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Why do you want to shut down McDonalds?

I was vegetarian for 6 yrs' had to cange coz something happened. But nothing tastes like McD unless ur at BK or KFC or I dont need to go on but the thing that got me when I was veggie was how safe anywhere I was eating was. Saying ' YES totally VEGETARIAN Sir' when what they meant was 'Well I'm sure the livestock it was boiled with only ate grass' or perhaps I'm wrong, anyway if you eat well you deserve to live longer but if you eat kebabs you'll live forever...preservatives!!!
You don't like intertia? Then break away from the treadmill that says the masses are cattle that need you to enlighten them, and only you have the answer.

You may have noticed that Steve calls himself "Trotboy" and that under my username appears "no gods, bosses, rulers". Although we share a strong dislike for MacShite, our politics are not the same!!

So, if that comment was directed at me, it missed completely.

And there we go again, YES THERE ARE COMPANIES AS BAD AS MACSHITE - so what is your point exactly? Your mate nano suggested I go and burn all my pound notes, you suggest that Interbrew is somehow worse than MacShite. You and nano think that if we hate capitalism we should stop using money and stop buying anything? How fucking realistic is that?

It's on a par with your berating me for taking drugs while there is poverty in the world. I say it again, THE REALITY OF CAPITALISM IS THAT IT IS AN ALL EMBRACING SYSTEM THAT YOU CANNOT OPT OUT OF! It is everywhere, and offers no alternatives. So, fuck off with your mealiemouthed suggestions, they are pointless and stupid.

So now you post MacShites details of the awards they have received:

Top 25 Companies for People with Disabilities
Best Employer for Asians
Top 50 Places for Hispanic Women to Work
Fortune Magazine - Top Places for Minorities to Work
Working Mother Magazine - Top 10 Diversity Champions
Hispanic Magazine - Top 50 Corporate Women in America

And all they say to me is this:


So whats so great about that?

And finally, JC, my reasons for posting on U75 are my own. I don't need your permission or your approval.

And if your beliefs won't stand the test of debate, that isn't my fault.

You constantly agree that capitalism is shit. As in McShite isn't that bad - Interbrew is worse. But what do you do with your realisation? You justify the oppression of whole nations, you support the 'bad' companies and spend your life here justifying your inertia, whilst sneering at those on these boards who do try and do something.

Test of debate, my arse!!
Ok, apologies if this has been put here already, as I only read the last 2 pages of the thread, but for info about McLibel, unions and McD, third world exploitation by McD, subvertised ads and more, check out www.mcspotlight.org .
This is why McD's can kiss my ass!

Over a million and a half people worldwide work for McDonald's - they work in similar conditions, carefully created and controlled by management to maximise company profits. McDonald's have pioneered methods of exploitation which have been widely taken up by other companies and corporations. All workers in the food industry, and in every industry under capitalism everywhere, are exploited - but McDonald's is an excellent symbol of a global economy dominated by institutions geared to profiteering. Resistance to McDonald's - whether communities opposing the siting of new stores, campaigners undermining their public image, or from store workers standing up to management power, shows that people everywhere can think for themselves and fight back

from: http://www.mcspotlight.org/media/press/releases/mscfeb2002.html
Maybe, for reasons of their own, they choose to eat there from time to time.

The idea of "choice" is somewhat limited in the face of an advertising budget the size of McDonald's.

You accuse Trotboy, or whoever, of treating human beings like cattle, and yet you seem to think that humans are automata that make "rational" decisions based on all available information (and not, for instance, more heavily swayed by the volume of their child's pleas).
who ever commented on unions at Mc Shite should follow the french situation where workers in paris after several months on strike were granted victory the other day. Mc shite is an insult to the beef industry. those cattle that are about to be eaten and metabolised by our bodies deserves better than being ground into cheap burgers. proper cuts of organic, grass fed and well hung scottish beef served with spuds, green beans and a wine sauce is what these animals are yearning as part of their recycling processes!

Feeling better today?
You must have quite the fever, first you call me a “baby killer”, then accuse me of being a member of the “pro-life” group. Bizarre.

Well, for the record, no I am not a member of the morally, hypocritical “anti-choice” group. ( Bunch of right-wing pricks really. )

Why have you brought the pro-life / christian fascist argument onto two threads?

