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oh shit, it's probably to late to delete the post too. now what will I wear to avoid being harangued about fucking Cuba?

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you could order a t-shirt with a picture of Stalin, Enver Hoxha or Ramon Mercader on it with "AGAINST TROTSKYITE REVISIONISM AND FOR MARXISM-LENISM" as the caption. I am sure Ern would be glad to design one lol.

Seriously, I'm surprised that trots are haranguing you about cuba though. Which trots are these? does anyone still do that? Priorities people ...
oh shit, it's probably to late to delete the post too. now what will I wear to avoid being harangued about fucking Cuba?

View attachment 18265
should be a pretty catchall T-shirt.

walk past any lefty stall wearing anything England related and you will not be offered any leaflets or asked to sign petitions. works every time for me when I'm in newcastle. England football gear = Trot Repellant.

Certainly not the case round here, there's a bloke who sometimes does SP stalls in an England cap. I do know what you mean though, I've been on stalls in the past where people have made comments after people in England gear have signed a petition and gone, assuming they're "nationalist" or whatever. It's one of my biggest pet hates about the UK left.
Seriously, I'm surprised that trots are haranguing you about cuba though. Which trots are these? does anyone still do that? Priorities people ...

i am not sure but i think in newcastle it is swp bangs on about Palestine and the Fight Racism Fight Imperialism (that's the paper they sell, anyway) go on about Cuba. we don't have any of this carry on in my town - just the odd religious group and chuggers.
you could order a t-shirt with a picture of Stalin, Enver Hoxha or Ramon Mercader on it with "AGAINST TROTSKYITE REVISIONISM AND FOR MARXISM-LENISM" as the caption. I am sure Ern would be glad to design one lol.

Seriously, I'm surprised that trots are haranguing you about cuba though. Which trots are these? does anyone still do that? Priorities people ...
Get cubaist's at marxism haranguing [I gather concentrates on Cuba, I forget his name ETA I think it was Mike Gonzalez] most years.
i am not sure but i think in newcastle it is swp bangs on about Palestine and the Fight Racism Fight Imperialism (that's the paper they sell, anyway) go on about Cuba. we don't have any of this carry on in my town - just the odd religious group and chuggers.
no disrespect, but surely you are mistaken? SWP don't see Cuba as any different to Russia, state CAPITALISM, to which they are opposed.
maybe spanky might know better as he's more involved in newcastle than me. i can't (rather, I'm not interested in) keeping up with trotty/lefty groups.
One of the first demos i went on with the SP there was a group of tankies there and a girl wearing a stalin t-shirt.
what year was this? that's surprising, i don't reckon I know anyone who'd react like that, in fact one SP member has a modified england flag as his facebook profile. Could be wrong though, you never know :D

Must have been 2007. No idea if it was representative but one of my the folks in question was a full timer.
just a quick question, are the ones like the stalinist tankies not really left-wing or is it more that terms like left-wing are pretty meaningless anyway?
just a quick question, are the ones like the stalinist tankies not really left-wing or is it more that terms like left-wing are pretty meaningless anyway?

They're the only ones who are left wing. Trots etc. are liberals. /ernestolynch
Well they didn't set it up but Harry's Place links to the AWL, or at least used to. Other war supporting ex trots joined the GOP and acted as advisers to Bush.
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