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Workers Power have split

this is what happens, comrades, once the scourge of counter-revolutionary Onanism has penetrated our ranks. These wanking jokes distract us from our vital task of reforging the Seventh International as envisioned by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky and Posadas. How are we supposed to reach out to the backward layers of the proletariat once everyone is standing there wanking.
We definitely need to put all this on a blog or website or summat, it's too good to lose. Shame I can't be arsed really otherwise I'd do it :(
Am I the only member of Official Proletarian Democracy: Committee for the Proletarianisation of Time? If so I am willing to merge with whichever other splinter group has the most lasses in it.
There's (at least) three different running jokes on here now.

1/ Workers Power split memes
2/ Trot/lefty memes in general
3/ Retro - Workers Powers middle-aged section
4/ Proletarian Democracy

We definitely need to put all this on a blog or website or summat, it's too good to lose. Shame I can't be arsed really otherwise I'd do it :(

If someone wants to register a wordpress blog for PD and pm anyone interested the login it'd be easy enough. I'll happily do the layout and design for it.
I don't know how unfortunately :( Hopefully someone will be able to do it, this is too good to be confined to this thread. We need to a serious web presence to take this to the working class!
I don't know how unfortunately :( Hopefully someone will be able to do it, this is too good to be confined to this thread. We need to a serious web presence to take this to the working class!

You (not necessarily you, but anyone) need to create an email address (hotmail, gmail etc. for PD, e.g. [email protected])

https://accounts.google.com/SignUp?service=mail&continue=https://mail.google.com/mail/&ltmpl=default and

then use that to register a blog at wordpress.com.


it's dead easy, and reasonably quick and painless. But less fun for me than dicking about in photoshop and is a bit of a pain for me as I need to stay logged into my accounts.
i'll do it, give me five minutes to register stuff and I'll start a pm convo

e2a: noooooo someone already has [email protected] now I need to apply thought!

e2a 2: turns out I can't send a gmail verification code to my mobile phone as I've setup too many accounts :( off to yahoo... unless anyone can suggest anywhere better?
this is what happens, comrades, once the scourge of counter-revolutionary Onanism has penetrated our ranks. These wanking jokes distract us from our vital task of reforging the Seventh International as envisioned by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky and Posadas. How are we supposed to reach out to the backward layers of the proletariat once everyone is standing there wanking.

No doubt the Pathological Onanists of the Advanced Proletarian Democracy for The Workers' Bomb, represented here by Chief Onanist Comrade Frogwoman, head of their secret entryist faction, would like to reforge a 7th International rather than accept the generous offer put forth by the MMMK path to form a new Provisional Committee for the formation of a Proletarian Internernational. Our modest proposals would see the MMMK become the international section of Proletarian Democracy in the global south. No doubt they, the traitorous Advanced Proletarian Democracy for The Workers' Bomb, would see to it that the priviliged layers of european proletarians keep their wealth and positions of power intact at the expense of the millions, nay billions throughout the 3rd world who are turning to the MMMK path. No doubt they would use this position to continue their onanistic ways at the expense of the countless hungry children we defend with our lives!

We remain loyal to the Proletarian Democracy, and indeed our tendency, our path, shows the way forward in avoiding such splits and ill-disciplined hedonistic masturbation frenzies in the future. Consider the fact the average Advanced Proletarian Democracy for The Workers' Bomb member expells more protein from the end of their disease-ridden phallus's than the average family in the global south gets to eat in a year, the only way to end this madness is to embrace the MMMK path!

Am I the only member of Official Proletarian Democracy: Committee for the Proletarianisation of Time? If so I am willing to merge with whichever other splinter group has the most lasses in it.

Indeed that would appear to be the case comrade, no doubt you prefer your isolation so as to indulge in your petit-bourgeosis individualist onanism, whereas we in the MMMK believe that onanism is a collective struggle, where we must all pull together!

