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Will you continue using a face mask after 19 July?

Will you continue to use a mask in certain situations after 19 July?

  • Yes

    Votes: 213 88.4%
  • No

    Votes: 14 5.8%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 11 4.6%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 3 1.2%

  • Total voters
Yep. Will also still be avoiding busy places indoors for the foreseeable future too.

Really uneasy about all the restrictions being ditched on the 19th. I wouldn't be at all surprised by another Autumn lockdown.

I'm really struggling with the logic behind ditching masks in particular. It doesn't affect the economy, we're all used to wearing them and it reduces the transmission that's taking off worryingly right now. Only reason is to appease the assholes in his own party. Fucked right off about it if I'm honest - my parents are both immuno-compromised and are considering staying home again because of it.
I firmly believe that most people are good and want to do what they perceive to be right, but that this makes the people in charge very confused, bless them. They assume we all miss Glyndebourne and multiple extra marital affairs and couldnt give a fuck about anyone else. Tories are gonna Tory.




I think he must have made some heroic efforts to stay that ignorant at this point in the pandemic tbf, even little kids I know get that masks are more for other people's protection rather than the wearers. Maybe Mr Retro has developed a special skill where he can assess someone's clinical vulnerability by looking at them, and then decide whether to wear a mask near them or not?
fwiw I reckon there'll be a difference between people's intentions in the poll now and people's actions after the 19th - I remember last summer when pubs were opening up posters going from claiming they weren't going to the pub for the rest of the year to posting pictures of their first pint on facebook in under 24 hours. :hmm:

Also reckon there'll be a BIG difference between different indoor places - supermarkets will probably see plenty of masks, convenience stores a lot less, and pubs and the like will see close to zero.
I think he must have made some heroic efforts to stay that ignorant at this point in the pandemic tbf, even little kids I know get that masks are more for other people's protection rather than the wearers. Maybe Mr Retro has developed a special skill where he can assess someone's clinical vulnerability by looking at them, and then decide whether to wear a mask near them or not?
I checked his track record and he is from the school of talking absolute shit last September, mocking the predictions of 50,000 cases and hundreds of deaths per day by October.

Funnily enough despite saying he would come back that October to see how the real numbers turned out, he instead kept his head down whilst we experienced a really terrible second wave. Not really surprising since although the numbers at that exact moment in October did not neatly match exact predictions, the wave was horrific and offered him absolutely no opportunities to gloat or demonstrate that his feeble views were valid.

To those who won't and are saying it's a personal choice, please remember for loads of people it's not about choice and you wearing a mask could be the difference between life and death, or compromised health and not. It's just a piece of cloth, it's nothing compared to the restrictions you're helping to place on others.

Plus, it might encourage others to bother.
I’m so relieved and glad it’s being left up to individuals to asses and make their own decisions based on what they perceive as the risk. I believe should have been policy through all this. I won’t wear a mask after 19th. I will respect those who decide they still want to.
At my son's hospital there are people who still maintain that the whole thing is a hoax. I kid you not. These aren't front-line staff, but cleaners or white-collar workers. I don't and won't respect their views at all. They have a right to believe any old crap, but if their actions harm other people then I will just regard them as stupid, ignorant and/or selfish, or a mixture of all three. Which category do you come under?
fwiw I reckon there'll be a difference between people's intentions in the poll now and people's actions after the 19th - I remember last summer when pubs were opening up posters going from claiming they weren't going to the pub for the rest of the year to posting pictures of their first pint on facebook in under 24 hours. :hmm:

Also reckon there'll be a BIG difference between different indoor places - supermarkets will probably see plenty of masks, convenience stores a lot less, and pubs and the like will see close to zero.

I think to a very large degree it's about norms isn't it. If someone sees everyone else with a mask then they feel that pressure to do so too. if no-on has one not only do they not feel that but it can even go the other way - they feel like the odd one out. Either way people take their cues from others around them.

