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Workers Power have split

That's reminded me, we need a really strange and unexpected position in imperialism. The AWL have the pro-Israel bit sewn up. We can't be pro-North Korea cos there's already loads of nutty groups doing that. What about being pro-Ulster Unionism? Maybe a United Front with the UVF or summat?

Or alternatively we could recongnise Cornwall's right to national self-determination?

Fuck that.

Cornish stuff is covered already
discokemit, I raise my fist in the air to that. Dudley Zoo and Castle to be the glorious seat of the new Workers' Soviet Committee. Let the spiritual home of the industrial revolution become the temporal launching pad of the revolution to come!

Alternatively, long live Canadian unity and down with Quebecois separatism.
I've fucking got it! End the British Imperialist occupation of Sheffield! For a Democratic Peoples' Republic of South Yorkshire!

If this isn't part of either our manifesto or constitution me and my faction (that's me, our lass - though she doesn't know about it yet, and the dog) will split to form Real Proletarian Democracy, Committee for an independent workers' Sheffield.
Can the Black Country and South Yorkshire secede together or would you need to build socialism in one county first?
Break up of England in general? Cornwall, Lancashire, Northumberland, Yorkshire.

Couldn't have an independent london though. It would be too powerful. Have to divide it like Berlin.
I would type 'yes! for the rebuilding of the Berlin Wall!' but I'm worryingly sure it's not fringe enough.
discokemit, I raise my fist in the air to that. Dudley Zoo and Castle to be the glorious seat of the new Workers' Soviet Committee. Let the spiritual home of the industrial revolution become the temporal launching pad of the revolution to come!
the first of the industrial working class will lead the way again. gie it sum ommer. bostin.
Dont' some left groups still have the off the wall idea that China isn't capitalist and some kind of "deformed workers state"?

I think Cornwall Independence is actually a genuine group. There is a Cornwall language I think.
We could form a Federation. Obviously until the Civil war against pro-imperialist elements is won power would have to be concentrated in Sheffield Town Hall, just so we can more effectively direct our forces you understand. The Black Country will be granted full autonomy once the civil war is over though, honest!
We could form a Federation. Obviously until the Civil war against pro-imperialist elements is won power would have to be concentrated in Sheffield Town Hall, just so we can more effectively direct our forces you understand. The Black Country will be granted full autonomy once the civil war is over though, honest!

Dont' some left groups still have the off the wall idea that China isn't capitalist and some kind of "deformed workers state"?

I think Cornwall Independence is actually a genuine group. There is a Cornwall language I think.

Nonsense. Cornish is made up, they just use it to confuse non-locals. Like Welsh.
We could form a Federation. Obviously until the Civil war against pro-imperialist elements is won power would have to be concentrated in Sheffield Town Hall, just so we can more effectively direct our forces you understand. The Black Country will be granted full autonomy once the civil war is over though, honest!
pfft. stagism?
Break up of England in general? Cornwall, Lancashire, Northumberland, Yorkshire.

Couldn't have an independent london though. It would be too powerful. Have to divide it like Berlin.

Plus I think the Home Counties probably need a dose of the workers' bomb. That's basically the seat of bourgeois/monarchist imperialism in Britain and beyond redemption.

We could also adopt Taffboy's daft idea that the domination of finance capital means we've moved back into feudalism. Obviously we'd have to use long words to explain why to give the impression of theoretical rigour and that.
I think we should have a minimum dead number post-revolution. Help us get in the papers too.

I've always advocated 5% would have to be killed.
  • All Lib Dem senior members
  • All tory party members
  • All aristocracy
  • Monarchy
  • All past and serving police
  • All officers in army
  • All members of fascist parties
  • All members of racist organisations
  • Scabs
  • Every member of the ruling class (10,000 I'd say)
  • General counter-revolutionaries.
I think we should have a minimum dead number post-revolution. Help us get in the papers too.

I've always advocated 5% would have to be killed.
  • All Lib Dem senior members
  • All tory party members
  • All aristocracy
  • Monarchy
  • All past and serving police
  • All officers in army
  • All members of fascist parties
  • All members of racist organisations
  • Scabs
  • Every member of the ruling class (10,000 I'd say)
  • General counter-revolutionaries.

Can we add hippies to that? If not I feel another split coming on!
are you saying that shooting tories would be demoralising? i think we should raffle off places in the firing squad.

Personally I think shooting's ok so long as you don't try and do more than 2 with each bullet. Any more than that and the last ones might not die, then you have to stamp them to death with your boots and might walk brains into the house when you get home.
I think we should have a minimum dead number post-revolution. Help us get in the papers too.

I've always advocated 5% would have to be killed.
  • All Lib Dem senior members
  • All tory party members
  • All aristocracy
  • Monarchy
  • All past and serving police
  • All officers in army
  • All members of fascist parties
  • All members of racist organisations
  • Scabs
  • Every member of the ruling class (10,000 I'd say)
  • General counter-revolutionaries.

You missed of Bailiffs.
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