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Workers Power have split

Yeah I'm gonna write one. Seriously. Post-apocalyptic it's gonna be. Fallout New Workers Party (Posadist-Leninist). It's gonna have some Luddites in it too.

That would make a brilliant Fallout 3 mod

The game already has PLA graphics in it!
What a way to go too. They aren't even dissolving in favour of something they think will be better. They are just going their own ways, to do whatever. I'm a little disappointed that they didn't include one last denial of the existence of a world economic crisis though.

Also, there's no attempt to assess their ideas, their record, their impact, or what the point of it all was.
I bet the urban comrades have never had bigger smiles on their faces :D enjoy.

You should resurrect that thread chilango life after the SWP. Perhaps a new one, life after Trotskyism. Seriously.
This is hot off the press:

Workers Power (the original) want some kind of 26 March re-run:

Unite the rival national anticuts campaigns at the People’s Assembly – drawing in
the many local anticuts committees and campaigns. Together we must formulate a
national plan of action. We support the call for a huge demonstration of February 15
2003 proportions to launch mass action.


oh ... and a party to form and lead the working-class - that too :p

Sounds like the privilege those who wear trendy clobber might enjoy. I think it safe to say that I'm at the oppressed end of that particular spoke on the wheel of oppression. Laurie won't write about it cos her and her friends are all fashionistas and that.
Bit of a let down this one on how to have the socialist future if we want it:


Likes Left Unity A LOT, but wants it to TALK ABOUT YOUNG people:

The surge of support for Left Unity – the appeal for a new working class party to fight the cuts – has the potential to make a real difference for millions looking for a party that finally puts their interests first.

Everyone’s talking about uniting the left – uniting revolutionary groups, uniting independent activists, uniting disillusioned Labour party members. This is a welcome step forward.

But no one’s talking about young people.

Wants a revolutionary party cell in every school, leading the movement.

... not to make profit for the millionaires – this is the struggle for socialism. We can bring our own methods, which take the best of the old and new; we can develop our own organisations which defend our right to think through politics for ourselves, develop our own tactics and strategies but fighting every step of the way with our older brothers and sisters and our parents in the working class.

We can have solidarity without subordination. We can build a movement based in the schools and colleges, in the workplaces and amongst the unemployed young families across the world.

We can campaign for a world without racism, war and exploitation, without sexism, inequality, cultural deprivation and the destruction of our environment.

To do this today we will be most effective if we build our own organisations, prepared to work alongside every progressive ally, but reserving to ourselves alone the right to decide for ourselves, by ourselves how we can win socialist liberation for our generation and those to come.

We can do this by building an organisation with revolutionary politics that is created and run by the young people in the schools, colleges and workplaces.

This will transform our radical actions from spontaneous uprisings that all too often miss their target and see others reap all the rewards, into a conscious struggle for the power to change the world – alongside a revolutionary party which spearheads the working class’s struggle for self-emancipation.

So is the revolutionary party to remain within Left Unity or not? :hmm:
Only thing worse than the dreadful Workers Power piece is the smug comments.

This is a belter

I spoke at a public meeting on a council estate with about 100 w class people present – I said I am from a small democratic w class socialist party and how can we help? The other speaker was from I think Workers Power and said exactly the same as the beginning of this post. At the end of the meeting he was chaired on the residents shoulders out of the room and I was shocked! It was only on leaving the buiding that I noticed him climbing out of the nearby skip! (This is a joke). There has never been a socialist society from Trotsky to Lenin to mass murderer Stalin we had top down ‘socialism’ what Rosa Luxemburg I think called a ‘bourgeois dictatorship of the proletariate’ – an elite central committee, secret police etc. perhaps what LU needs to be is grassroots-led, bottom up, democratic, peaceful,socialist and we should stand by working people locally, nationally and internationally. The pure m class SWP and parties like the SP (uncritical Trotskyist sects) and possibly WP seem to believe in the banking concept of political education – all they need to do is deposit their ideas and programme into the heads of the w class then their cadres and elite central committee will lead us all to the promised land! Yet progressive education follows the ideas of Paulo Freire and we engage with people, draw from them and their reality and experiences and work things out TOGETHER. My 3 influences are Paulo Freire, the music of John Lennon and Paul Frolich’s biography of Rosa Luxemburg. Perhaps people need to bring ideas to LU but as someone said perhaps we also need to learn. There is hope!
According to a man on the internet, the mighty Workers Power, brave defenders of the Workers Bomb, and Ukrainian Stalinism, have dissolved.

Truly, the class is now all at sea, without even a raft.
According to a man on the internet, the mighty Workers Power, brave defenders of the Workers Bomb, and Ukrainian Stalinism, have dissolved.

Truly, the class is now all at sea, without even a raft.

will they be auctioning off the british franchise of the fifth international on ebay? i hope at least they will be donating their gestetner to the labour party/
Well, given that the average age of the active members of a significant proportion of UK far-left groups is only going in one direction (steadily up), this is not all that surprising.
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