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Workers Power have split

The "masses" of Europe are merely capitalist lackey's, whose bloated stomach's contain enough food to feed the billions of masses in the revolutionary global south for a generation! We shall take no lessons from the apologists and running dogs of the hopelessly priviliged and imperialist-by-proxy charlatans of the so-called european "proletariat!"

5 penalty points for not using the term labour aristocrat. (I got called that and a workerist on revleft lol)
The "masses" of Europe are merely capitalist lackey's, whose bloated stomach's contain enough food to feed the billions of masses in the revolutionary global south for a generation! We shall take no lessons from the apologists and running dogs of the hopelessly priviliged and imperialist-by-proxy charlatans of the so-called european "proletariat!"

But how else, other by uniting the workers of Sellafield around our Marxist banner, are we to gain access to the workers' bomb? Your utopian third-worldist ultra-left fantasies do you no favours. You represent a backward layer of our party that should have been sorted out during the previous splits.
*starts circulating pamphlet outlining how bankers and estate agents are in fact wage-labourers who are denied access to the means of production and distribution, economically degraded to entrepreneur status and therefore proletarian and hence the only groups with genuine revolutionary potential in conditions of late capitalism*
I have to say that I'm not very happy with the way that PD seems to have capitulated to Maoist degenerated workers statism. Have you heard of a man called Trotsky? It would seem not :mad:
Sends documents acquired through FOI requests round the Official Proletarian Democracy: Committee for the Proletarianisation of Time email list that show co-op is a CIA operative with links to the MI5.
But how else, other by uniting the workers of Sellafield around our Marxist banner, are we to gain access to the workers' bomb? Your utopian third-worldist ultra-left fantasies do you no favours. You represent a backward layer of our party that should have been sorted out during the previous splits.

Once again we see the true colours of the first world Proletarian movement reveal themselves when subject to the piercing and all-penetrating light of the MMMK path. Our only regret regarding Sellafield is that Comrade Benn* didn't march the troops over those incalcitrant strikers when he had the chance! The rotting corpses of the counter-revolutionary vulgar posadists who make nuclear weapons designed purely to institutionalise and entrench global capitalist hegemony will make excellent fertilizer for those who toil in the fields of the global south! No doubt the food grown from this glorious act will taste even sweeter in the mouths of the exploited multitude as a result of it being grown with the corpses of the counter-revolutionaries we have put to the sword!

We can see here how the splitters of the Advanced Proletarian Democracy for The Workers' Bomb have secretly infiltrated the upper echelons of Proletarian Democracy to such an extent our comradely calls for the institution of a Provisional Committee for the formation of a Proletarian Internernational have fallen upon deaf ears! We are not a layer, we are an Aesthetic no doubt the brainwashing and ritual sleep deprivation techniques implied by your no doubt state sponsored infiltration group have made it impossible for you to reflect truthfully and critically upon the objective material conditions of 3rd world revolutionary potential!

* who as a minor aristocrat will of course be liquidated come the glorious revolution
Sends documents acquired through FOI requests round the Official Proletarian Democracy: Committee for the Proletarianisation of Time email list that show co-op is a CIA operative with links to the MI5.

*circulates pamphlet arguing that that Information is the new Capital, creating, as it does, the ideological Hegemony without which the transmission of Capital would be rendered impossible by workers resistance, that State Information-Workers are the only truly politicised faction of the proletariat, that the CIA and MI5 are proto-revolutionary governing bodies, and that anyway SpineyNorman is a fucking wanker*
Look at how far ultra-leftist Maoism has fermented degeneration and decomposition in our ranks and look at how this bourgeois deviation has affected the splitters once they left our organisation. If you want a study in the poisonous nature of opportunism in the workers' movement then this is surely it. First you denounce the workers' revolutionary potential and then you abandon the founding principle of our Party, the workers' bomb. You spit on the legacy of J.A. Posadas, possibly the greatest revolutionary the class has ever known apart from Trotsky himself. What's next? Saying Kronstadt was a bad idea?
We reject utterly the malicious state-sponsored smear campaigned waged by the as yet secret faction operating within Proletarian Democracy that accuse us of rejecting the tactics of Posadas, the man Trotsky could've been, and return this accusation by saying it is YOU who have betrayed the legacy of the great Posadas, by supporting the Sellafield 3rd World Holocaust Planning Committee (to give it it's proper title) instead of supporting the regime in North Korea who, as we speak, are developing Workers Bomb's with such regularity that it exposes the workers of sellafield for being the unproductive, lazy, priviliged and bourgeosis parasites they truly are!

We claim it is impossible for a workers bomb to be built by the hands of priviliged first world imperialist-enablers, who become obese and reformist by hoovering up the fruits of the labour that come from the oppresssed multitude of the 3rd world!

We challenge the Advanced Proletarian Democracy for The Workers' Bomb entryist layers to reveal themselves and participate in an open debate at the the summer school of the MMMK path, taking place in Pyonyang 4 Lenin's and a Trotsky's time from now. At this event we will be launching a Proto-Provisional Committee for the formation of a Proletarian Internernational so that we, along with the remaining loyal members of the Proletarian Democracy party, can put to rest the degeneration taking place within our ranks!

Long Live Posadas!
It was a Workers Wank - a Proletarian Pull, make an exception.

What you're saying is that if we al pull together we'd be able to have a collective wank, that would break the confines of onanistic individualism that currently prevent true revolutionaries from indulging in said activity?
Ironically, this thread is an example of mutual indulgent left-wing masturbation at it's purest.

Now where did I put that sock?
As Marx himself said, “Philosophy and the study of the actual world have the same relation to one another as masturbation and sexual love." (The German Ideology).

*sucks pipe sagely*
That's the best thing I've ever seen Chilango and I'll love you for the rest of your life if you somehow make that into a poster I can buy and put on my wall
That's the best thing I've ever seen Chilango and I'll love you for the rest of your life if you somehow make that into a poster I can buy and put on my wall

the source images are probably a bit small for decent printing, but help yourself to the slightly bigger of the two jpegs and see how it prints
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