No fan of them, this argument was just current in my head at the time, that’s all.

My point here is that the “anti-choice” pricks state condemnations of violence, but are very much responsible for it indirectly. They foster an environment by preaching confrontational tactics such as blocking clinics, hurling abusive protests at those who enter, and looking at the issue with a black and white moral rigidity.

I suggest you and your mates are doing the same.

Far fetched?


or here is another nice list of damage:


However, I have managed to dig myself into a debate battle on two fronts, so I will continue my points concerning violent protest on the Genova and the Anti Globalization Movement thread. See you there!

I'm glad you're not a pro-lifer. I still think that the point has been made admirably by Danny la Rouge amongst others, that there is a big difference between anti-capitalists - who want freedom for individuals, and pro-lifers who seek to restrict freedom for individuals.

Thr pro-lifers are intimately bound up with attacks on individuals in a time of crisis, as well as posting personal details of clinic workers on the net.

The attacks on MacShite restuarants as per the list you posted, seem to have hapened mainly in secret, in the early hours of the morning (with the exception of a few - such as Mayday 2000 in London and Bove in France) - and may, or may not have been linked to the movement. Who knows? Disgruntled employees may also have been involved.

The attacks have also happened in many different countries , and according to the list you posted, there have been a grand total of 2 attacks in the UK - the Mayday one, and a bus in Bangor, Wales.

Clearly not a programme which the masses are indulging in then!

Mayday 2001 - McShite closed down all it's branches in Central London and boarded them up!

Starfucks in Oxford Street stopped short of boarding up, but did try and disguise itself by covering up its sign - any old protestor could clearly see if was a Starfucks, but it came to no harm.

I am glad that McShite are aware of the anger against them, and took sensible precautions. It means that they cannot pretend to themselves that the manner in which they operate is fine!

The hype about people attacking McShite is nonsense. On quite a few protests there have been lines of McPolice protecting McShite stores. Yet very close by will be unprotected Pret-a-Mange , Starfucks and Aroma stores - (and many anti-capitalists are aware of McShites involvement in those companies,) and no harm comes to them!!!

I want McShite to deal with the fact that there is lots of opposition to it!! I do not think the facts posted by you go anywhere near to showing that within the UK there is a concerted series of attacks on McShite. I doubt my thoughts have much effect on anyone outside of the UK, nor for that matter many people within the UK.

I reject the claim that, by refusing to condemn those who feel moved to attack McShites, I am part of a concerted series of physical attacks on McShite in the UK - there is no evidence that it happens!
FTP: are you feeling better today? I hope so.

I'll make you a deal. You don't call me names, and I won't call you names.

Christ, this topic generates a lot of comment!

I read Nano's links. I can't believe that a McDonald's employee was killed.

That would be one of those low wage earners, possibly marginal member of society, apparently victimized by McD.

Now, she's attained ultimate victimhood at the hands of her liberators.

Lost Prop. You say all the adverts sap people's ability to make an informed choice.

You don't seem to fall under the spell.

Are other people less intelligent than you?

Do they need you to tell them what's right?

FTP: I don't care if you burn your money. No doubt, it is impossible in our countries to escape the system. My basic point is this:

If people believe the things you do, but are faced with the situation where they must consume some capitalist goods, why would they not do a little research to ensure that the stuff they are using, is not made by some of the bigger transgressors.

That is why I brought Interbrew up. Fine, you will smoke, drink, etc. But if you are going to castigate McD., which you don't even use, wouldn't you want the products you do use, to come from some company that is not as bad as McD?

BTW: for a link on Interbrew and Canadian unionism: Labatt/Interbrew/Stella

How are the anti-McD and the anti-choice strategies the same.

Both go to the business place they disagree with (McD, abortion clinic), and picket/leaflet/obstruct. They try to interfere physically with a person's right to choose the product offered inside.

If that doesn't work, the more extreme elements of the anti choice group bomb the place, so that the benighted individuals who might have gone there, are physically deprived of the ability to choose that option.

FTP. Please explain how I have exhibited inertia.

Also. I have no knowledge of your drug consumption, if any. I was commenting on the capitalist underpinnings of the drug trade, in your country and mine.