Which is partly why the whole 'personal responsibility, make your own choice' thing doesn't work.
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its an excuse to go about semi incognito, I'll be milking it

I can relate to this.
I'd happilly wear a mask for another few years. No bother. Keep all those flus and colds away .
Bedore covid I picked up every bloody bug going where I work. I've no doubt that wearing a mask and socially distancing would have saved me from at least 3 bouts of pneumonia and 2 or 3 bouts of pleurisy.
This might be really negative & paranoid I can't tell:
I think that a lot of places after 19th, particularly the macho type places that for stupid reasons i've mostly been going to lately (builders yards screwfix & and tool hire shops etc), but i reckon loads of other places too, wearing a mask would result in people having a go / telling you to take it off. Its happened already a few times, same people who used to say 'smile'.
I think that will factor into my choices though i'm a bit embarrassed to admit it.
You're not being paranoid, they're being ignorant. They'd rather put their own and others' safety on the line than risk their mates taking the piss a bit for doing the right thing. And being like that with you they're being macho gaslighting dickheads as well.
LynnDoyleCooper if you (or anybody else) can't debate & disagree without insults I will put you on ignore.

The evidence that wearing a mask does anything to protect the wearer or those they are around is not clear. I detest them, I find them oppressive and their removal of dignity and individualism really effects me. Therefore in the absence of evidence I will not wear one.

Individual freedoms have been entirely removed by government in the last 16 months. In their fear, purposely engendered by scientists, government and MSM I think many people have been quite comfortable with this totalitarianism. Now we are getting freedoms back, I believe the shrieking about masks and the common good in the last day or so on social medi is somewhere to direct the fear. I understand this and I think masks are a comfort for people. I will respect and not judge anybody who still wants to wear a mask while exercising my right not to.
LynnDoyleCooper if you (or anybody else) can't debate & disagree without insults I will put you on ignore.

The evidence that wearing a mask does anything to protect the wearer or those they are around is not clear. I detest them, I find them oppressive and their removal of dignity and individualism really effects me. Therefore in the absence of evidence I will not wear one.

Individual freedoms have been entirely removed by government in the last 16 months. In their fear, purposely engendered by scientists, government and MSM I think many people have been quite comfortable with this totalitarianism. Now we are getting freedoms back, I believe the shrieking about masks and the common good in the last day or so on social medi is somewhere to direct the fear. I understand this and I think masks are a comfort for people. I will respect and not judge anybody who still wants to wear a mask while exercising my right not to.
LynnDoyleCooper if you (or anybody else) can't debate & disagree without insults I will put you on ignore.

The evidence that wearing a mask does anything to protect the wearer or those they are around is not clear. I detest them, I find them oppressive and their removal of dignity and individualism really effects me. Therefore in the absence of evidence I will not wear one.

Individual freedoms have been entirely removed by government in the last 16 months. In their fear, purposely engendered by scientists, government and MSM I think many people have been quite comfortable with this totalitarianism. Now we are getting freedoms back, I believe the shrieking about masks and the common good in the last day or so on social medi is somewhere to direct the fear. I understand this and I think masks are a comfort for people. I will respect and not judge anybody who still wants to wear a mask while exercising my right not to.
tbh the evidence is only unclear if you don't engage brain and only listen to fools.

you know the sort of thing they say, the virus is so little it can get through a mask. but the virus isn't floating freely, it's on a bit of spit. that getting through the mask is a bit more tricky, like trying to get into a pub wearing a crinoline. so when two people wear a mask it becomes doubly difficult for the virus to get through both.

but have it your way and if i'm not on your ignore list already please could you add me so i'm in good company
LynnDoyleCooper if you (or anybody else) can't debate & disagree without insults I will put you on ignore.

The evidence that wearing a mask does anything to protect the wearer or those they are around is not clear. I detest them, I find them oppressive and their removal of dignity and individualism really effects me. Therefore in the absence of evidence I will not wear one.

Individual freedoms have been entirely removed by government in the last 16 months. In their fear, purposely engendered by scientists, government and MSM I think many people have been quite comfortable with this totalitarianism. Now we are getting freedoms back, I believe the shrieking about masks and the common good in the last day or so on social medi is somewhere to direct the fear. I understand this and I think masks are a comfort for people. I will respect and not judge anybody who still wants to wear a mask while exercising my right not to.

Totalitarianism? You berk.

I don't like wearing a mask, most people don't. I'm also not really convinced the standard masks do all that much to protect people either. However, when it became mandatory I started wearing one, reluctantly at first, because if there's a small percentage chance it protects other peple or even me, it seemed obnoxiously selfish not to, given the minor inconvenience.

Also have been fine to wear one to signal to shopkeepers, taxi drivers, people who are dealing with multitudes of strangers every day, that I don't want them to feel uncomfortable, having to ask me to put a mask on. I see it as I'm in their space, so respect house rules.

This probably makes me a raging communist fanatic or something

I'll be glad to dispense with wearing them altogether but this does not seem the right time.
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