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Workers Power have split

No. Most other lefties don't like "trots" because Trotskyist groups, believe it or not, are the biggest and most successful thing left on the far left, and some of those people who are out organised by them, have no remaining political home of their own, or are in even smaller and less relevant groups (like the Anarchist ones) consequently resent that.

Also, quite a few people have more personal reasons to resent one or other Trotskyist group, usually the SWP.

I ask this question, or variations of it every year or so and always get a different answer. I am starting to believe there is no rational answer. I suspect it's a culture/subculture thing.
i was once told off for taking the piss out of this other dude over politics, my reprimander said it was a sign of alienation.:hmm: never really got that.
We should invent our own uber-mental sect, with its own "unique" theoretical perspective and then spread it all over the internet. It could be like a game - 1000 points if it appears in the Daily Mail as a threat to civilisation/cause of cancer, 10000 points if it appears on the Glen Beck show as part of the leftist conspiracy and so on.
We should invent our own uber-mental sect, with its own "unique" theoretical perspective and then spread it all over the internet. It could be like a game - 1000 points if it appears in the Daily Mail as a threat to civilisation/cause of cancer, 10000 points if it appears on the Glen Beck show as part of the leftist conspiracy and so on.

It would all end with us being jailed for conspiracy.
We should invent our own uber-mental sect, with its own "unique" theoretical perspective and then spread it all over the internet. It could be like a game - 1000 points if it appears in the Daily Mail as a threat to civilisation/cause of cancer, 10000 points if it appears on the Glen Beck show as part of the leftist conspiracy and so on.

ICC beat you to it over a year ago.
ICC beat you to it over a year ago.

I'd forgotten what a slimey little toad porter is:

Yesterday Aaron Porter, president of the National Union of Students, accused student groups of ‘aligning themselves with anarchists’.
He said: ‘They attempt naively and opportunistically to align themselves with the anarchists – careful to distance themselves from human violence only when pushed, but revealing an appetite for other forms of violence when invited to.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1331892/Tuition-fee-militants-picket-school-gates.html#ixzz1sPlhVCHr
I'll have a a go at this - how about everyone contributes a sentence or two this group's "founding statement" it would be like the word association game :D

Denunciation of the petite-bourgeoise reformist defeatists of urban75 and its acolytes

Recently Proletarian Democracy have been slandered by the most barbaric abuse put about by a rag-tag group of anarchists, Labourist reformist pseudo-revolutionaries, stalinists and middle class layers who behave in a lackadaisical way - therefore we have decided to formulate a response to this travesty.

your turn :D
Whilst indulging the imperialist running dogs and cryto-fascist bourgeosis parasites of the so-called "left" with a gracious reply is an act of far greater generosity than they deserve, we nontheless have prepared a short written statement on behalf of our committee
In their ranks are capitalist lackys who are intent on corrupting the consciousness of the proletariat with the false hope of municipal socialism.

It is therefore essential that we counter this with a ruthless Marxist criticism, based upon a rigorous material analysis that enables us to present the objectively correct line.

This is the ideological weapon with which we will drown these parasites in the cesspit they call a home.
we'll need something in there about taking a bundle of our weekly newspaper [need a name for our weekly paper] to sell. can't think, food coming...
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