I have not told anyone to either eat at McD or not, not to consume drugs or not.

I'm not interested in interfering in the lives of others to that extent.
I see there's a thread about Coca Cola.

How many here drink Coke or Pepsi, or one of the things they own? Do you know all the beverages they own?

How many of the pubs restaurants etc that you go to, serve products produced by these companies?

Do these companies engage in pervasive advertising in UK? Are their products healthy? How well do they pay their employees?
I loathe both Coke and Pepsi. Vile stiff and only ever palatable when doused with Jack Daniel's.

The problem is that these days it's almost impossible to avoid companies whose practices or ethics you disagree with.

Follow the trail back of all but the most squeaky clean, hard core independent and you'll find some multinational sniffing around, either owning great chunks of the business or having 'strategic partnerships' or some such bollocks

In the UK, McD recently bought a big chunk of Pret a Manger, which had advertised itself as being the exact opposite of the fast food chains. McDonalds also bought up Aroma - a coffee chain - and Lord only knows where else they're poking their corporate sticky fingers.

It's the same for many other brands that I try and avoid - heck, trying to avoid Nescafe products is almost an achievement in itself!

The truth is, concerned consumers can apply pressure by several means and boycotting the products is only one of them - sometimes it's simply not possible if their advert-targeted child demands the latest McDisneyTimeWarner, co-branded, tie-in 'free' toy...
Do you not have food co-ops?

They do all that research for you, and market only the most 'correct' products, and I'm not being sarcastic.

There are co-ops that will deliver veggies to your door once a week to your order, free range chicken eggs, meat not raised with DES, etc,

Plus, the coops often buy bulk and package the stuff themselves for consumer use.

I buy as much as I can from local traders (market stalls/small independent shops/health food store/local cafes etc), but it's not always easy if you're rushing around the place all the time.

I do, however, endeavour to avoid all contact with McDonalds, Nestle, Nike and a whole host of other companies I particularly dislike, although without a handheld database containing their global portfolio of aqcuisitions, there's always the chance I'll buy something owned by the fuckers (my most recent boo-boo was when I bought Branston Pickle and later discovered that Nestle had got their claws into that company too. Grrr!)
There is a difference between making a decision to avoid the products of certain companies, but sometmes making a mistake; and boycotting one company, yet merrily carrying on buying anything else you want, without a thought as to who makes it.

We don't blow up McDonalds restaurants here, nor do we kill or injure the minimum wage workers. McD customers aren't beaten or harassed to teach them the error of their consumptive ways. But the many people who disagree with agribusiness have worked to come up with some constructive solutions:

A couple more:

Urban agriculture

More organics and coops
We don't blow up McDonalds restaurants here, nor do we kill or injure the minimum wage workers. McD customers aren't beaten or harassed to teach them the error of their consumptive ways

JC - is the why you are so defensive about McDs?

"July 7/2001 - Montreal, Canada; Seven McDonalds franchises simultaneously had fires which were set in the resaurant's restrooms. The fires all occured between 7:30 and 8:00PM. Earlier it had been announced that the Peel St. location which was to be the first unionized McDonald's in North America would be closed.

July 13/2001 - Montreal, Canada; Two east end McDonald's franchises had bricks thrown through their windows which had FLQ written on them in black marker."

So, from the site Nano posted, there were 9 stores attacked in Canada - and many, many more in the USA.

In Britain one store was trashed(on Mayday - no injuries), and one McD bus set alight (at night)

Canada with 50% of the Uk population had 450% more attacks on stores! (but 11/2400 stores in total!)

The "violence" just isn't happening here!

The employee who was killed was in France - not the UK.

If I say that I condemn all attacks on property will that stop it happening? No, it won't.

This thread was started by Tribal, not by a UK poster. We are not fixated with McD at all!

The drugs issue came up on the "Third World Poverty" thread - ages ago. It was you who raised it!

And that is where the stuff about inertia comes from - you argue against the stand people make on McDs throughout this thread - you keep bringing Interbrew into it. Tonight you suggest that there are "ethical traders" but for many of us that is not a realistic proposition, nor does it go far enough!

The problem with all of this, as far as I can see, is to do with the over-riding economic system that all this happens under. And until that is changed, the problems will persist.

