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Workers Power have split

Note to the blogger comrades: when I hit the Tweet this button on this page http://proletariandemocracy.wordpress.com/2012/04/25/communique-3-650870-am-2/ the dialogue box comes up with text that carries no reference to PD. It's not worth tweeting in that format, can you sort the template out so that it tweets lots of PD refs and hashtags?
Still have no idea what this means. If you want to sort it out, you can have the login. I think there's a twitter problem. Early on the account got suspended, maybe it got reported it as spam or something (by ern?), but it's not showing up in searches and whatnot. Or is it? Anyway.

Proletarian Democracy Backs Boris Johnson For London Mayor.
Clive Dunn is more appropriate figure head. Arthur Lowe was a tory after all.

Stupid boy.
Its not Arthur Lowe it's a character ;Capt Mainwarings drunken brother Barry who was some sort of genial failed entertainer. He told Mainwaring that he was a pompous twit and in doing so became a a cult hero amongst sections of advanced workers . If the Albanians have Norman Wisdom we have Barry Mainwaring.
The blog was viewed in Mali today. Deposed president Amadou Toumani Touré clearly throwing some feelers PDward.
Can we have an Agony Uncle Joe column as well, where Stalin speaks from beyond the grave to solve your personal problems, usually via the medium of denunciations and show trials.
I think there is already an advice stalin meme out there though.

Wilhelm Reich would probably be better , he wrote some cracking stuff on having thicker walls between the bedrooms of lovemaking proletarian youth and adults to cut the noise down so their sexual development wouldn't be hindered.
Harry Roberts should be Honorary President.

Comrades should be expected to recite "Harry Roberts" in the manner of Hari Krishna a la Chumbawamba each morning.
A Proletarian Democracy exclusive:

As the only fighting communist party truly committed to the liberation of the working class in the developing and developed worlds, we are proud to present J.V. Stalin's address to the artillery factory in the Urals from June 1945 for the very first time in Haitian creole.

in installments obviously...
M ap felisite ou, kolektif la nan gason ak fanm travayè yo, travayè Jeni teknik ak anplwaye nan faktori a atiri nan Urals yo, pou viktwa a te yon gwo nan pwodiksyon:ekspòte nan 30,000 Canon; ak pou sa a se faktori a bay lòd la patriotik a lagè - premye degre.

Gras a, Lespri Bondye a, tout vanyan gason inovasyon ak mete a an efè nan yonteknik avanse nan konstriksyon mekanik nan pwodiksyon an nan atiyri, faktori aatiri, "te fonde an jou yo nan Lagè a patriotique, te vin baz la chèf pou ekspòte nanatiyri zam lwen plis pouvwa anpil ak elabore, depase teknik lènmi a, ak ki 'tevanyan sòlda nou Wouj Lame asire viktwa konplè a kont fachis Almay.
Mwen swete w nan lavni an, pandan peryòd la nan konstriksyon lapè, plis siksè nankòz la nan ekspòte nan atiyri zam ak ekipman pou endistri yo chabon-min ak lwil oliv nan peyi nou an.
Proletarian Democracy (Provisional Fruitarian Faction) – Collective Statement 2

Socialism or Barbieism



A choice is facing humanity. It is a straight forward one. On the one hand there is a potentially blissful future built on solidarity, equality and freedom, a future in which care, respect and innovation blossom. While one the other there is what we can already see all too clearly; the burgeoning apocalypse in which increasingly alienated and atomised individuals, turn their gaze inwards in increasingly desperate, destructive and futile attempts to find meaning and fulfilment through their lonely selves.

Faced with this reality the PFF of PD calls for the formation of workers militias to suppress:

All cosmetic surgery (including so called reconstructive surgery which simply reproduces bourgeois concepts of individualised beauty).
All psychotherapy (unless carried out in groups of at least 100 and in full view of the class).
All 'fashion' retailers; Dickies work wear to be made available through all large Co-op stores as a move towards expunging the desire for 'fashion' from the class.
All mirrors; this includes any reflective surface.

Remember comrades the only mirror the working class needs is that of class conscious reflection.
The banning of all clothes except duffel coats and workmen's overalls as a transitional step to the abolition of clothes.
Also, "comrade" why did you not mention hairdressers and nail bars and beauty salons, or for that matter a position on the hat question? You speak fine words about the evils of the fashion industry but I notice this doesn't extend to hair or nails :mad:
Proletarian Democracy (Provisional Fruitarian Faction) – Collective Statement 2

Socialism or Barbieism



A choice is facing humanity. It is a straight forward one. On the one hand there is a potentially blissful future built on solidarity, equality and freedom, a future in which care, respect and innovation blossom. While one the other there is what we can already see all too clearly; the burgeoning apocalypse in which increasingly alienated and atomised individuals, turn their gaze inwards in increasingly desperate, destructive and futile attempts to find meaning and fulfilment through their lonely selves.

Faced with this reality the PFF of PD calls for the formation of workers militias to suppress:

All cosmetic surgery (including so called reconstructive surgery which simply reproduces bourgeois concepts of individualised beauty).
All psychotherapy (unless carried out in groups of at least 100 and in full view of the class).
All 'fashion' retailers; Dickies work wear to be made available through all large Co-op stores as a move towards expunging the desire for 'fashion' from the class.
All mirrors; this includes any reflective surface.

Remember comrades the only mirror the working class needs is that of class conscious reflection.

Jonny Favourite argued for cosmetic surgery and tattoo removal to be free on the NHS and in the Workers Power manifesto.Whilst a few Trot diehards argued against it others thought this would be good for some peoples self esteem.
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