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Workers Power have split

wrt the change in time, I think we also need a new calender/year count system, whereby 1818 in the western/Julian calendar becomes year 0 in the Proletarian Democracy Calender - Before Marx (BM) and After Marx (AM).
This has the advantage of creating a ready-made disagreement for splits (I can see BL/AL [lenin] and BBR/ABR (Bolshevik Revolution) factions forming and splitting)
Year Zero has been done. Pol Pot got there first. :(
and he had the right idea comrades! We should not continue to date our years according to arcane religious superstition - religion is the opium of the proletariat, and we must rid ourselves of this influence.

btw, saying that phrase made me think - if religion is the opium of the proletariat, then presumably opium is the opium of the bourgeoisie. Therefore we should demand that opium beomces the opium of the proletariat - Why should we settle for religion, which is barely a subsitute for opium at all? Free opium for all. Possibly compulsory. Certainly any PD member not consuming opium should be considered suspect.
The major errors of chilango-ism, a digest:

a) He takes a severely retrogressive stance on the question of Third World liberation movements;
b) He has a laughably nugatory understanding of the application of fluid dialectics in a pre-revolutionary upswing;
c) He monopolised chat time with the only lass ever to attend our meetings.

Perhaps this is the only way to restore Chilango's honour?

In solidarity with our plant brothers and sisters who freely share with us their bounty, we denounce the reformist faint hearts huddled under the petite bourgeois banner of 'plant liberation'.

In the name of the international proletariat we reject their opportunist pandering to one fraction of capitalist agri-business rather than another; it is not the place of genuine Proletarian Democracy to choose between would be executioners.

Accordingly we announce the formation Proletarian Democracy (Provisional Fruitarian Faction) - Long Live the PDPFF


Communique 1

59/08/70 (AM)

For too long the petit-bourgeois rapists of the PDPFF have gone unchallenged. Their abject revisionism, which seeks to excuse their apologist accommodation to greed and plunder, has no place in the world movement for Proletarian Democracy.

Therefore we declare them not only to be traitors to and outcasts from our movement, but demand that all real partisans of the international proletariat make it their duty to smash the PDPFF fetter on the emancipation of workers the world over. Comrades throw off your frutarian chains.

The true path to communism is only to be found on the sun lit road of sustenance through light; join us on that sun lit road.

People's Commission for the Bright Dawn of Proletarian Democracy (PCBDPD)

The PD culture section is now accepting slogan submissions from comrades for this piece as part of its latest propaganda drive.

Shit, that's a bit big, one sec.

Now I can't think how to turn this into a slogan, but what I'm seeing there is a PD comrade, driving the train of the bourgoise train, containing the lizard rulers (david icke is right!) into the sea.
Communiqué 2

59/08/70 (AM)

Stop the runaway turtle head of capitalism in its tracks.

Sustenance through light for the Bright Dawn of Proletarian Democracy.

Excellent. Except maybe replace boring old plain 'capitalism' with 'late neo-capitalist chauvinism'. I'm saying, I mean, we in the culture section are saying 'late neo-capitalist chauvinism' a lot.
I think PD needs it's own discussion board. It needs to be aa place for robust political debate, from a generally left-wing and/or anarchist perspective. It needs to be a home to dogma-free political discussion, concentrating on everyday life rather than centred in the activist milieu.

Comrade how will the True Revolutionary Agents and Proletarian Multitudes of the global south be able to pariticpate in your "forum" when internet access in global south is practically non-existant? This shows the extent to which euro-centric revisionism has crept into the thinking of Proletarian Democracy and stands as a warning sign against the further collapse of The Revolutionary Aesthetic espoused by Proletarian Democracy, which now stands over the precipice of backsliding fully into bourgeosis liberal social reformism! Only the comradely embrace of the MMMK path can prevent this rot from setting in any deeper!

The MMMK path has declared itself allies with the Proletarian Democracy movement within the global south, and supports the Proletarian Democracy struggle against the revisionist degenerated psuedo-posadists and social fascists of both the Advanced Proletarian Democracy for The Workers' Bomb and People's Commission for the Bright Dawn of Proletarian Democracy. We mobilise those who toil beyond the euro-centric myopic horizons of the priviliged internet accessing poppinjays currently leading Proletarian Democracy into the gutter of Social Democracy!