Meanwhile I still do not like McDs.
Alright, there were a few fires started in bathrooms, and bricks through a window, as part of a union certification drive.

I'm not defensive about mcd, I'm curious about the emotional stances I've seen taken here by people in the UK.

Yes, I raised the drug issue; I remember clearly what I said.

One thing I didn't do was make any assumptions about your personal use or non use of drugs.

You still haven't told me how I exhibit inertia.

I understand how you feel that capitalism is the root cause of the problem. My question is, how do your order your life so as to minimize your utilization of the system, or the system's worst transgressors?

Maybe the food coops etc don't go far enough, but surely they are a good place to start detaching oneself from the Agribusiness companies.

Capitalism is all embracing - I can do nothing else than resist it in whatever way I see fit.

Ethical buying is a) expensive b) prone to exploitation by corporations c) not enough!

I don't want "nice capitalism" - I want "no capitalism"

and that is the ideal I pursue, even though I know that I may never attain it!

McDs only becomes emotional for me when people keep telling me how great it is, and that flies in the face of all the facts.

I am intrigued by the way that you are quite dismissive of the attacks on McDs in Canada!

hey, i live near montreal and I can tell you that the fires were set by employees. With inexistent syndics the franchises were sold to fucking bigots and the working conditions were stinky. It really was a problem, even the Mr. Clean ethic was set aside for productivity. So first, it wasn't specially Canada but Quebec (wahey!) and second it wasn't activists but cheap labourers. And I was LMFAO (is that is?) when I saw the FLQ notice, just why should they give a fuck about McD's, and that is if there is any felquists alive anymore. This is intern affair :)D ) ! hehaha...
I didn't want to be the one to say it, but it was in Quebec.

I wasn't dismissive of it. But to me, vandalism etc by employees in the context of a union drive, or as part of bad conditions protests, is not native to McD. It happens in most industries.

The European attacks are different. They are by 'outsiders', ie the public, protesting the very existence of the company.

The mcd employees just want a union. they don't want to destroy the company.

FTP: isn't one way to resist capitalism, to refuse to patronize the very worst companies.

And to do that, don't you have to know who they are?
The European attacks are different. They are by 'outsiders', ie the public, protesting the very existence of the company

You don't know that the employees started the fires, do you? Even if they did, how does that make it different?

Thats just silly JC!

And JC, there are NO good multi-nationals !!!
Johnny Canuck proves his ignorance

"The European attacks are different. They are by 'outsiders', ie the public (!), protesting the very existence of the company"

This really proves that Johnny Canuck doesn't understand dick about the protests, or anything else, come to that. The protests against McDonalds in Europe started with the movement of radical farmers in France. They weren't against the Company as such, but against the fact that McDonalds supported and encouraged intensive farming methods that were killing the French farming tradition and the countryside. Jose Bove and a group of radical farmers dismantled a McDonalds which was nearing completion. McDonalds tried to claim they had done millions of Francs worth of damage, but the workers on the site testified that it was only a few thousand Francs worth.

In the UK, a branch of McDonalds was attacked during a 20,000 strong May Day demonstration in 1990, a small group of 'Anarchists' attacked and smashed up the McDonalds in the full view of a whole bunch of Media. The people who were later convicted were mostly wealthy Public Schoolboys, they were a handful from a demonstration of 20,000, but they were all over the News.

I don't advocate picketing or attacking McDonalds, and nor does anyone in my Party, unless there is an Industrial dispute or a specific reason. For example, we have picketed them with young workers over specific issues of Low Pay. Another example: when a group of young workers from an Aldi (A German Supermarket chain) in Dublin were sacked for joining a Trade Union, we organised pickets of Aldi stores across Europe until they were re-instated.

As to diversity still existing because people like us have taken a stand, it's true. Unless people had taken a stand, like the radical farmers in France, like those working on organic Farms, like those building an alternative without the billions of pounds in State subsidies that have been pumped into intensive Farming, there would be no diversity.

You chose also to talk about cholesterol without understanding any of the Biological points I made about highly refined sugars and saturated artificial fats, none of which occur in natural foods, however high in cholesterol they might be. Cholesterol in itself is not a problem, it's about substances your body can and cannot cope with, and the way in which it stores them or uses them or they simply build up as Toxins within your system.

