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Will you continue using a face mask after 19 July?

Will you continue to use a mask in certain situations after 19 July?

  • Yes

    Votes: 213 88.4%
  • No

    Votes: 14 5.8%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 11 4.6%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 3 1.2%

  • Total voters
LynnDoyleCooper if you (or anybody else) can't debate & disagree without insults I will put you on ignore.

(1)The evidence that wearing a mask does anything to protect the wearer or those they are around is not clear. I detest them, I find them oppressive and their removal of dignity and individualism really effects me. (2) Therefore in the absence of evidence I will not wear one.

Individual freedoms have been entirely removed by government in the last 16 months. In their fear, purposely engendered by scientists, government and MSM I think many people have been quite comfortable with this totalitarianism. Now we are getting freedoms back, I believe the shrieking about masks and the common good in the last day or so on social medi is somewhere to direct the fear. I understand this and I think masks are a comfort for people. I will respect and not judge anybody who still wants to wear a mask while exercising my right not to.
sorry, rereading your post i see you can't debate. you can barely think.

you say (1) the evidence is not clear, then just a few words later, you say (2) there's no evidence. but you've already admitted there's evidence but (according to you) it is equivocal.

but here's some evidence for you An evidence review of face masks against COVID-19

Effectiveness of Mask Wearing to Control Community Spread of SARS-CoV-2 and some more

but i don't think you have the wherewithal to understand the points being made
LynnDoyleCooper if you (or anybody else) can't debate & disagree without insults I will put you on ignore.

The evidence that wearing a mask does anything to protect the wearer or those they are around is not clear. I detest them, I find them oppressive and their removal of dignity and individualism really effects me. Therefore in the absence of evidence I will not wear one.

Individual freedoms have been entirely removed by government in the last 16 months. In their fear, purposely engendered by scientists, government and MSM I think many people have been quite comfortable with this totalitarianism. Now we are getting freedoms back, I believe the shrieking about masks and the common good in the last day or so on social medi is somewhere to direct the fear. I understand this and I think masks are a comfort for people. I will respect and not judge anybody who still wants to wear a mask while exercising my right not to.
replace the word mask with pants and observe your lunacy
I'm curious only about this bit.
Why did scientists, the governments of the world & the media conspire, purposely, to engender fear, in your opinion? What was their aim?
never mind the why, how does he suggest they actually managed it, when there's never been such a display of fuckwittery on a global scale as we've see over the past eighteen months
You'd have thought a government intent on totalitarianism might be a bit less confused in their messaging if masks are some key route to the boot on the neck. And why is the same government so keen on removing the requirement to wear a mask now? Have they given up on the totalitarianism thing?
It was a bit shit anyway, our Totalitarianism. I grew up listening to tales of proper repressive regime stuff and really don't think i'm going to impress anyone with my stories of having lived through the great repression when i .. couldn't go to the pub for quite long stretches of time.
I'm curious only about this bit.
Why did scientists, the governments of the world & the media conspire, purposely, to engender fear, in your opinion? What was their aim?
Perhaps they sought to stop the truth-seekers from reproducing, via their feeble masculinity not being able to maintain an erection if they catch sight of themselves wearing a mask in the mirror. Never mind the lack of reproductive capacity of the mirror or the fleshlight.
This is just a lazy reply

That's a fucking cheek, coming from you, who posts lazy fact-free ignorant shite.

This Sky News article links to a number of peer-reviewed scientific studies that say how effective face masks can be.

According to a number of laboratory tests and multiple studies, the main value from wearing face masks is that they block up to 80% of these droplets from escaping into the air. They may also prevent about 50% of droplets from being inhaled too.

I haven't had a cold this winter, I usually catch three or four from kids, and it seems that there was little or no flu around too. I think I'll be wearing my lucky mask on busses, in airports, street-markets and so on. And keeping snotty children at arm's length and then some.
I'm curious only about this bit.
Why did scientists, the governments of the world & the media conspire, purposely, to engender fear, in your opinion? What was their aim?
It's a good question, I don't know why they did this. I reckon my chance of dying from Covid-19 is about 1 in 8500 without being fully vaccinated like I am. I think about 1 in every 100 deaths now is a Covid death. But the way Covid-19 it has dominated our lives it would seem peoples perception of their risk of death is far far greater than it actually is. So why were people purposefully scared like they were? I just ordered "A State of Fear: How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic". I'll be interested to read what it says
As an aside...and to show just how effective an n95 mask can be...
I went for a drive in the countryside with the brother.
He wore an n95 mask for the journey.
I wore a blue surgical 3 layer whatever mask.

