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Why is Urban Pol full of racist threads?

revol68 said:
well, stopping them coming here because he is concerned that it is wrecking the Philipine economy, so I assume that wou'd mean he is opposed to them leaving the Philipines.

We are talking about TBallbag here, yes?

The Phillipines can stop British people living and working in the Phillipines.

I don't see you demonstrating outside the Swiss embassy because British people can't just pack their bags and live and work in Switzerland.

There is loads of reasons to have immigration controls. I don't have to justify those reasons, because most people agree with me, including the government. We have immigration controls and if you want to change that, then you are going to have to come up with a lot better an argument, than artificially fucking around with the market, possibily screwing up our economy in the process.
TonkaToy said:
Trade unions do not protect workers rights. They merely bring middle class political agendas into the workplace. Unions are anti working class. Unions smash the dreams and the asperations of the working class masses.

trade unions can't protect workers rights, leglisation has made sure of that.

that they have become your description is due to the leglisation.

before leglisation they did do what they were supposed to do.
ViolentPanda said:
Yes dear, of course dear (pats Layabout on his balding little head).

If Layabout is giving you a blow job, I'm well pleased for you both. Please leave me out of it and post on topic.

snadge said:
trade unions can't protect workers rights, leglisation has made sure of that.

that they have become your description is due to the leglisation.

before leglisation they did do what they were supposed to do.

No they didn't. They crippled the economy. I'm surprised they wasn't fucking outlawed altogether when Thatcher got in.
except you fucking clown, that the market would actually go tits up without immigration (including unoffical immigration) and the governments repressive immigration controls are actually a means of intervening in the market in order to maintain low wages by exasperating the precaricity of immigrant labour.
tbaldwin said:
Are you filipino???????
What if I am?

From what i can gather from talking to lots of different nurses from the phillipines.A huge % of the most educated phillipinos go into nursing in the hope of getting into the UK and USA...It might be good for them as individuals up to a point.
It's not good, it's FUCKING BRILLIANT!

People pay up to the equivalent of their first 9 months salary to get the chance of a 2 year job (with no security) in some countries - in some much more. And that's just to scrub other peoples shit out the toilet and, more frequently than any "host" country should be happy about, treated like a slave. And yet, if you crack it right, you can work hard for a decade, maybe 13 years, and earn enough to support a family of 18 in relative comfort, including putting your own 3 kids through school (to become nurses, believe it or not, ;) ,) and still have enough left over at the end to retire, buy a nice plot of land, build a house and dispose largesse in support of the local community.

Nurses, on the other hand, get the chance to emigrate to the US as nurses. That's why people become nurses fer fuck's sake. If it wasn't the case, nobody would become a nurse. Why would they? In the Philippines, being a nurse is completely fucking shit. And even in the (few) good, private hospitals, the pay is so low as to condemn ones family to a life of abject poverty.

Fuck that!

.....If you can call travelling thousands of miles to get a well paid job,good..
Most people would, given the chance.

But for other phillipinos its not so good..If the phillipines continues to lose its most skilled workers it will obviously not develop as quickly as it would if it managed to keep them.
The reasons for the country's economic woes are complex and manifold. The loss of skilled peeps is a consequence, not a cause. Indeed, it is a Godsend, the country would collapse if policies such as you espouse were widely implemented.

So fuck you!

Your views that everything will be OK and that there will be a trickle down effect are just typical free market nonsense.......
Oh Christ!

I give up.

This is NOT a fucking academic argument as far as I'm concerned.

You are Batboy, and I'm off to bed with my fiver - it's after 12:30am.



so essentially Tonka believes that capital should be allowed to intervene in the market, by restricting the movement of labour, yet the working class is not allowed to organise to impose restrictions on capital?

sounds like a good honest free marker hypocrite to me.
revol68 said:
except you fucking clown, that the market would actually go tits up without immigration (including unoffical immigration) and the governments repressive immigration controls are actually a means of intervening in the market in order to maintain low wages by exasperating the precaricity of immigrant labour.

Do not call people clowns. Read the thread. I have not resorted to abuse. If you cannot post without resorting to abuse, then please log off and go for a walk and come back when you can post without resorting to abuse. I don't see how you can change peoples minds by calling them names.

