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Workers Power have split

Some pics thrown up willy nilly up on blog agitprop page. Attention current hegemonic tendency: 'weekend' or not, the 'About' section needs a few words.

The lack of an online 'join PD' area is also a serious oversight. It is preventing the class from massing behind our banner.

Build it. And they will come.
On my phone so I can't post a link, but if your search for @ProletarianDem on twitter you should find it.
Despite the fact that I'm now following, it doesn't appear to come up when searching on twitter, had to link in with the PD website, the capitalist lackeys are obviously running scared of the might of the Proletarian Democracy
Despite the fact that I'm now following, it doesn't appear to come up when searching on twitter, had to link in with the PD website, the capitalist lackeys are obviously running scared of the might of the Proletarian Democracy

Yeah, I'm the same, can't find it in a search, but the direct link works. Odd, presumably a database issue that'll work itself out in the next few days.
The lack of an online 'join PD' area is also a serious oversight. It is preventing the class from massing behind our banner.

Build it. And they will come.
It was no oversight. You have ripped the duvet off the proletarian democratic bed to reveal the soiled sheets of degenerate chilango-ist infantilism and its sordid self-orbiting anti-democratic centralist nucleus, so to speak.
To skip back to a conversation that was going on about 20 pages ago about how someone should make a sitcom set on the left, I discovered today that RTE Radio's Green Tea comedy show does regular sketches featuring Joe Higgins and Clare Daly of the Socialist Party and Richard Boyd Barrett of the SWP and People Before Profit.

Apparently Joe is portrayed as the long-suffering elder statesman who is always having to explain things to Richard, who is portrayed as an excitable child.
To skip back to a conversation that was going on about 20 pages ago about how someone should make a sitcom set on the left, I discovered today that RTE Radio's Green Tea comedy show does regular sketches featuring Joe Higgins and Clare Daly of the Socialist Party and Richard Boyd Barrett of the SWP and People Before Profit.

Apparently Joe is portrayed as the long-suffering elder statesman who is always having to explain things to Richard, who is portrayed as an excitable child.

I think Louis Proyect said it best;

"It is not just that they (comedy writers) must have endured suffering. Their comedy must incorporate socially uplifting messages like in Vitaly Zhdanovsky’s glorious 1936 comedy “The tractor goes missing”."

Quite an interesting article on Sri Lanka from WP, but completely fucking bonkers at the same time, 30 British people making a serious proposal to 5000 members of a split from one of SL's leading parties.

I saw that and re-tweeted it on the PD twitter for the lols. Maybe the true leadership of the proletariat, Proletarian Democracy obviously, should make a proposal too?
The JVP had a failed uprising in the early 1970s with thousands killed, not including their later insurrectionary activity.

Proletarian Democracy needs a set-piece bloodbath.

Quite an interesting article on Sri Lanka from WP, but completely fucking bonkers at the same time, 30 British people making a serious proposal to 5000 members of a split from one of SL's leading parties.

The article is already out of date. The Sri Lankan split from the JVP has now formed the Frontline Socialist Party. Orienting towards them is a pretty sensible thing to do for any activist group in Sri Lanka.
It's April now? or Luxembourg as you call it.

That's what I mean - it's clearly out of date since it uses the bourgeois Julian calendar.

Actually I'm trying to cram 2 months work into 2 days so my head's up my arse at the moment, shouldn't be posting really but it's that boring I have to distract myself occasionally or I'll go insane.
On the blog's halfarsed about section.
We can only guess at the opportunism that courses through the veins of the ‘comrades’ who authored the above statement.

What is clear is that the clichéd confusion it displays cannot be allowed to stand unchallenged. It is this task and this task alone that has brought together true comrades for Proletarian Democracy into the Ad -Hoc Committee for Revolutionary Unity (PD-AHCRU).

Our task, from which we will not flinch, is to produce a statement which genuinely speaks to the international working class, explaining the origins and aims of PD.

The refusal of the People’s Commission for the Bright Dawn of Proletarian Democracy (PCBDPD), the Exchange Group (EG) and the Marx Mao Mishima Kojima Path (MMMK), simply provides further objective evidence of their self imposed absence from the movement for human emancipation.

Proletarian Democracy – Ad-Hoc Committee for Revolutionary Unity.
(OPD:CPT), (APD – WB), (PD(P)), (PDPFF)
Louis? :D

The ultimate aim of PD (apart from the emancipation of the international proletariat obviously) has to be Despatches doing a program about how we're secretly trying to overthrow the state or something.
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