

All cosmetic surgery (including so called reconstructive surgery which simply reproduces bourgeois concepts of individualised beauty).
All psychotherapy (unless carried out in groups of at least 100 and in full view of the class).
All 'fashion' retailers; Dickies work wear to be made available through all large Co-op stores as a move towards expunging the desire for 'fashion' from the class.
All mirrors; this includes any reflective surface.

Remember comrades the only mirror the working class needs is that of class conscious reflection.

Whilst I agree with the sentiment comrade, I feel I must point out that without mirrors we would not have telescopes to spy the socialist aliens.
Nor would we have mirror balls in nightclubs to enhance our collective experience.

I feel some refinement to this demand is in order.
Whilst I agree with the sentiment comrade, I feel I must point out that without mirrors we would not have telescopes to spy the socialist aliens.
Nor would we have mirror balls in nightclubs to enhance our collective experience.

I feel some refinement to this demand is in order.

Radio telescopes if we have to look for aliens; but seeing as they will necessarily be more advanced than us, and therefore socialist, we should be deferring to their preferred time, place and mode of contact.

As for night clubs...why do you give yourself such airs and graces? The rest of us will be happy with our collective singing of educational and uplifting songs; is this not enough for your rarefied sensibilities?
Take care comrade Tom - Louis MacNeice
Radio telescopes if we have to look for aliens; but seeing as they will necessarily be more advanced than us, and therefore socialist, we should be deferring to their preferred time, place and mode of contact.

As for night clubs...why do you give yourself such airs and graces? The rest of us will be happy with our collective singing of educational and uplifting songs; is this not enough for your rarefied sensibilities?
Take care comrade Tom - Louis MacNeice

I feel all members of our society should take an active role in the search for aliens for cultural reasons, even if it is extremely unlikely that first contact would be made using mirror telescopes.
I consider it excessive to remove our right to search the skies. I would suggest that all mirrors must be licenced and regularly checked to ensure that they are used for their correct and approved purpose.

I take your second point and am humbly shamed for holding on to bourgeois modes of entertainment, I shall seek to improve myself.
Over 5 million people have bought Fallout 3. I'd like to claim all of these people as potential members of Atomic, just like all 100,000 people at Glastonbury are in the anarchist camp.
Atomic - Promoting the Power of the Workers

Atomic is a new group for young people which promotes nuclear power and nuclear war. It is not affiliated to any political party. We are also opposed to capitalism in all its forms.

This year we are organising a sponsored run across the roof of Fukushima's second reactor in order to illustrate the point that nuclear power is actually completely safe and to force the corrupt nuclear bosses to make it less so.
Doesn't PD have any front groups yet? I suggest "Atomic", the friendly social group for those interested in chatting about issues related to the promotion of nuclear power, and nuclear war.

Years ago I had this idea for a joke that I couldn't be bothered to do, which could work here. In response to concerns about the environment, we setup a group called "Campaign for Climate Change Prevention".
I think it needs to use red as its main colour - to symbolise the danger of climate change, and the bloodshed that will occur if we don't act.
I also feel that it should display simpler tools to reflect the need to reduce our energy use by adopting less energy intensive forms of activity, and that this would mostly come from two areas, agriculture and industry. Thus we need an agricultural tool, say a sickle, and an industrial tool - perhaps a hammer - as our logo.

I don't really have the graphic design skills to create such an emblem, but perhaps we can find something suitable out there...


Piledrivers aren't very image friendlyView attachment 18804

Lovely, but I think you need to move the piledriver graphic because it reads "Workers Piled River" to me.
We need a position on the roads, comrades and also to discourage the superstitious "road markings" so beloved of the bourgeoisie. What would really happen if you drove down a motorway the wrong way? Nothing, but that doesn't stop the bourgeoisie and their sickening hypocritical cries of "road safety" when capitalism is more dangerous than any car driving at 90 miles per hour with a flat tyre and black smoke coming out of it.
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