We call for the foundation of A Provisional Committee for the formation of a Proletarian Internernational where we can unite to fight the traitors in our midst!
Comrade how will the True Revolutionary Agents and Proletarian Multitudes of the global south be able to pariticpate in your "forum" when internet access in global south is practically non-existant? This shows the extent to which euro-centric revisionism has crept into the thinking of Proletarian Democracy and stands as a warning sign against the further collapse the The Revolutionary Aesthetic espoused by Proletarian Democracy, which now stands over the precipice of backsliding fully into bourgeosis liberal social reformism! Only the comradely embrace of the MMMK path can prevent this rot from setting in any deeper!

The MMMK path has declared itself allies with the Proletarian Democracy movement within the global south, and supports the Proletarian Democracy struggle against the revisionist degenerated psuedo-posadists and social fascists of both the Advanced Proletarian Democracy for The Workers' Bomb and People's Commission for the Bright Dawn of Proletarian Democracy. We mobilise those who toil beyond the euro-centric myopic horizons of the priviliged internet accessing poppinjays currently leading Proletarian Democracy into the gutter of Social Democracy!

We call for the foundation of A Provisional Committee for the formation of a Proletarian Internernational where we can unite to fight the traitors in our midst!

Can I just check, are we supporting the Labour Party?
Can someone tell me which group I'm in please? I'm getting a bit confused.

In fact sod it, I'm forming my own splinter group, Official Proletarian Democracy: Committee for the Proletarianisation of Time.
Comrade how will the True Revolutionary Agents and Proletarian Multitudes of the global south be able to pariticpate in your "forum" when internet access in global south is practically non-existant? This shows the extent to which euro-centric revisionism has crept into the thinking of Proletarian Democracy and stands as a warning sign against the further collapse of The Revolutionary Aesthetic espoused by Proletarian Democracy, which now stands over the precipice of backsliding fully into bourgeosis liberal social reformism! Only the comradely embrace of the MMMK path can prevent this rot from setting in any deeper!

The MMMK path has declared itself allies with the Proletarian Democracy movement within the global south, and supports the Proletarian Democracy struggle against the revisionist degenerated psuedo-posadists and social fascists of both the Advanced Proletarian Democracy for The Workers' Bomb and People's Commission for the Bright Dawn of Proletarian Democracy. We mobilise those who toil beyond the euro-centric myopic horizons of the priviliged internet accessing poppinjays currently leading Proletarian Democracy into the gutter of Social Democracy!

We call for the foundation of A Provisional Committee for the formation of a Proletarian Internernational where we can unite to fight the traitors in our midst!

Your third-worldist, un-marxist approach is making you succumb to liberal degeneration comrade. We need to unite the masses of Europe around our banner. You can't have socialism in one country, whether that country is in the global south or not. I can see that you have not yet fully shaken off the chains of reformist Amnestyite liberal thought and subjected your petty bourgeois delusions to a ruthless Marxist criticism.
Your third-worldist, un-marxist approach is making you succumb to liberal degeneration comrade. We need to unite the masses of Europe around our banner. You can't have socialism in one country, whether that country is in the global south or not. I can see that you have not yet fully shaken off the chains of reformist Amnestyite liberal thought and subjected your petty bourgeois delusions to a ruthless Marxist criticism.


*still applauding one hour later*
Your third-worldist, un-marxist approach is making you succumb to liberal degeneration comrade. We need to unite the masses of Europe around our banner. You can't have socialism in one country, whether that country is in the global south or not. I can see that you have not yet fully shaken off the chains of reformist Amnestyite liberal thought and subjected your petty bourgeois delusions to a ruthless Marxist criticism.

The "masses" of Europe are merely capitalist lackey's, whose bloated stomach's contain enough food to feed the billions of masses in the revolutionary global south for a generation! We shall take no lessons from the apologists and running dogs of the hopelessly priviliged and imperialist-by-proxy charlatans of the so-called european "proletariat!"
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