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Workers Power have split


Author: Sean Matgamna

Who fears to praise Red Seventeen? Who quails at Lenin’s name? When liars mock at Trotsky's fate Who adds his, “Theirs the blame”? Cain-Stalin’s knave, or bourgeois slave Will scorn the Old Cause thus, But honest men and women Will raise a voice with us.

We praise the memory of the dead, Of Lenin's friends long gone Who led the workers in revolt: An army, not a throng. All, all are gone, but still lives on The cause of those who died And honest men and women Remember them with pride.

They rose in war-torn blood drenched days To help set workers free Their own lives fed the living blaze That challenged tyranny: But bourgeois might half-vanquished right Some fell in disarray, Others spun ’neath Stalin s gun —And we strive still today!

We work to free all those who live In bourgeois slavery And glory in the names of those Who fought for Liberty. ’Trenched bourgeois might won’t vanquish right But fail and go astray. And honest and women Will speed them on their way!

Yes, we dare praise Red Seventeen, We honour Lenin’s name. Though cowards mock the old Red fight, We’re still in Trotsky’s game! Though Stalin’s knaves and bourgeois slaves Will scorn the Old Cause thus, Yet honest men and women Still voice this faith with us.

We hail the memory of the free, Of Trotsky’s ’durate few Who fought in France, Spain, Germany, In Stalin's Russia too. Though all are gone, they still live on, Their cause won’t go away And honest men and women Still sing their song today.

Then here’s their memory, may it be For us a guiding light That shows us workers’ liberty And teaches us to fight. Through good and ill continue still The Cause that thrives unseen, That brought the bourgeois tyrants down In Nineteen Seventeen!

I knew that the brave new initiative of the comrades from wp to organise the inherent revolutionary potential of the middle aged proletarian masses, would attract the opportunistic middle class fake left. Tight trousers and ill fitting Fred perrys do not constitute a revolutionary programme capable of liberating the huddle masses of IKEA!
A scuffed brown leather jacket is the sign of a counter revolutionary cabal!
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