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Will you continue using a face mask after 19 July?

Will you continue to use a mask in certain situations after 19 July?

  • Yes

    Votes: 213 88.4%
  • No

    Votes: 14 5.8%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 11 4.6%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 3 1.2%

  • Total voters
You're gonna have to go ahead and put me on ignore as well then, because you're a dense cunt.

OK, that book you mention. I've had a look at it. For the moment I'll ignore the author and the content and glance at some of the people singing its praises in the reviews on Amazon.
  • Lord Sumption. A Lord. Been a senior judge. Been a Tory MP. One of the first guests on GB News.
  • Neil Oliver. GB News presenter. Plenty of racist outbursts.
  • Robert Dingwall. Heavily involved in private healthcare. Consults to big business.
  • Patrick Fagan. Psychologist for Cambridge Analytica.
  • Francis Hoar. Barrister. Been trying to get Chis Whitty sacked. Right wing libertarian.
  • Beverly Turner. TV presenter. Nothing to do with health, but is an anti-vaxxer.
  • Piers Robinson. Conspiracy theorist. Defends Assad. Russian stooge.
So no epidemiologists, medical doctors of any sort, public health people, health professors, etc etc.
Does none of that ring any alarm bells for you Mr Retro?
I'll read this book and do some other reading and make my own conclusions. I don't really care much who is praising it but for sure that rouges gallery rings alarm bells. Also ordered Arendt's book to read again :eek::p
I intend to carry on wearing a mask. To be honest though, if hardly anyone else is, there won't seem much point, and then I will probably stop.
I only really wear a mask at the moment when queuing (outside) for pre-school pick up, toddler groups and when walking to my table at pubs/restaurants and then taking it off when I sit down. So probably won't bother then.
Don't wear them at all at work or take public transport.
I rarely go into shops but I guess if I do I will continue to wear a mask (if I remember to take one).
It's a good question, I don't know why they did this. I reckon my chance of dying from Covid-19 is about 1 in 8500 without being fully vaccinated like I am. I think about 1 in every 100 deaths now is a Covid death. But the way Covid-19 it has dominated our lives it would seem peoples perception of their risk of death is far far greater than it actually is. So why were people purposefully scared like they were? I just ordered "A State of Fear: How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic". I'll be interested to read what it says
That book won't help with your quandry of seemingly believing that scientists, the governments of the world, and the media, conspired in an amazing co-ordinated effort to scare everyone and torpedo their economies for no apparent reason.

Book's just going to be about how the 'nudge' people, behavioral scientists & gov, tried to get those who weren't scared of the virus themselves to join in the effort to stop the spread that's all.
Same sort of thing as the stop smoking Don't drink & drive public info campaigns, which all use fear too, to try to modify the behaviour of the reckless for the public good.

So it won't in any way help bolster your conviction about a vast global conspiracy involving countless thousands of people all over the planet working together to do something to absolutely no discernible benefit to themselves or anyone else apart from maybe Big Mask.

This is the weird irony with Freedom Lovers of a certain stripe, they project immense power and limitless skill to a disparate bunch of strangers, imagining a huge well run & oppressive global machine conspiring against them when in fact, really, there isn't anything like that at all. And by doing so you massively disempower yourself with your own fervent imagination.
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LynnDoyleCooper if you (or anybody else) can't debate & disagree without insults I will put you on ignore.

The evidence that wearing a mask does anything to protect the wearer or those they are around is not clear. I detest them, I find them oppressive and their removal of dignity and individualism really effects me. Therefore in the absence of evidence I will not wear one.

Individual freedoms have been entirely removed by government in the last 16 months. In their fear, purposely engendered by scientists, government and MSM I think many people have been quite comfortable with this totalitarianism. Now we are getting freedoms back, I believe the shrieking about masks and the common good in the last day or so on social medi is somewhere to direct the fear. I understand this and I think masks are a comfort for people. I will respect and not judge anybody who still wants to wear a mask while exercising my right not to.
Grow the fuck up you pathetic twat.
I'll read this book and do some other reading and make my own conclusions. I don't really care much who is praising it but for sure that rouges gallery rings alarm bells. Also ordered Arendt's book to read again :eek::p

Honestly, it's just sad and depressing to see someone going down this road. Especially as it seems to go hand-in-hand with thinking they're being a rebel and a free thinker.

150,000 dead people so far here; mostly poor, vulnerable, and key workers, have a fucking look at yourself ffs.
Another vote for 'I work in retail and you'll take my mask from my cold dead hands' here. I've been wearing a mask 8 hours a day 5 days a week for 18 months and I've no intention of stopping yet. We're still not letting customers over the threshold either.
I'm feeling really conflicted about this. I've been on public transport and working throughout the pandemic and when masks became compulsory, that's me in a mask for 10-11 hours a day. I hate it and really want to stop having to do it.

