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Workers Power have split

I'm working on a Popular Front strategy which will reach out to the left wing of the conservative party and create a genuine mass movement of all workers. Forward Comrades!
I'm working on a Popular Front strategy which will reach out to the left wing of the conservative party and create a genuine mass movement of all workers. Forward Comrades!
It's already been done. All you need do is copy the programme of the Communist Party in the late 1930s.
Once again we see the horrific depths which the Co-opites have sunk in their workerist degeneration. In their rush to attract "all workers" to the proletarian programme they have opportunistically adapted themselves to the class traitors, petty bourgeois and capitalists which make up the ranks of the Conservative Party. If this is not grounds for another split I don't know what is!
Just to wind back ages in the thread, the Birmingham Communist Corresponance Society have announced their next public meeting:

CCS Birmingham ‏ @BhamCCS

Public Meeting: "From Jet Packs to Climate Catastrophe: Whatever Happened to the Future?" - Thursday 3rd May, 19:30, Bennetts Pub.

They have some wonderful titles to their meetings :) Perhaps I should take some PD literature along with me ;)
Just to wind back ages in the thread, the Birmingham Communist Corresponance Society have announced their next public meeting:

CCS Birmingham ‏ @BhamCCS

Public Meeting: "From Jet Packs to Climate Catastrophe: Whatever Happened to the Future?" - Thursday 3rd May, 19:30, Bennetts Pub.

They have some wonderful titles to their meetings :) Perhaps I should take some PD literature along with me ;)

They sound very SPGBish are they a split from them?
it's sad see such a worthy comrade as bigtom brazenly enter the parasitic milieu like that :(

I'm only doing it so I can denounce them during their event. I believe that we've already rejected entryism as a tactic, but I cannot allow such a group to continue undenounced until they accept the need for the workers bomb.

Burgle his house and steal his laptop?

An excellent plan, with just one flaw, I have no laptop :p
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