Myself and Comrade RedNaylor on the other hand sit atop a committee of third world revolutionaries so disciplined that they will kill on our command. Their numbers are so great they are beyond counting thus are referred to simply as The Multitude. As of this time only two of our many comrades have access to the bourgeosis western "internet" in order to co-ordinate with our comrades in Proletarian Democracy, however at a time of our choosing we will unleash this force which will break against the bureactratically degenerated institutionally conservative leadership of Proletarian Democracy like waves upon the shore!! Unlike your splitting group of heretical revisionists and conscience stricken liberals we still remain loyal to the Proletarian Democracy movement, and thusly we have submitted a discussion paper to the CC of Proletarian Democracy outlining how the scourge of individual onanism can be eradicated by following a strict diet of cornflakes and milk, extracted from the breasts of counter-revolutionary female prisoners.
What are you talking about? We're not an entryist faction, how could we be when we have upheld the spirit of true Trotskyism since 1945, and how hypocritical of you, comrade, to denounce entryism when it worked so well for you in the past? Did you not claim that you were merely an "aesthetic"? And splits are the only way in which we will peel away the parasitical layers of the Party. The more splits, in fact, the better - it is vital that the struggle against the bourgeoisie, the lumpen and the labour aristocracy, and all of their reformist and ultra-left lackeys, be replicated and practiced in the Party - a sort of "mock test" if you will, in preperation for the final exam where the working class will attain the ultimate grade of overthrowing Capital. Practice makes perfect and it is only by practicing struggle through splits that we will ever achieve the perfection of Socialism.

Do you agree, comrade? Or will you sacrifice the principle of class struggle through constant splits on the altar of opportunist workerism?
Their numbers are so great they are beyond counting thus are referred to simply as The Multitude.

Have you tried using your toes as well as your fingers?

(The above demonstrates that, whilst the MMMK's sectarianism makes it impossible for them to work with others in the proletarian movement, we in Official Workers' Democracy: Committee for the Proletarianisation of Time are willing to put the movement ahead of our sectional party interests. The offer of a merger still stands for any splinter with lasses in it)
What are you talking about? We're not an entryist faction, how could we be when we have upheld the spirit of true Trotskyism since 1945, and how hypocritical of you, comrade, to denounce entryism when it worked so well for you in the past? Did you not claim that you were merely an "aesthetic"? And splits are the only way in which we will peel away the parasitical layers of the Party. The more splits, in fact, the better - it is vital that the struggle against the bourgeoisie, the lumpen and the labour aristocracy, and all of their reformist and ultra-left lackeys, be replicated and practiced in the Party - a sort of "mock test" if you will, in preperation for the final exam where the working class will attain the ultimate grade of overthrowing Capital. Practice makes perfect and it is only by practicing struggle through splits that we will ever achieve the perfection of Socialism.

Do you agree, comrade? Or will you sacrifice the principle of class struggle through constant splits on the altar of opportunist workerism?

Advanced Proletarian Democracy for The Workers' Bomb claim to be a permanent "external" faction of Proletarian Democracy founded by Ex-Comrade Krink however as your communique's have proven you remained within Proletarian Democracy, whilst also having joint membership of Advanced Proletarian Democracy for The Workers' Bomb, in order to co-ordinate the infiltration and occupation of key bureaucratic positions as a trojan horse, a virus at the heart of the party, a cell ready to turn malignant and destroy the advancement of Proletarian Democracy so that the corrupted layers under the control of Krink "the Crank" can depose the leadership and have a counter-revolutionary coup! This plot has been exposed for all to see and now the task of dispensing summary justice should be our primary priority!

This has been done to prevent the Multitude of MMMK supporters in the global south from being able to participate fully, as is their right, as loyal members of Proletarian Democracy, from exercising the full extent of their power. No doubt they pose a threat to the habits and priviliges enjoyed by Krink's Crankish Comrades!

