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Workers Power have split

Ironically, this thread is an example of mutual indulgent left-wing masturbation at it's purest.

Now where did I put that sock?
12500 views tells its own story. The blog has been viewed in Germany and the US today. Hopefully the Singaporean comrade will return over the weekend.
I'm pretty sure if we get more than one view from a location we can count it as a branch. That's the usual method, right?
I think we can assume that the number of thread and blog views will continue to increase at this rate so I see no reason not to claim that this is most successful trotskyite sect ever.

@ProletarianDem on the twitter machine. PM for login.
When will a badge/t shirt be available? Also has anyone got one of those plastic things for keeping copied of P Bugle dry on a sale?
Proletarian Democracy – Exchange Group

Founding statement

It must be obvious to anyone observing the activity of Proletarian Democracy (PD) that we are currently riven with debilitating factionalism. One glance at the alphabet soup of would be vanguards provides evidence enough:

Official Proletarian Democracy: Committee for the Proletarianisation of Time(OPD:CPT)

Advanced Proletarian Democracy for The Workers' Bomb (APD – WB)

People's Commission for the Bright Dawn of Proletarian Democracy (PCBDPD)

Proletarian Democracy (Posadist) (PD(P))

Proletarian Democracy (Provisional Fruitarian Faction) (PDPFF)

Marx Mao Mishima Kojima Path (MMMK)

It is in opposition to this factionalism that we declare the formation of the Exchange Group (EG).

We only exist to facilitate dialogue, clarification and reconciliation in the currently divided ranks of PD. We will only exist for as long as such dialogue, clarification and reconciliation are needed.

As such the Exchange Group must be understood not as another competing faction within PD, but rather as the means of moving beyond such factions and factionalism; in this, it is objectively at the leading edge of the advanced workers massing under the banner of Proletarian Democracy.

The first act of the Exchange Group is to invite all genuine Proletarian Democrats to submit for discussion, their theses on the defining principles of Proletarian Democracy as the highest expression of the historic project of communism.

Proletarian Democracy – Exchange Group
(70/02/51 AC)
We in PD have no truck with bourgeois "plastic sheeting". Anyone not willing to remove a section of their own skin to use to cover their papers in the event of rain is frankly unworthy of calling themselves a comrade.
We in PD have no truck with bourgeois "plastic sheeting". Anyone not willing to remove a section of their own skin to use to cover their papers in the event of rain is frankly unworthy of calling themselves a comrade.
We used to think that anyone who covered their papers in anything was a right deviationist
Are you hinting that your friendship with this all powerful, faceless bureaucrat makes you the best person to write the letter introducing PD to the millions of proletarians who hang on the every word of the Weekly Worker Geoff? If so I agree.
I have an excellent plan for taking PD to the working class: an internet intervention. Anyone who takes an interest in the real movement for proletarian democracy should PM me, since this needs to be done out of the range of prying eyes.
Well, in that case in order to atone for your bourgeois individualist "bragging" I think you should write the letter regardless.
Some pics thrown up willy nilly up on blog agitprop page. Attention current hegemonic tendency: 'weekend' or not, the 'About' section needs a few words.
Why should any form of cover for the papers be necessary? The words of Marx, Lenin, Trotsky and Posadas should stand on their own regardless of whether it rains or not. The tried and tested Marxist analysis should stand the test of any kind of weather Capital may throw at us. Did you not read our latest internal document where it was agreed by the Central Committee to reject the bourgeois use of raincoats and umbrellas in the event of bad weather, and use our papers as a literal Marxist shield. They are a2 size (or are if you're not in the parasitic swamp) so it should work!

No to umbrellas - for a workers' rain cover! As the paper defends our comrades against rain, snow and hail, so it will be the only umbrella worthy of keeping us dry in the final storms of capitalist decay!
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