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Workers Power have split

I actually think the World Socialist Web Site were first out of the gate with 9/11 conspiracy stuff - I mean a day or so after the event.
I can't remember the name of the group represented by VN Gelis (don't say Aphrodite's Child) but they (he?) often sound like conspiraloons.
Plant Liberation.

The bourgeois, reformist, ultra-left, stalinist, "trotskyist" opportunist, parasitic "left" with its craven capitualtion to bourgeois morality, has utterly ignored our greatest allies in the struggle for working class liberation in its endless oppotunism and capitulation to the interests of bourgeois social democratic trades unions. This exemplified in the posts in this cess-pit of bourgeoise "humour" about cats and dogs, not to mention people, who mercilessly exploit the plant world.

Our party, the party which truly represents the proletarian milieu must rise up against the oppression of the plant kingdom and create a vanguard against Capital which will stop plants being exploited for their leaves, their fruits, and photosynthesis, and in so doing plant the seeds of a new society. No longer will the lumpen elements of the working class rely on carrots, potatoes and other plants for their nutrition as the current bourgeoisie force them to do.

We say:

No to plant exploitation and capitalist crop-growing!
No to favouring animal companions against plant companions!
Solidarity with the exploited and the oppressed. Against "weedkillers" and all other forms of plant genocide!
For a workers' state which codifies into law the principles of the Atkins Diet, as a transitional stage to the abolition of all natural food!
Join Proletarian Democracy today!

In solidarity with our plant brothers and sisters who freely share with us their bounty, we denounce the reformist faint hearts huddled under the petite bourgeois banner of 'plant liberation'.

In the name of the international proletariat we reject their opportunist pandering to one fraction of capitalist agri-business rather than another; it is not the place of genuine Proletarian Democracy to choose between would be executioners.

Accordingly we announce the formation Proletarian Democracy (Provisional Fruitarian Faction) - Long Live the PDPFF

Fantastic stuff chilango. If anyone is fucked enough to bother, maybe put the pics up together somewhere. The last time something like this was done here (lolsheviks) it got nicked and a load of idiots put up lots of shit and unfunny pics on flickr and the like.
Surely you need to mention the plight of Lesbian Mongolian Spastics in the document of this new group?

The Khrushchev-Brezhnevite revisionism of Tsedenbal has made a mockery of the Socialist achievements of Lesbian Spastics in the MPR.

In better, happier times:

I have to admit Comrades that I am disappointed by the lack of promotion PD is getting on Rev Left.

Build the Party! Sell the Paper! (when we make it)

Every member of PD should commit to making at least 3 social media interventions!

There's never been a better time to be a fake left sect!

Onwards and Leftwards!
We reject chilango's comprador opportunism. Build the Paper! Sell the Party! Cushy parliamentary internships for all by 2014!
Long Live the Brilliant Comrade!

The RNCPGBML has come under fire recently from unlikely sources, ranging from the ultra-revisionist CPB to the now fully Trotskyite embracing ‘CPGB-ML’ for its shoulder to shoulder solidarity with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. It seems there are some, labelling themselves ‘communist’, who seem embarrassed by the appointment of the Brilliant Comrade Kim Jong-un to the National Defence Commission of the DPRK.

For us in the RNCPGBML there is no embarrassment. The Brilliant Comrade is an example to us all, together with Generalissimo Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong-un is leading the struggle against imperialism on the Korean peninsula.

Whatever the criticisms these microscopic Chernenkite-Wałęsaist maggots have of the government of the DPRK, forever on their ‘blogs’ and ‘websites’, we ask these so called ‘communists’ to respect democracy. The Korean people have spoken and we must respect that right. Unimaginably as it seems, should the Korean workers wish to voice their disillusionment, they have the right, indeed the duty, to express this democratically through the ballot box.

Some might wonder why they have not chosen to do so. For us in the RNCPGBML, we say…

The major errors of chilango-ism, a digest:

a) He takes a severely retrogressive stance on the question of Third World liberation movements;
b) He has a laughably nugatory understanding of the application of fluid dialectics in a pre-revolutionary upswing;
c) He monopolised chat time with the only lass ever to attend our meetings.
The major errors of chilango-ism, a digest:

a) He takes a severely retrogressive stance on the question of Third World liberation movements;
b) He has a laughably nugatory understanding of the application of fluid dialectics in a pre-revolutionary upswing;
c) He monopolised chat time with the only lass ever to attend our meetings.

Sadly, your use of racist terminology such as "third-world" shows that your support for the Peoples' War in Cornwall is half-hearted.

The other charges, I hang my head and fully admit. I am willing to make a full public self-denunciation.
Sadly, your use of racist terminology such as "third-world" shows that your support for the Peoples' War in Cornwall is half-hearted.

The other charges, I hang my head and fully admit. I am willing to make a full public self-denunciation.
And that this lass woman comrade was from Cornawall has in no way influenced you crass oportunism? :mad:
I think we should set up one of them free blogs for Proletarian Democracy and upload everything on to it. I won't be able to do it on account of being a lazy bastard but it deffo needs doing.
The major errors of chilango-ism, a digest:

a) He takes a severely retrogressive stance on the question of Third World liberation movements;
b) He has a laughably nugatory understanding of the application of fluid dialectics in a pre-revolutionary upswing;
c) He monopolised chat time with the only lass ever to attend our meetings.

Perhaps Chilango should be educated into the ways of the MARX-MAO-MISHIMA-KOJIMA PATH in order to rid him of these priviliged, first-world delusions?
Perhaps Chilango should be educated into the ways of the MARX-MAO-MISHIMA-KOJIMA PATH in order to rid him of these priviliged, first-world delusions?
Unlike the poseur chilango, I have spent a weekendpicking cocoa in the People's Free Republic of Kleptomania, which has given me a deep insight into the struggles of our brethren and sistren in the global south. Plus, the duty free rum was very cheap.
I think we should set up one of them free blogs for Proletarian Democracy and upload everything on to it. I won't be able to do it on account of being a lazy bastard but it deffo needs doing.
I'm knee deep in seven shades of shit at the coalface of proletarian struggle (destroyed a laptop with coffee and botched a desktop ram upgrade) and have no time at present for such bureaucratic trifles.
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