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Why do you want to shut down McDonalds?

Great post slowdog.
It's a real dilemma how to educate your kids the way you'd like as against the reality as you pointed out...every other of your kid's classmates birthday parties are in mcdonalds so what are you going to do??
Much as I'd love to see every one of the poisonous shitholes burned to the ground I can't afford to be like that with my kids.
They'd surely rebel against me lol.
Smash the whole fucking system I reckon......
and start again.
I guess the only option left is to encourage people to tear down my local branch of McDonald's with their bare hands.

and what values will you be teaching your child then?

If you dislike something, destroy it?
Despite the opinions and values of others?

The point about the birthday party is well made, but common in today’s multicultural society. What about the children of jewish or muslim parents who wish for their children to interact, but do not want them to consume improperly prepared food?

Perhaps the best suggestion is to pack a veggie meal for your child to take with him to the birthday lunch. ( this was a common solution when I was a young lad and the odd mate was a veggie. The other kids did not pressure, but were curious. )

If the yellow clown is really such a massive influence on your child’s life, may I respectfully suggest piano lessons instead of all-afternoon tv watching?

Ultimately, parents have the power to say 'no'. The day either governments or corporations deny parents such power, is day to start tearing down the institutions.

Until then, kids still like carrot sticks and “ants on a log” don’t they?
"is the day to start tearing down institutions"...LMAO
How right and blissfully nonsensical you are all at the same time..

Trashing the symbols of oppression is as hold as symbols and oppression.
Mc Donald's (unlike your examples of other corporate business) is everywhere - all over the world like a rash. It symbolises the dominance of a deadly, souless capitalist consumer culture.
The building of a Mc Donalds in virgin terretory is like planting a flag - claiming the space for global capital.
This, more than anything, is why Mc Donalds is targeted - the shit food, labour conditions, environmental crimes etc are almost by the by (I mean there's no shortage of other offenders on all of those counts).
I've heard other people describe trashing a mc donalds as the 21st Centuary equivalent of flag burning.

Personally, trashing them its not my thing.
But I think they're shit on principle and I don't go in there.
I guess it's the same with capitalism as with other things: as people say, something is bad or good, depending on whose ox is being gored.

McD: bad capitalist monopolist.

Surely no one here would support such capitalist hijinks? Right?

Looks around the party...... what's that you're drinking?

Stella, mate.

Shall we slay a few sacred cows?

Who makes Stella?

Interbrew, the fifth largest brewer in the world!

Wrong! Make that third largest, and what about standardization of brands?

How is the company doing? Quite well in Russia and the Ukraine, thanks to all those alcoholics we hear about!

But aren't the Indians teetotallers?

Interbrew and Canadian unions

A whiff of scandal in Montenegro?

UK govt. snubs Interbrew deal, pisses off Belgians!

Profits up for Interbrew investors - around the world!

Gee, I wonder how much they pay their chinese or bulgarian workers?
damn JC, lotsa link, where do you come with those.

ok to lazydog, i really feel sad for your kid. im assuming he/she is less than 12-15 years of age? i feel sad for your kid because you are denying him/her a chance at being a kid, and yes that involves unhealthy activities, like chasing cats, climbing trees, shooting water guns and eating junk food. its part of growing up. but nevertheless you are the parent and its your call how to raise your kid. now, if you dont like McD, you want people to tear it down. when you do that, whats going to happen? Burger King (british owned by the way) will move in and instead of big macs, your kid will have to avoid whoppers. same shit, same story.

about horrible working conditions, can anyone actually give me some proof or is all that out of your asses? my friends mother works for the NYC health dept, she inspects restaurants, fast food, slow food, etc, and guess what she says. McD and the like, have a tremendously higher safety and cleanliness ratings than many traditional restaurants. like nanoexp said, you tear down a McD, will the next food joint be better or healthier? i really doubt that, unless everyone becomes a vegetarian. jesus what a sad thought.

never before have you declared your ignorance so bluntly:

Mc Donald's (unlike your examples of other corporate business) is everywhere


Based in France.
Recently purchased Universal of America
One of the world’s largest producers/distributors of cultural crap.

2000 revenue: 46 Billion Euro

7-11 stores,
( actually fully owned and operated by Ito Yokado Co of Japan )
specializes in selling junk food to people of the following nations:

Approximately 3,300 of 7-Eleven, Inc.'s 5,300 stores in the United States are operated by franchisees; the rest are company-operated. 7-Eleven's Canadian units number close to 500. Another 430 stores in the United States are operated by 7-Eleven licensees. Internationally, 7-Eleven licensees and affiliates operate an additional 15,000 7-Eleven and other convenience stores in other countries including Japan, Australia, Mexico, Taiwan, Singapore, the Philippines, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, South Korea, Thailand, Norway, Turkey, Malaysia, China and the U.S. territories of Puerto Rico and Guam.