Can you kindly scroll back and find once, just once, where anyone has argued against immigration? No one has. I have told you that we should have immigration controls as opposed to open borders. I don't have to justify that stance. That's the status quo and that's what MOST people agree with. People who want open borders are in a tiny small minority.

So if you want open borders, you've a lot of talking and convincing to do.
TonkaToy said:
No they didn't. They crippled the economy. I'm surprised they wasn't fucking outlawed altogether when Thatcher got in.

I see where you are coming from now, you actually don't care about people having to take pay cuts, the ability of employers not to emply over 50's.
In Bloom said:
Let's hear them then.

Ahem. I think I've already said, most people want them. If you want open borders, it's you who has got a lot of convincing to do. The majority of people in this country, want immigration controls and they certainly don't have to justify that opinion, when such a tiny minority of idealists want open borders.
TonkaToy said:
So if you want open borders, you've a lot of talking and convincing to do.

I want open borders, I also want leglisation in place that prohibits employers to pay less than the agreed rate for the job in question.
snadge said:
I want open borders, I also want leglisation in place that prohibits employers to pay less than the agreed rate for the job in question.

There is enough legislation to protect workers rights.

Are you a lawyer?

Laws, laws, laws, legislation and more laws.

Biggest enemy of progress.
TonkaToy said:
There is enough legislation to protect workers rights.

Are you a lawyer?

Laws, laws, laws, legislation and more laws.

Biggest enemy of progress.

excluding immigration laws, obviously.:D
snadge said:
evidence please

Look. Right now, we don't have open borders. I don't have to fight to keep it that way. You on the other hand, well, you've certainly got your work cut out.

So. You can say "please" all you want. You can even "beg" me to back up what I'm posting, with hard facts. But I don't have to. I won't and I'm certainly not. Because when we both log off this afternoon, there will still be immigration controls.

And that's they way it's going to be for a long time after we are both dead and buried. :)
TonkaToy said:
There is enough legislation to protect workers rights.

Are you a lawyer?

Laws, laws, laws, legislation and more laws.

Biggest enemy of progress.

there is no leglisation to protect previously agreed wage structures and there lies the problem.

or are you being deliberately obtuse
TonkaToy said:
No I don't. A small amount of people believe in open borders and it doesn't take a genious to work out why that's the case...
If the reasons are so obvious and compelling, it shouldn't be hard for you to explain them.
In Bloom said:
If the reasons are so obvious and compelling, it shouldn't be hard for you to explain them.

I never said the reasons where "obvioius" and "compelling" - go and find where I said that. I'm dissapointed that you are resorting to lying about what I'm posting, rather than getting on with trying to convince others that no border is the way forward.

I'm not surprised though.
sorry what were you saying about the enemy of progress?

From your logic, the sun would still revolve around a flat earth, ruled over by various feudal kings.
revol68 said:
sorry what were you saying about the enemy of progress?

From your logic, the sun would still revolve around a flat earth, ruled over by various feudal kings.

You can make as many posts as you want, with random, bottom line summarizations and declarations, but you'll find that you've brought yourself no closer to your objective of open borders than you was 30 minutes ago.

TonkaToy said:
I never said the reasons where "obvioius" and "compelling" - go and find where I said that. I'm dissapointed that you are resorting to lying about what I'm posting, rather than getting on with trying to convince others that no border is the way forward.

I'm not surprised though.

I'm not going to waste my time actually getting you to act like a reasonable adult and say why you hold the opinions you do. Onto my magical list of people who never post anything worth reading you go, trollboy :)
snadge said:
there is no leglisation to protect previously agreed wage structures and there lies the problem.

or are you being deliberately obtuse

Wage structures?

Who on Earth wants wage structures? I don't. That's for sure.
TonkaToy said:
You can make as many posts as you want, with random, bottom line summarizations and declarations, but you'll find that you've brought yourself no closer to your objective of open borders than you was 30 minutes ago.


any chance that you could address the valid points that I have made, or are you too busy finding that evidence that I also asked you for?
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