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Workers Power have split

First world cup I got really into was 1990. I though we were dead unlucky in that so expected the next one to be much better. We didn't even qualify and haven't done anywhere near that well ever since :mad:
to be honest, fifa are a shower of cunts. that shouldn't detract from anyone's enjoyment of it though.
I was at Glastonbury, you know a PEACE festival, during the England v Argentinian game - on portable TV's, hanging out of festival goers cars and when Maradonna did his "hand of god" move and it turned into a re-run of the Falklands war from some. That wasn't enjoyable to witness.
Every year the first weekend of marxism would coincide either with Wimbledonand or the ashes, I used to arrive early On the Friday, and the tvs were all blasting out sport in the bars, in later years the team organisers would come round and make sure that they were all turned off before the mass of attendees arrived.
World Cup Willy - 1966

I was at Glastonbury, you know a PEACE festival, during the England v Argentinian game - on portable TV's, hanging out of festival goers cars and when Maradonna did his "hand of god" move and it turned into a re-run of the Falklands war from some. That wasn't enjoyable to witness.

Heavy dudes with dope and guns, someone wearing a Skrewdriver t-shirt and Class War paper sellers was a good one though.
My memories of Marxism seem to be just hanging in the bar, drinking cider and talking shit with only one of the guys in our 'group' actually being in the SWP. Most of the meetings were pretty dull really apart from one where an old Italian anti-fascist guy spoke (quite emotional tbh) and my mate labelled UAF 'liberal anti-fascism' and provoked absolute outrage by the SWP members present :D
We were on a coach in Manchester coming back from a demo somewhere and New Order's World Cup song had just come out.A few of us were drinking some cans and were singing and at some point this tune was on the radio. So some of us joined in and some gobshite hack backed by a group of cringing studenty types launched into a furious tirade that we were supporting soft nationalism dressed up in post punk and that when at clubs we should be changing the DJ as to the insidious imperialism that New Order were inflicting up on the gullible clubbers of Manchester which was our duty to oppose as revolutionaries.

Despite what ever Lenin may have said the only words that i could come up with was' you're off your fucking head mate'
On South Manchester branch we had a bloke who rarely said anything but was an avid City supporter.I am not sure whether it was a deliberate ploy or because he was quiet that nobody ever really knew him that well. He used to have a little radio in his jacket and pop an ear piece in when the City away game clashed with branch or public meetings.

We were at some public meeting and the speaker was quite enthused when this lad Dave shouted out 'Yes, yes!' just after the speaker had made some telling political point. The speaker had clearly caught the mood of his audience and the level of rhetoric was ramped up. The speakers face and pitch then changed rapidly into a puzzled hesitancy and disappointment as Dave proceeded to shout 'I don't fucking believe it' and 'You twat' as unknown to the bloke speaking on How to Beat the Tories City's goal was disallowed.
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