Cue silage...for about 20km.

Poooooooh...urgh...yuck...I got all the stink.

Nothing. Not a whiff.

N95 masks do the job!!
As an aside...and to show just how effective an n95 mask can be...
I went for a drive in the countryside with the brother.
He wore an n95 mask for the journey.
I wore a blue surgical 3 layer whatever mask.

Cue silage...for about 20km.

Poooooooh...urgh...yuck...I got all the stink.

Nothing. Not a whiff.

N95 masks do the job!!
hard to get individual looking ones mind. some designers are missing out on oodles of cash
It's a good question, I don't know why they did this. I reckon my chance of dying from Covid-19 is about 1 in 8500 without being fully vaccinated like I am. I think about 1 in every 100 deaths now is a Covid death. But the way Covid-19 it has dominated our lives it would seem peoples perception of their risk of death is far far greater than it actually is. So why were people purposefully scared like they were? I just ordered "A State of Fear: How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic". I'll be interested to read what it says
Even if you have me on ignore now I'll continue to respond to this shit.

Death is not the only consequence. A sane society is a society that treats with fear the prospect that they might need urgent medical care but be unable to receive it because the hospitals have been clogged up with covid patients, destroying the ability to offer routine services.

Ultimately there is a broad range of death levels that the system can cope with, governments can turn something of a blind eye to that. What they cannot do is let healthcare systems collapse, because this also collapses modern economies.

If our government had stuck to its original 'let it rip' plan despite this, then we'd still have ended up with a messier equivalent to lockdown because people would have adjusted their beheviour to create something broadly equivalent to lockdown.
That's a fucking cheek, coming from you, who posts lazy fact-free ignorant shite.

This Sky News article links to a number of peer-reviewed scientific studies that say how effective face masks can be.

Stopped reading after this:

"Real-world studies are a bit harder to come by, but the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has highlighted a few. In one high-exposure event, two hair stylists - who were displaying symptoms - were found to have interacted with 139 clients during an eight-day period."

When I realised I had read that hairdresser anecdote at least a year ago. I hoped you had better for me
Stopped reading after this:

"Real-world studies are a bit harder to come by, but the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has highlighted a few. In one high-exposure event, two hair stylists - who were displaying symptoms - were found to have interacted with 139 clients during an eight-day period."

When I realised I had read that hairdresser anecdote at least a year ago. I hoped you had better for me

Most of the studies in which non-masked people infected shitloads of people are going to be on the older side for obvious reasons, though you may have some fresher ones soon.
It's a good question, I don't know why they did this. I reckon my chance of dying from Covid-19 is about 1 in 8500 without being fully vaccinated like I am. I think about 1 in every 100 deaths now is a Covid death. But the way Covid-19 it has dominated our lives it would seem peoples perception of their risk of death is far far greater than it actually is. So why were people purposefully scared like they were? I just ordered "A State of Fear: How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic". I'll be interested to read what it says
Scientists of many different types, governments of nearly all persuasions and the whole world's media did not conspire to do anything. They just looked at the impact on society and economies and took what they thought were appropriate actions, or the least they could get away with. Some countries did very little, either because of the sheer scale of the problem, or because their health and societal infrastructures were so poor, or they were run by Covid denying, creationist, flat earth enthusiasts. So compare the scaredy cats of New Zealand with the strong sturdy Brazilian government.
P.S. You've ordered a book you haven't read yet, which might be an interesting read. Is that how you normally make decisions?
I think even if covid just went away tomorrow there still would be a time and a place for masks. I'm thinking when you're full of cold and are in a tight crowded space like the tube etc. You can't help catching a cold but coughing and spluttering over people when they have nowhere to move to is pretty gross and it would be nice if we were a bit more polite about it.

With regard to covid though the usefulness of masks is an area where I'm not as convinced as some here are. I think the science behind it is fine I just question how effective they can be when they come up against the reality of human behaviour. For them to be really effective we would need large scale compliance and people wearing the right type of masks correctly. Fact is all those things actually happening is way below any decent threshold.

The guidance and laws on mask wearing started changing in the autumn and since then we've had a very bad second wave and we are now well into our third wave.

They have become highly politicized and part of the self-defeating culture war stupidity we're seeing at the moment. I believe they've taken on a position or value out of proportion with their effectiveness, especially for the protection they offer to the wearer.

For me they're as easy as putting on a pair of socks and if it helps a bit than why not carry on wearing them? There will be certain circumstances that I might stop wearing them. For example it still feels pointless to be walking through a pub / cafe which is really well ventilated (bi-fold doors open windows etc) in a mask where there are loads of seated people not wearing them as they eat and drink. Its also not unusual in these places for staff not to be wearing them either. In that scenario I do wonder sometimes what is the point?
LynnDoyleCooper if you (or anybody else) can't debate & disagree without insults I will put you on ignore.

