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Workers Power have split

I know this is a joke thread and that I'll be slapped down for wandering off topic, but if you go back to what the split was about and the reasons put forward by Simon Hardy they would seem to be those of (or implied by) most of those taking part in the fun here:

The global capitalist crisis has posed tremendous questions for the radical left about how to go forward. We have increasingly drawn the conclusion that the historical legacy of the post-war left, in particular the Leninist-Trotskyist left, needs to be subjected to far-reaching critique and re-evaluation in light of the contemporary challenges.
The organised left is dogged by sectarianism and opportunism. There are quite literally hundreds of competing orthodoxies, with each sect promoting and defending its own, typically very narrow, conception of revolutionary theory and practice without subjecting their ideas to the critical re-evaluation which we believe is necessary if Marxism is to reach out to far wider layers.
We came to the conclusion that a method of organising exclusively focused on building specifically Leninist-Trotskyist groups prevents the socialist left from creating the kind of broad anti-capitalist organisations, which can present a credible alternative to the mainstream parties.
I think the reason that the above has not been discussed is because there's pretty much a conveyor belt of people who've been involved in trotskyist groups who come to these conclusions. There's not much to be discussed, not much that can be discussed.
was on me dinner break when this came on me mp3 player and i thought of this thread and the splitting splitters:D

XTC - generals and majors

**also, this clip really takes me back, it was totp on 18/09/1980 when the bbc was on strike! no crowd and simon bates scabbing...i have the full episode somewhere
is there a way to get the right font?

The fonts you can use are the ones you've got installed. If you want a particular type of font, go somewhere like dafont.com, peruse their fonts, download what you like, and install it, et voila! you'll be able to use that font in your editing program.
Frogwoman needs some Photoshop lessons with Chilango :eek:

The "Butcher's Apron", tri-colours galore,
Flags of present might: paltry, passing things!
Our flag, Flag of the proles and of the poor
Denotes long war, and rooted will to fling
Red truth against encumb'ring lies, to try
Our strength — until humankind wins Liberty!

BA gets a mention:

That'd be why AWLers have been known to carry Israeli flags at Plestine demos then.
Moar memes please.

How's this?

So is this why lots of lefties don't like "trots"? Because they spend all their time hanging around in micro-groups bickering about theory and don't really help anyone?
I've attended that meeting. Shit, I've chaired that meeting.

I once chaired a meeting on Palestine where the only audience members who turned out were a frothing maniac from the Revolutionary Communist Group and a mad Zionist Ultra-Orthodox dude from Central Europe. All things considered, I'd have preferred your meeting. It would have been less noisy. And there would probably have been less spittle sprayed on the floor.
So is this why lots of lefties don't like "trots"? Because they spend all their time hanging around in micro-groups bickering about theory and don't really help anyone?

No. Most other lefties don't like "trots" because Trotskyist groups, believe it or not, are the biggest and most successful thing left on the far left, and some of those people who are out organised by them, have no remaining political home of their own, or are in even smaller and less relevant groups (like the Anarchist ones) consequently resent that.

Also, quite a few people have more personal reasons to resent one or other Trotskyist group, usually the SWP.
No. Most other lefties don't like "trots" because Trotskyist groups, believe it or not, are the biggest and most successful thing left on the far left, and some of those people who are out organised by them, have no remaining political home of their own, or are in even smaller and less relevant groups (like the Anarchist ones) consequently resent that.

Also, quite a few people have more personal reasons to resent one or other Trotskyist group, usually the SWP.
Can you provide any evidence for this "success"?
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