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Why do you want to shut down McDonalds?

any way I think people concentrate too much on lifestylish aspects of opposing capitalism (ie dreadlocks, ganja, veganism , hippy clothing punky clothing or what ever)

Yes I do agree (to a fair extent) with Yoke on this and am well guilty of it sometimes myself

Look forward to discussing it with him in his hippy squat in the Dam :D :cool:
Good grief!

I think Ronald McDonald Houses are a wonderful idea, after you've contracted a carcinoma through eating their processed and refined foodstuffs, they look after you until you snuff it.

Almost on a par with the US Army providing the only free hospital in Washigton in order that their surgeons can gain first hand experience treating gunshot wounds - cheaper than shooting Pigs.

McDonalds as a corporation is obviously a major Capitalist symbol, and it sucks bigtime, poisoning us whilst it exploits us. Dismantling McDonalds, in Jose Bove style, is a good idea.

Most of all I hate McDonalds for the impact it has on local communities. Stultifying diversity, promoting uniformity, creating a mass of litter, and making people unhealthy, dull and drab.

Steve Bush,
Lambeth Socialist Party
McDonalds's is a large corporation. If one does not like large corporations, one won't like McDonald's, amongst others.

Frankly, the depth of anger expressed here toward that company perplexes me. No doubt, there must be things that have happened in the European experience that haven't happened here.

A good indicator is the anger expressed about ronald mcdonald house.

It probably is a tax write off; it probably does use volunteers and donation money. So what?

The largest and best hospitals in the province are located in this city. Since illness doesn't know socioeconomic status, poor people upcountry also get sick. So do their kids.

Ronald McD houses provide a good service to people in need. I could care less how it comes into existence.

If McD gets a tax break for it, good for them. Don't you take advantage of any tax breaks available to you?

If you don't like that, it's a matter to take up with your govt, not with the taxpayer.

BTW, check out the link posted by WW about lying shite or some such thing.

If you actually read the article, you see the lawyer for the Indian plaintiffs saying he settled because McD was the first large corp in 100 years to actually admit wrongdoing, and offering to settle, without the usual ten years of litigation.

Also, the crime; using trace amounts of beef FLAVOR in the vegetable oil used to cook fries.

Bring out the firing squad!

I know you all feel strongly about this; perhaps because you have invested time and energy into this cause. But since this is an opinion forum, I'll give mine.

I still believe that on the scale of corporate demons, McD ranks on one of the middle circles of Hell. There are much worse.

But because they are in the neighborhood, they can be demonstrated against with a minimum of effort.

It is the creation of a straw man, easily accessible to be beaten by the kitchen broom.

I'm off to lunch (not McD today), but I want to think about what Steve Bush had to say.
Many year ago while waiting for a lecture at University to start, I was standing outside the theatre chatting to mates sucking on my triple thick chocolate Mcshake when this beast of a women bounds over punching the drink out of my hand onto the floor, where it ran all over the place and made a right fucking mess. I looked at her confused and she gave me some shit about McMurder and did I release how many babies in Africa had died so that I could drink a McShake. Looking back in hindsight I should have nutted the ugly bitch, but I was so amazed by her actions that I like my class mates just stood and looked at her open mouthed and amazed, this was my first encounter with a left wing Nazi.

What gives anyone the right to tell anyone else what he or she can and cannot eat? Now I don’t east McDs, prefer BugerKing, but my kids love the place, the Happy Meal shop they call them, can spot one from over a mile away.

The obvious difference between companies like McDonalds and companies like whoever produces Stella is the impact that McDonalds inevitably has on public spaces, IMO. You might see the odd empty can of Stella, but on the whole, if you don't want to drink it, you can just ignore it. McDonalds, on the other hand, is still there in your face even if you never eat there. The high streets of our towns and cities are public spaces which everybody uses, and they all have a hideous red and yellow plastic looking McDonalds, and a mountain of McDonalds waste cluttering them up. Add in the highly intrusive level of advertising, and it's just impossible to escape.
I don't hate McDonalds as representatives of capitalism, and wouldn't call myself an anti-capitalist, but I still hate McDonalds just because they are really fucking horrible. Every new McDonalds that opens makes the world a worse place, it's as simple as that.
A Belgian company called InterBrew own Stella. They also own Boddingtons, Heineken and may other beers that you probably drink down your local pub. When I lived up North in the 80’s you never got Boddingtons down south. You could tell which part of the country you were in by what was on sale in your local boozer, now it don’t matter if your in Cardiff, Aberdeen, London or Birmingham you get the same choice, that’s globalisation.

Blue paul, read my earlier posts about Interbrew.