I don't tell anyone what to do Johnny, unlike McDonalds, which bombards people with advertising 24-7, I just try to give people information. If they're intelligent, they generally grasp the situation pretty quickly, and in fact, most people already know that it's wrong, they just can't see a way to do anything about it. But if, like you, they're wilfully ignorant, then there's no helping them.

Steve Bush,
Lambeth Socialist Party.
FTP: Just a note to say I rather enjoyed your complete and utter demolition of Cannuck's laughably naive view of Canada's supposed loving relationship with McD!
Steve Bush / Trotboy,

Am I to understand that you are supporting the radical French farmers?

Are you supporting them because of their beliefs, or to maintain a united front against the iniquities of MaccyDs?

Or do you only support those farmers who grow organically (who, in my understanding, weren't particularly influential in that movement)?

What do you know about the effect of the French government's protection of the traditional French farmer, via EU agricultural and tariff policies, on countries like Argentina?

How do you reconcile the two?

Radical French Farmers

h2o, Certainly I support the actions of radical French farmers, although there are different groups of them, I am referring to the actions of the group as outlined by Francois Dufours and Jose Bove in the book 'The World is not for Sale'.

Many of them are certainly now Organic, and those that do not have full organic cerification try to farm using traditional methods. I support both. Organic farming is preferable, but it can be very expensive for the Farmer to make the three year conversion. Many Farmers here in the UK want to convert, but cannot afford it. The EU continues to give massive subsidies for intensive farming, but very little support for organic conversion.

As to the effects of the French Governments support of traditional farming, I am not aware of any. But as to it's effect on Argentina, that's precisely the point, there should be no effect! We shouldn't be eating food produced in Argentina, any more than the Argentinians should be eating French food, with the exception of delicacies and luxuries.

I reconcile the two by calling for a Socialist plan of production in agriculture and food, with local production for local consumption and an end to the insane waste and overproduction of Capitalism.

Steve Bush,
Lambeth Socialist Party.
Consumer choice

JC, yes I do think advertising dupes people into buying things they would not have bought otherwise - I imagine the same opinion is held by many advertising execs.

Please don't insinuate that I think of myself as smarter than the average McDonald's customer. I haven't sought to demonise/patronise either their customers or their workers.

All our patterns of consumption are shaped to a large degree by society - whether in the form of advertising, peer pressure, parental guidance. This is true for me as much as it is for anyone.

Why do you care whether anyone eats at McD's or not?

Why do you care so much about whether anyone here has morally consistent buying habits?

Do you really think that morally inconsistent purchases amount to hypocrisy?
LP: no, morally inconsistent purchases do not necessarily amount to hypocricy. However, unexamined purchasing by individuals who claim to be anti-capitalist, goes a long way toward hypocricy.

Do I care about your moral consistency, or the consumption patterns of others? Read my posts above for that answer, I have repeated myself a number of times.

Of course advertising influences buying patterns. Why else would millions be spent on it? How is that relevant to this discussion, considering that virtually all companies that sell something, advertise as well.

LP, you say:
"You accuse Trotboy, or whoever, of treating human beings like cattle, and yet you seem to think that humans are automata that make "rational" decisions based on all available information (and not, for instance, more heavily swayed by the volume of their child's pleas).

That is an interesting definition of an automaton: one who considers all information before making a decision.

Since we apparently do not share the same dictionary, is it any wonder that we disagree?
I separated the reply to LP, from my reply to Trotboy, and the editor.

Trotboy says:

"This really proves that Johnny Canuck doesn't understand dick about the protests, or anything else, come to that.

Editor says:

"FTP: Just a note to say I rather enjoyed your complete and utter demolition of Cannuck's laughably naive view of Canada's supposed loving relationship with McD!

Mr. Ed, in the circumstances, that looks suspiciously like a troll.

Anyway, never let it be said that I made this personal, at least not first, that is.

Are you unable to discuss something without turning it into a personal attack. Newsflash: your opinions, and you, are two different things.

First of all, Steve, who do you speak for? You sign your name over that of some party.

I looked here:

London Elections

but was unable to find either your name, or that of your party. Unless, of course, either you or the party use a different name at election time.

