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Workers Power have split

Who used Year zero before him?

I told you, the French did, it being backdated to 1789. And he didn't 'use' it as such, except to make a not very good analogy, whereby instead of a victorious bourgeoisie, casting themselves as being representative of the whole population in destroying an arch-evil ancien regime, the Communist Party was in its place, as the country joined and caught up with the rest of the Communist-ruled world. In this analogy, the 1917 Bolshevik revolutionary model was superimposed upon the old French one.
Did you ever come across a prick called ComradeMan? He's Italian. He was/is still restricted (you know what that means over there).

Yeah, bit of a contrarian from what I remember. You can get restricted on there dead easy though, saying cunt or suggesting that economic immigration isn't necessarily a positive thing is usually enough. Think they do that to get rid of opportunist layers and the parasitic milieu lol
theres some fuckin bizarre shit on revleft. some of them seem to have a real mad vicious hate for the SP. i suppose because of the prison officers thing, which in some respects is understandalbe i spose, but it pales into insignificance compared to North Korea's right to use nuclear weapons. It says something when most of the saner people on the forum seem to be stalinists :facepalm:
Yeah, bit of a contrarian from what I remember. You can get restricted on there dead easy though, saying cunt or suggesting that economic immigration isn't necessarily a positive thing is usually enough. Think they do that to get rid of opportunist layers and the parasitic milieu lol

Yeah. He held a grudge against me because I pwned him a few times. He's a weirdo.
Not saying here. ;)

I used to post in the history and theory forums, mainly, or go to the restricted posters area. I wasted a few afternoons destroying the idiot ComradeMan in epic thread battles, and as a result gathered a small cult following of teenage Maoists in the US (just going through a phase I think) and an Irish girl into the Shining Path. Palingenesis, remember her?

There's Ismail as well. 'Hoxha said...' One of the best was caramelpence, a knowledgeable bloke but didn't last long. He was a returning banned poster.

'Girl' would probably get me restricted over there. SEXIST.
Not saying here. ;)

I used to post in the history and theory forums, mainly, or go to the restricted posters area. I wasted a few afternoons destroying the idiot ComradeMan in epic thread battles, and as a result gathered a small cult following of teenage Maoists in the US (just going through a phase I think) and an Irish girl into the Shining Path. Palingenesis, remember her?

There's Ismail as well. 'Hoxha said...' One of the best was caramelpence, a knowledgeable bloke but didn't last long. He was a returning banned poster.

'Girl' would probably get me restricted over there. SEXIST.

It was a troll thread in the restricted posters area that got me banned. I joined that forum with the best of intentions but got increasingly frustrated with the cringe inducing levels of student wadicalism. In the end I started a thread entitled, 'the working class are superior in every imaginable way', in which I abused every poster who commented (including someone from the CWI lol) until my account was banned - frogwoman will probably remember it. I somehow managed to gain a fan and defender in that thread called redsunrising who was a stark raving bonkers stalinist.

I remember that palingenesis, slightly unhinged but she seemed to know her stuff when it came to Irish history.
There was a general anti-cap meeting in Manchester recently. Some refugees from WP were there. They said that what we really need is a new left wing party :D
oh god i need to go back to that forum lol, too fucking funny. The latest was when they argued that marxists shouldn't support a woman in an irish republican group who'd been tortured or something because they're "against nationalism". Idiots!
bollocks, i seem to have forgotten my password and tried to get it emailed to me (twice) but i havent been emailed yet. Perhaps they've realised I'm a counterrevolutionary lol
Comrades! I have discovered more proof, if proof be needed, that the onion of our Party must shed itself of yet another layer, and must rid itself completely of the petty-bourgeois delusions perpetrated by Comrade Booth and his third-worldist crypto-Maoism, and Comrade MacNeice and his utopianist "sunlightism". If this is not proof of the fact that half-digested within the body of Kentucky Fried Chicken, the best layers of our Marxist onion are yet to be discovered, then I don't know what is.

No to vegetarianism - for a workers' meal deal, costing £2.99 as a transitional stage to the abolition of the wage system!

Comrades! I have discovered more proof, if proof be needed, that the onion of our Party must shed itself of yet another layer, and must rid itself completely of the petty-bourgeois delusions perpetrated by Comrade Booth and his third-worldist crypto-Maoism, and Comrade MacNeice and his utopianist "sunlightism". If this is not proof of the fact that half-digested within the body of Kentucky Fried Chicken, the best layers of our Marxist onion are yet to be discovered, then I don't know what is.

No to vegetarianism - for a workers' meal deal, costing £2.99 as a transitional stage to the abolition of the wage system!


Kremlin Fried Chicken.
something weird's going on with the transparency here - it keeps turning the transparent sections to black instead of white, and it needs resized :(
If I can get my brother-in-law to look at the PD blog, that'll be two page views from Colombia, so you can put us down as the Bogota Branch comrades.

Onwards to global revolution!!
I remember that palingenesis, slightly unhinged but she seemed to know her stuff when it came to Irish history.

She had the best avatar, but unfortunately it's associated with dogmatic, counter-productive authoritarians who gave poor people a choice between abuse and massacre, or abuse and massacre at the hands of their opponents.

theres some fuckin bizarre shit on revleft. some of them seem to have a real mad vicious hate for the SP. i suppose because of the prison officers thing, which in some respects is understandalbe i spose, but it pales into insignificance compared to North Korea's right to use nuclear weapons. It says something when most of the saner people on the forum seem to be stalinists :facepalm:

Understandable ,didn't Nigel Irritable post on there?
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