I agree, if they are littering, that's bad. Maybe they are bad corporate citizens over there.

Here, McDonald's employees are sent out to pick up McDonalds garbage anywhere within a two block radius of the restaurant. You see no McD garbage near a McD.

You want to agitate, get a petition up demanding that they do the same thing in UK.

"Most of all I hate McDonalds for the impact it has on local communities. Stultifying diversity, promoting uniformity, creating a mass of litter, and making people unhealthy, dull and drab.

Steve Bush,
Lambeth Socialist Party "

I checked the figures. There are 1200 McD. in the UK. with a population of 59 million.

Canada has just under 1200, with a pop. just under 30 million.

In my greater metropolitan area, which stretches about 60 miles east/west, and 40 miles north/south there are 105 McD. There are 50 KFC, which is a chicken place, used to be called Colonel Saunders Kentucky Fried Chicken.

There are also 105 Subways, which bill themselves as the healthy place.

Does it sound like a suppression of diversity? It isn't: all the listings for those three places might fill one page of the phone book. The phone book includes ninety pages of restaurant listings.

Diversity is alive and well here. I expect it is the same in your city.

As far as making people 'unhealthy, dull and drab', Steve reminds me of the old days of Empire, when the British blamed everything on the French, and syphilis was called the French Pox.

Sounds like he's substititing McD for the French.

Maybe they're trying to take over the world again. Maybe they're adulterating things with mind altering drugs.

I'll bet the name Kroc is French, or Cajun or something........you know, maybe these lefties are right!

What's that food called they sell in Paris?

Kroc Monsieur?

BTW, no one answered about what cigarettes you smoke.

What's that big UK company, BAT plc, or something, or is it just Phillip Morris, or Rothmans, etc.

Fess up, and we'll run your favourite brand through Google or something.....
Actually, I get the impression that McDs in the US are a bit more responsible than here; at least you can get burgers in recyclable cardboard cartons, for instance, whereas here they are in polystyrene "build that landfill" boxes.

I can't really blame McDs for the fact that so many of the citizens of these isles are filthy scum who would rather throw their crap all over the street than walk their lazy arses five fucking metres to get to the nearest bin. That is the major problem. I don't blame Interbrew for the fact that they sell lager in cans which people chuck in hedges, either. Is it such a fucking hassle to find somewhere to put it? Eat the bloody thing, you probably wouldn't notice, you pissed-up cunt.

And let's not even get onto fucking chewing-gum, which has given pavements all over the land a fetching polka-dot pattern over the past few decades.

London is a particularly filthy city, and not in a good way. A bad combination of careless selfish bastards in the public, and careless selfish bastards in councils who are the first to cut street cleaning and buy themselves £100,000 cars.
and I only smoke 100% fairtrade organic tobacco in chlorine-free papers made from renewable forests, at a cost greater than cocaine
Johnny. DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

as devilmaycare would say!

It doesn't actually matter which company makes anything we buy! For a start, you have to use money to make the purchase, and money is tainted with the deaths of millions.

But that doesn't mean McShite is a good company, does it!

You have been given plenty of reasons why people don't like McShite and don't wish to patronise them.

If you want to fill your belly with their disgusting filth, that is your look out!

We could all follow your example and fall into a state of inertia - but we refuse to!
FM, it's true. They haven't used styrofoam here at mcd for at least 7 years.

And people here are pretty good about not littering. If you dropped your Big Mac box on a sidewalk, other people would probably yell at you.

"London is a particularly filthy city, and not in a good way." - Great line. It got me to thinking of all the filthy cities I've known and loved....

And of course, Fridge, it goes without saying that all the ingredients of your fags are harvested by satisfied and fulfilled union workers earning top scale, using environmentally sensitive methods, with non polluting, fuel cell tractors...
Here, McDonald's employees are sent out to pick up McDonalds garbage anywhere within a two block radius of the restaurant. You see no McD garbage near a McD.

And people here are pretty good about not littering. If you dropped your Big Mac box on a sidewalk, other people would probably yell at you.

Johnny Canuck posts shit for the sake of it?
And of course, Fridge, it goes without saying that all the ingredients of your fags are harvested by satisfied and fulfilled union workers earning top scale, using environmentally sensitive methods, with non polluting, fuel cell tractors...
Ah, you're not catching me out like that. Tractors would involve environmentally-destructive mineral mining and petrochemicals to produce the plastics.

No, they use ox ploughs, and gather the harvest by hand, while discussing Malatesta and Bakunin, before retiring to their self-organised crime-free egalitarian communities for evenings of hot sex.

