We can only guess at the opportunism that courses through the veins of the ‘comrades’ who authored the above statement.
What is clear is that the clichéd confusion it displays cannot be allowed to stand unchallenged. It is this task and this task alone that has brought together true comrades for Proletarian Democracy into the Ad -Hoc Committee for Revolutionary Unity (PD-AHCRU).
Our task, from which we will not flinch, is to produce a statement which genuinely speaks to the international working class, explaining the origins and aims of PD.
The refusal of the People’s Commission for the Bright Dawn of Proletarian Democracy (PCBDPD), the Exchange Group (EG) and the Marx Mao Mishima Kojima Path (MMMK), simply provides further objective evidence of their self imposed absence from the movement for human emancipation.
Proletarian Democracy – Ad-Hoc Committee for Revolutionary Unity.
(OPD:CPT), (APD – WB), (PD(P)), (PDPFF)