People's Commission for the Bright Dawn of Proletarian Democracy (PCBDPD) on the other hand are merely a rival faction, not worthy of serious consideration, who's sole intent is to compete with the MMMK path for the position of being the true vanguard of the revolutionary 3rd world proletariat, founded by Ex-comrade Louis MacNeice. Their pitiful attempts to draw people away from the MMMK path are met with incredulity and dismay by the Multitude, who prefer to sustain themselves not on counter-revolutionary labourist "Sunlight" but by eating kulaks.

Your claims to being true to the legacy of Trotsky and his successor Posadas are easy to dismiss! Of course we are not an entryist group, we are simply an Aesthetic as Comrade RedNaylor, my spiritual leader in the MMMK path, will no doubt able to demonstrate should he decide, in His wisdom, to grace you with a reply. In the meantime know only that we fully uphold the virtues of Posadas and the Workers Bomb, unlike Advanced Proletarian Democracy for The Workers' Bomb, or should I say Wankers Bomb, who would argue that the splits and discontent they have cynically spread within in our ranks is merely a test-case for future proletarian struggle! Ha! Diversionary tactics once again I see!

Have you tried using your toes as well as your fingers?

(The above demonstrates that, whilst the MMMK's sectarianism makes it impossible for them to work with others in the proletarian movement, we in Official Workers' Democracy: Committee for the Proletarianisation of Time are willing to put the movement ahead of our sectional party interests. The offer of a merger still stands for any splinter with lasses in it)

We all know what your "sectional party interests" are comrade ;) We obtained a copy of your yearly "perspectives" document however we couldn't read past the introductory chapter as all the pages were stuck together. We reject your offer of a merger!
The Proletarian Democracy blog has had 9 views already, which I think is probably more exposure than Workers' Power have had in their lifetime, and there's not even anything on there yet :D
Your denunciation of our methods demonstrates you are not fit to lead the working class and are making a mockery of democratic centralism. If you cannot countenance the thought of even one split under favourable material conditions, what hope do you have of surviving the thousands and thousands of splits which will take place in the proletarian milieu under a counter-revolutionary, reactionary assault by the bourgeoisie, screws, cops, and other running dogs of Imperialism. During the coming period we will be severely tested and it is essential that we arm ourselves. What better way to do that than preparing the ground by fighting an internal factional struggle and provoking split after split which will drive away all but the most loyal cadres.

Your weakness and inability to stomach the thought of even a few splits betrays the fact that you have abandoned the working class in place of vanguardist substitutionism.
Hey frogwoman, you're a lass and I bet there's other lasses in your sect too. We could merge, and the inevitable tensions that would come out of that would lead to yet more splits, providing the grindstone against which we will sharpen our analysis and perfect the leadership of the proletariat!
People's Commission for the Bright Dawn of Proletarian Democracy (PCBDPD) on the other hand are merely a rival faction, not worthy of serious consideration, who's sole intent is to compete with the MMMK path for the position of being the true vanguard of the revolutionary 3rd world proletariat, founded by Ex-comrade Louis MacNeice. Their pitiful attempts to draw people away from the MMMK path are met with incredulity and dismay by the Multitude, who prefer to sustain themselves not on counter-revolutionary labourist "Sunlight" but by eating kulaks.

Communiqué 3
59/08/70 (AM)

The slide of erstwhile comrade Booth into the cesspit of bourgeois idealist individualism is now complete.

The international proletariat, if it is to fulfil its historic emancipatory mission for all humanity, does not need to look to some revisionist abstraction of 'Sunlight', the stuff of Booth's degenerate imaginings. Rather it is the life giving actuality of real sunshine that will sustain the workers of the world as we strive together to build our communist future.

If Booths', and by association his plaything, the so called MMMK's idealism were not sufficient evidence and condemnation of his capitalistic back sliding, he and they are equally accused and found guilty of poisonous individualism, by dint of his infantile name calling attack on Louis MacNeice. It is obvious to the world proletariat, and would be obvious to Booth and his phantom MMMK if they weren't so totally and irrevocably lost to the cause of interactional communist revolution, that we have moved beyond the decrepit moribund forms of bourgeois naming.

No to names - forward to the collective will!

No to food and drink - on into the sustaining light!

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