I've applied to work there but there's a ten year waiting list apparently.
FTP: you've juxtaposed those two comments of mine. Apparently, you can see some deep connection/contradiction, that doesn't jump off the page at the average reader.
Care to enlighten us?

Fridge, and the best thing is, I'll bet those workers are so emancipated that in one of those hot sex sessions, you'd find the Elephant man happily going doggy style with one of the hearty, cornfed , rosy-cheeked farm maidens (as opposed to that skanky Virginia tobacco trash that would only do it for money)
you'd find the Elephant man happily going doggy style with one of the hearty, cornfed , rosy-cheeked farm maidens (as opposed to that skanky Virginia tobacco trash that would only do it for money)


and they have as much porn as they want, too
Either people drop litter and McDs employees pick it up, or they don't and McD's employees don't pick it up.

I am just really bored with you droning on about McShite - I think you will say anything to justify your position, and it is not the first time that you have done this with McShite!!

Eat it if you want, but don't keep pushing people to justify a stance that you don't respect , and will never accept.

If McD gets a tax break for it, good for them. Don't you take advantage of any tax breaks available to you?

Um No - tax breaks are for fat cat lawyers who appear to get paid shitloads for posting crap on U75 12 hours a day.

If you don't like that, it's a matter to take up with your govt, not with the taxpayer.

Fuck me JC, I'll write to my MP straight away!! That'll make a difference. After all, my MP really cares about issues that I care about!
I'm gonna go with JC on this one :eek:
well, partially at least.
Maccydees are crap for all of the reason listed above. But, as JC said it is a bit of straw man set up for people to take out their wider frustrations on. Of course it can't be denied that there are far worse, often faceless companies doing far worse things.
But the problem is that people get so pissed off with the way things are that they reasonably want to take out their anger on something.

So perhaps Maccydees is something more like a punch bag or one of those squidgy stress relief things that you squeeze.

But so long as people don't become too obsessed with it, i don't see anything wrong with a bit of McDonald's bashing just because there are worse companies. Hell, if it makes people feel better, why not? its not like they can't afford to replace the odd smashed window or superglued lock.

Of course, agricola, i wouldn't want to suggest that I'm recommending any of these courses of action :p
Instead, buying your capitalist goods with money tainted by the blood of millions, you fall into a state of hypocrisy.

I'll choose inertia, a physical failure, over hypocrisy, a moral failure, any day.
HKF: good middle ground that I can agree with.

FTP: a load of bollocks.

Where I live, people are fairly ecology conscious. Therefore, few tend to litter. But some do. The McD garbagepickers pick it up, but they aren't all that busy.

Other parts of the country, which is fairly big, and the people aren't as envirocorrect. Therefore, more for the McD garbagepickers to do.

Fatcat lawyer with buckets of money? I wish! (Psst, Jeeves, please have the strectch limo with the twin Romanian prostitutes pull up to the side entrance of the mansion, there's a good man....)
JC - really?
Are you saying that if you are not perfectly living up to your own ideas of morality all the time then you have no right whatsoever to take any positive or 'good' action?

Me, i'd rather admit to my inperfections and still try to combat what i see as injustice or oppression.

the socio-economic forces exercised on us penetrate almost every area of our lives and thought. The argument of perfecting oneself before trying to tackle social issues is one i get all the time from religious/new age types. for me the two things are inseperable. By engaging with social issues i learn about the world, about myself and the relationship between the two.

Yeah, i drink stella. shop at sainsburys sometimes. If i tried to totally avoid every company or thing i disagreed with (including money) i truly would be paralysed.

But stick with your inertia if you like it. I'll take hypocrisy, i think, as long as its open and acknowledged as the best i can do for now.
A little testy, aren't we?

Isn't it Friday night in England? C'mon FTP, just remember:

Gray skies are gonna clear up,
Put on a happy face;
Brush off the clouds and cheer up,
Put on a happy face.
Take off the gloomy mask of tragedy,
It's not your style;
You'll look so good that you'll be glad
Ya' decide to smile!
Pick out a pleasant outlook,
Stick out that noble chin;
Wipe off that "full of doubt" look,
Slap on a happy grin!
And spread sunshine
all over the place,
Just put on a happy face!
Put on a happy face
Put on a happy face
And if you're feeling cross and bickerish
Don't sit and whine
Think of banana splits and licorice
And you'll feel fine
I knew a girl so glooming
She'd never laugh or sing
She wouldn't listen to me
Now she's a mean old thing
So spread sunshine
all over the place
Just put on a happy face
So, put on a happy face
Vimto, bout feckin time...

I'm sick of burger talk; it's Friday night.

Totally off topic and derail prone, two things we like to do here:

Winter: Parade of Lost Souls:




Summer: Illuminares:


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