I realize some of these concepts are difficult, so I will take my time, and go slow.

Before, in talking about 'outsiders' vs employees, I was using a linguistic shorthand that assumes a certain level of deductive ability in the reader. I won't do that in future.

The McDonalds employees in Canada who engaged in destructive behaviour as part of their labour dispute, were doing so vis a vis their relationship as employee vs employer.

As has happened many times here and there, such relationships can degenerate to this level.

The difficulties arise due to the relationship, not because the employer is 'McDonalds'. US Steel, General Motors, or Interbrew could have similar situations arise.

The European demonstrations, as set out by Trot/Steve, shed light on the fact that the farmers were upset about the company's philosophy, and its general impact on farming, the economy, etc.

They were concerned with the very existence, and makeup, of the company.

The demonstrations were specific to McDonalds, in a way that labour disputes are not.

I won't waste further space attempting to clarify this distinction.

In discussing cholesterol, Steve talks about: "saturated artificial fats".

Saturated fats are naturally occurring. To date, there is only one 'artificial fat', namely Olestra, and it is not in wide usage as of yet, certainly not by McDonalds.

Steve's grade in organic chemistry: F.

Steve says:

"As to diversity still existing because people like us have taken a stand, it's true. Unless people had taken a stand, like the radical farmers in France, like those working on organic Farms, like those building an alternative without the billions of pounds in State subsidies that have been pumped into intensive Farming, there would be no diversity"

With respect, what the.....does that mean? Do your fellow party members actually buy this stuff?

If so, you should look into getting a job at one of those advertising companies you were talking about.

Diversity would exist even if you and your party didn't.

May I go out on a limb and say that the likely effect of your efforts on this situation, have been infinitesimal, at most.

Steve says:

"We shouldn't be eating food produced in Argentina, any more than the Argentinians should be eating French food, with the exception of delicacies and luxuries.

Pray tell, why not?

Steve says:

"I don't tell anyone what to do Johnny, unlike McDonalds, which bombards people with advertising 24-7, I just try to give people information. If they're intelligent, they generally grasp the situation pretty quickly, and in fact, most people already know that it's wrong, they just can't see a way to do anything about it. But if, like you, they're wilfully ignorant, then there's no helping them"

Of course, steve, if they agree with you, they must be intelligent.

How should us 'wilfully ignorant' people be dealt with? Forcible ejection from restaurants?

Was the french McD worker killed, wilfully ignorant?
JC and Nano -

No matter how much obssesive pedantry and lawyeresque critique you regulary serve up, your case is always a case for doing nothing.

Many of are our arguments have flaws and none of them are perfect but fundementally they all aim to somehow make the world a better place.

I cant think if one of your respective postings which fits into that category.

Why dont you try it for a change?

You must read my posts with much rage, for you never seem to grasp my fundamental point. I believe strongly in the right of individuals to protest in efforts to change our society for the better. The McD trails are often referenced in these posts. Such action is wonderful. The activists were capable of publicly shaming McDs for wrongful doing, getting their message out, and all without the use of vandalism or violence.

But many posters on these boards simply want to ‘shut down McDs’. This is noneffective, and arrogant. I have repeatedly stated the reasons why this is so ( in addition to JC ), but you, nor anyone else has offered a retort, other than the ‘symbolic’ value of trashing McDs.

So, you suggest I do not wish change. Nonsense. The following are the issues I would pursue wholeheartedly:

- Full disclosure of food’s nutritional content, including fat content, and the use of any genetically modified products. (personally I don’t care about GM, but many do, and I support full disclosure so that people may make informed choices.) This is already available on any store purchased food here in the US, and is in fact much more comprehensive then Canada’s system:


- illegal to advertise products to children under the age of 13.

- illegal to harass, or fire any employee who organizes, or distributes info about unionization.

So I would start with that. And if you agree, well than Kaka I would be more then happy to march side-by-side with you with a U75 banner in efforts to get such laws enacted.

But notice the difference? I do not wish to prevent anyone from buying a BigMac if they so wish, just as I would not deny someone the right to smoke a cig, or drink a beer. I do not just focus my attention on McDs, but also BK, mom-n-pop burger stalls, and the local pub.

Why dont you try it for a change?
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