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Will you continue using a face mask after 19 July?

Will you continue to use a mask in certain situations after 19 July?

  • Yes

    Votes: 213 88.4%
  • No

    Votes: 14 5.8%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 11 4.6%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 3 1.2%

  • Total voters
I'll carry on wearing a mask in shops etc. I've managed to avoid using public transport since the pandemic began but if I had to, I'd wear a mask when travelling this way.

It'll be interesting to see what happens with the removal of the one metre plus rule. Nearly everyone I cross paths with outside adheres to it now. It seems a sensible precaution when cases are still too high for my liking and predicted to increase but maybe others will see it differently.
I think we'll still be mandated to do so here in Wales for some time longer, which I agree with.

That said, some people here already don't wear them, but I won't be one of them. It seems like such a minor inconvenience for such a potentially major improvement in public health, and I'd hoped we might become culturally very comfortable with wearing masks on public transport, especially in the winter months, like places in Asia routinely do. It doesn't seem to be the case though.
Honestly, probably not. Maybe on the train if I have to go back into work but 9/10 times I forget and have to go back for one.

Tbh I only really wear one in shops as I don’t go anywhere else that I might need one and I’ll never remember if I’m not getting sent back for it.
Yep. Will also still be avoiding busy places indoors for the foreseeable future too.

Really uneasy about all the restrictions being ditched on the 19th. I wouldn't be at all surprised by another Autumn lockdown.

I'm really struggling with the logic behind ditching masks in particular. It doesn't affect the economy, we're all used to wearing them and it reduces the transmission that's taking off worryingly right now. Only reason is to appease the assholes in his own party. Fucked right off about it if I'm honest - my parents are both immuno-compromised and are considering staying home again because of it.
I'll probably continue in some places, shops, public transport, etc. Other places will depend on how busy/safe it feels.

I am planning a trip to London in a few weeks and a bit apprehensive about needing to use the tube to get from Waterloo to Wood Green.
I'm travelling down to London a few days after the restrictions are lifted and am already feeling a bit :hmm: about it.
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I don't like wearing masks and would prefer not too but I have dutifully worn one throughout when I am supposed to. I will probably play it by ear for a while at least and take one with me and then decide whether I feel I need one when I get to where I am going.I haven't used public transport since February last year and aren't likely to any time soon. I hardly go to shops much these days either.
I can't imagine that mask wearing generally is going to survive much as a thing past 20th July though
I'll certainly still carry one around with me and put it on where it feels like the right thing to do, risk-wise. But probably not if I'm going to the loo in an empty pub.

Yes this. I'll wear one to the shops etc. It has felt a bit pointless wearing one for five seconds to walk between a pub door and a table though, don't think I'll do that any more.
We were chatting about this on a work call earlier. The overwhelming consensus was that ditching everything on the 19th is madness and they'll be backpedalling within weeks.

I'm not really planning on changing anything tbh so will keep on with the masks for the forseeable,
I’m so relieved and glad it’s being left up to individuals to asses and make their own decisions based on what they perceive as the risk. I believe should have been policy through all this. I won’t wear a mask after 19th. I will respect those who decide they still want to.
At least two of the shelf-stackers in my local Aldi are already not wearing masks - 30-somethings I'm guessing, - so borderline in terms of vaccination.
Yes I will. I too hoped, or hope, for an Asian like cultural shift on this.

And I still get angry thinking back to that back-to-school guidance in September from the Welsh government that told me face masks had little value, were absolutely bottom of the pile when it came to protection, and that I would be told to remove it at the gates if I came to school in one.
I’m so relieved and glad it’s being left up to individuals to asses and make their own decisions based on what they perceive as the risk. I believe should have been policy through all this. I won’t wear a mask after 19th. I will respect those who decide they still want to.

FFS, you thick prick. Why is it so complicated for you to understand that just making things a 'personal choice' in a pandemic is not a fair, sensible, or caring position? It's one thing to agree with the easing now, but to say it should have been personal choice all the way through this is stunningly moronic.
Thinking about it, having left the festering virology experiment where I used to work (where I was resigned to getting flattened once or twice a year until eventually two infections kept me off work for weeks,) , I will be grateful for the precedent set by Covid so I can wear a mask in supermarkets for a long time into the future.
If anarchy prevails, I will get my flu jab this winter.
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