The evidence that wearing a mask does anything to protect the wearer or those they are around is not clear. I detest them, I find them oppressive and their removal of dignity and individualism really effects me. Therefore in the absence of evidence I will not wear one.

Individual freedoms have been entirely removed by government in the last 16 months. In their fear, purposely engendered by scientists, government and MSM I think many people have been quite comfortable with this totalitarianism. Now we are getting freedoms back, I believe the shrieking about masks and the common good in the last day or so on social medi is somewhere to direct the fear. I understand this and I think masks are a comfort for people. I will respect and not judge anybody who still wants to wear a mask while exercising my right not to.

You're gonna have to go ahead and put me on ignore as well then, because you're a dense cunt.
It's a good question, I don't know why they did this. I reckon my chance of dying from Covid-19 is about 1 in 8500 without being fully vaccinated like I am. I think about 1 in every 100 deaths now is a Covid death. But the way Covid-19 it has dominated our lives it would seem peoples perception of their risk of death is far far greater than it actually is. So why were people purposefully scared like they were? I just ordered "A State of Fear: How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic". I'll be interested to read what it says

OK, that book you mention. I've had a look at it. For the moment I'll ignore the author and the content and glance at some of the people singing its praises in the reviews on Amazon.
  • Lord Sumption. A Lord. Been a senior judge. Been a Tory MP. One of the first guests on GB News.
  • Neil Oliver. GB News presenter. Plenty of racist outbursts.
  • Robert Dingwall. Heavily involved in private healthcare. Consults to big business.
  • Patrick Fagan. Psychologist for Cambridge Analytica.
  • Francis Hoar. Barrister. Been trying to get Chis Whitty sacked. Right wing libertarian.
  • Beverly Turner. TV presenter. Nothing to do with health, but is an anti-vaxxer.
  • Piers Robinson. Conspiracy theorist. Defends Assad. Russian stooge.
So no epidemiologists, medical doctors of any sort, public health people, health professors, etc etc.
Does none of that ring any alarm bells for you Mr Retro?
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Stopped reading after this:

"Real-world studies are a bit harder to come by, but the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has highlighted a few. In one high-exposure event, two hair stylists - who were displaying symptoms - were found to have interacted with 139 clients during an eight-day period."

When I realised I had read that hairdresser anecdote at least a year ago. I hoped you had better for me

It's not just a 'anecdote', if you had bothered to click the link, you would find the study that looked into it, but I guess that would be too complex for you to understand. 🤷‍♂️

But, if you want something from this year, here's two posted helpfully by Pickman's Model earlier, which you probably missed as you have him on ignore.

- those, plus several other links in that Sky article, provides a wealth of evidence from peer-reviewed studies by the scientific community across the globe.
OK, that book you mention. I've had a look at it. For the moment I'll ignore the author and the content and glance at some of the people singing its praises in the reviews on Amazon.
  • Lord Sumption. A Lord. Been a senior judge. Been a Tory MP. One of the first guests on GB News.
  • Neil Oliver. GB News presenter. Plenty of racist outbursts.
  • Robert Dingwall. Heavily involved in private healthcare. Consults to big business.
  • Patrick Fagan. Psychologist for Cambridge Analytica.
  • Francis Hoar. Barrister. Been trying to get Chis Whitty sacked. Right wing libertarian.
  • Beverly Turner. TV presenter. Nothing to do with health, but is an anti-vaxxer.
  • Piers Robinson. Conspiracy theorist. Defends Assad. Russian stooge.
So no virologists, health professors, etc etc. Does none of that ring any alarm bells for you Mr Retro?
the virologists, health professors and the like are all in on the conspiracy - only a plucky band of hard-right libertarians, racist TV presenters and tory lords stand between us and total capitulation to the new world order.
It's a good question, I don't know why they did this. I reckon my chance of dying from Covid-19 is about 1 in 8500 without being fully vaccinated like I am. I think about 1 in every 100 deaths now is a Covid death. But the way Covid-19 it has dominated our lives it would seem peoples perception of their risk of death is far far greater than it actually is. So why were people purposefully scared like they were? I just ordered "A State of Fear: How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic". I'll be interested to read what it says
Another question might be: why would governments around the world choose to decimate their own economies if there was no real threat from Covid? If their collective goal was simply to engender fear among the populace, wouldn't they have had other means of doing so, means that didn't severely harm their respective GDPs?
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