On the other hand, the situation doesn't magically change next week. The hospital aren't going to let us be mask free at work and I'm still very conscious of the increasing number of people taking the bus. So I guess I'm stuck with it for a good while yet.
I'm feeling really conflicted about this. I've been on public transport and working throughout the pandemic and when masks became compulsory, that's me in a mask for 10-11 hours a day. I hate it and really want to stop having to do it.

On the other hand, the situation doesn't magically change next week. The hospital aren't going to let us be mask free at work and I'm still very conscious of the increasing number of people taking the bus. So I guess I'm stuck with it for a good while yet.

Yeah, I actually do hate wearing masks (out of healthcare work) so I can relate to that completely. There's really something about it that's unpleasant on quite a human level. I'll be very pleased when not wearing one is OK and doesn't impact anyone around me.
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I’m so relieved and glad it’s being left up to individuals to asses and make their own decisions based on what they perceive as the risk. I believe should have been policy through all this. I won’t wear a mask after 19th. I will respect those who decide they still want to.
The evidence that wearing a mask does anything to protect the wearer or those they are around is not clear. I detest them, I find them oppressive and their removal of dignity and individualism really effects me. Therefore in the absence of evidence I will not wear one.

Individual freedoms have been entirely removed by government in the last 16 months. In their fear, purposely engendered by scientists, government and MSM I think many people have been quite comfortable with this totalitarianism. Now we are getting freedoms back, I believe the shrieking about masks and the common good in the last day or so on social medi is somewhere to direct the fear. I understand this and I think masks are a comfort for people. I will respect and not judge anybody who still wants to wear a mask while exercising my right not to.
have you ever heard of cctv?
OK, that book you mention. I've had a look at it. For the moment I'll ignore the author and the content and glance at some of the people singing its praises in the reviews on Amazon.
  • Lord Sumption. A Lord. Been a senior judge. Been a Tory MP. One of the first guests on GB News.
  • Neil Oliver. GB News presenter. Plenty of racist outbursts.
  • Robert Dingwall. Heavily involved in private healthcare. Consults to big business.
  • Patrick Fagan. Psychologist for Cambridge Analytica.
  • Francis Hoar. Barrister. Been trying to get Chis Whitty sacked. Right wing libertarian.
  • Beverly Turner. TV presenter. Nothing to do with health, but is an anti-vaxxer.
  • Piers Robinson. Conspiracy theorist. Defends Assad. Russian stooge.
So no epidemiologists, medical doctors of any sort, public health people, health professors, etc etc.
Does none of that ring any alarm bells for you Mr Retro?
And it's from a publisher I've never heard of before and written by someone with no obvious expertise in writing about this sort of thing
Another question might be: why would governments around the world choose to decimate their own economies if there was no real threat from Covid? If their collective goal was simply to engender fear among the populace, wouldn't they have had other means of doing so, means that didn't severely harm their respective GDPs?
In the cold war they just used nuclear weapons to provoke fear of universal death
LynnDoyleCooper if you (or anybody else) can't debate & disagree without insults I will put you on ignore.

The evidence that wearing a mask does anything to protect the wearer or those they are around is not clear. I detest them, I find them oppressive and their removal of dignity and individualism really effects me. Therefore in the absence of evidence I will not wear one.

Individual freedoms have been entirely removed by government in the last 16 months. In their fear, purposely engendered by scientists, government and MSM I think many people have been quite comfortable with this totalitarianism. Now we are getting freedoms back, I believe the shrieking about masks and the common good in the last day or so on social medi is somewhere to direct the fear. I understand this and I think masks are a comfort for people. I will respect and not judge anybody who still wants to wear a mask while exercising my right not to.

whilst i don't want to pile in on the have a go at the non mask wearing and you mentioned the dreaded "MSM" word meaning you quite likely be watching spudloons on facebook and youtube

you are aware than the government slammed through legilation that inhibites the right to protest by saying that even one preson can be arrested if one random
dickhead says thier noise is disrupting their life,

will Criminalise the homeless , people who live in their car dues to lack of housing and basically make it illegal to be a gypsy of any sort

and you worried about fucking being asked to wear a mask being Totalitarianism

fucking take a look around for the love of god.

Freedom fucking day my Arsehole
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Sometimes I wear a mask for work, I don't think it's a fun thing to do as it isn't, but i'll be paid for it. It doesn't remove any dignity or individualism, it protects me. Spots, sore face, greasy marks, straps round the head, none of it is for fun. World is full of big babies that need to learn how to protect themselves and everyone else.
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