2000 revenue: 3.1 Trillion Yen ( or 24.8 Billion US$ )


2000 revenue: 14.2 Billion

Kaka, you are a very simple person, looking for simple answers. McDonalds with its bright and shiny advertising has apparently been extraordinary successful in capturing your attention. However, there are many, many more corporations significantly larger, and with significantly more influence on your and other people’s daily life if you just care to investigate.

( some are not even American! )

For me, you can’t beat English / S. African DeBeers for a good ol’ fashion bad guy in a black hat corporation.

Take those fuckers at DeBeers down!

( they have done far more damage to the environment and people in the third world then McDonalds multiplied a thousand times over…. )
Un coup parti...

Why should we want to shut McDonald's, Microsoft, Ron Jeremy, Nike, Taco Belch, Britney Spears, Who wants to fuck a millionaire?, CIA, Ford, Jerry Springer, The Gluttonbowl, KKK, the american stupidity's theory , the world trade ce... oh sorry, already shut down...

is it really necessary to tell why ? desillusion yourself for fuck sake...
Nano -
Mc Donalds, along with Coca Cola, is probably the most famous brand name in the world. De Beers (who are a total bag of shits of the first order) is not up there in the brand recognition stakes.
Thats why Mc D's is targetted as a symbol of corporate capitalism.
This doesn't mean that there are not richer or even more unsavoury corporations on the planet.

However, Trashing Mc D's has become a universal short hand for saying 'Fuck You' to capitalism.

I cant really see how you can disagree with that analysis - it doesn't mean you support it.

Obviously it is not an 'answer', or a credible revolutionary strategy.

But when I see pictures of people in Nigeria, Bolivia or Argentina smashing up the golden arches it tells me that there is a global backlash against what those symbols represent - personally that warms my cockles (and would seem to send a chill down your materialist, reductionist, cynical old spine).
love and kisses....

The chill down my spine originates from the frustration of perpetual ignorance of those who believe that smashing a McDs will solve their problems.

But I do wish them the best, with love and kisses.

Even you too Kaka.
Precisely - symbols are important. The symbolic value of destroying the golden arches is far more than the actual value.

Given McD's ubiquitous positive publicity for themselves, you could also say that it was useful to publicise their failings, as opposed to those of a faceless corporation, given that most people who hear about the crimes of a faceless corporation won't feel it has anything to do with them. "McDonalds is lying to you!" has more personal impact than "Amalgamated Industry Holdings Plc is lying to you!"

Trying to pretend that they're any worse than anyone else is stupid, though, and JC's point about Stella is perfectly true; you boycott Nescafe, why not Stella? Cos Nescafe tastes shit? Why not buy locally-brewed beers from independents?

Don't even let's get on to the people who are involved in getting your drugs to you. I don't see many dealers selling fairtrade coke.
ok :

thanks for calling me arrogant tribal but youre off the mark completely:

Im not a vegan or a veggie and I eat meat nearly everyday: I dont want to force anything on anyway on the contrary I want a society absent of force and authority:

antimcdonalds sentiment is one of the weakest aspects of our movements:


because while the huge numbers of anticapitalists are boycotting mcdonalds and ridiculously failing to lead cruelty free lifestyles: our target audience is right there inside micky dees munching on big macs:

the keeness with which our movement opposes macdonalds can be explained by the large numbers of middle class activists in our movement and that middle class veggie morality:

this is not to belittle anyones efforts

true macdonalds is like a rash but to avoid parodying ourselves we should diversify our symbolic attacks;

We must shut up because we're all hypocrites

Not had time to read all this thread but ...

I see the Instruct the Left to Be Universally Consistent tendancy of the right-leaning Transatlantic crew has returned with a vengeance. Its such fun hypocrisy hunting isn't it? Such a great and effective way of undermining any argument faintly critical of the status quo - instructing peolle on spurious grounds of "inconsistency" if they don't, to dilute their campaign to the point of total ineffectiveness by broadening it to include everything.

The proponents of this instruction feign puzzlement. Why single out McDonalds? Others are as bad or worse. It's hypocritical to challenge MacDonalds if you don't challenge ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING remotely similar, everywhere, at all times. For mysself (they say) I dislike McDonalds personally oh oh yes, but it's so hypocritical to single it out, and so "undemocratic" and "against freedom" to campaign against its iniquities that you must either extend your campaign to include all companies/institutions worse than McDonalds, or shut up.

And chucking a brick though McDonalds is thuggish, however understandable the anger engendered by the globalising, homogenising, local diversity destroying, clown-faced-fucker-kid-indoctrination of McDs. All that is absolutely fine. Undemocratic to criticise it. Elitist too, no doubt.

Anti American too and America must not be criticised, in any manifestation, because it defends freedom and democracy.

Oh yes, we're dictatorial vegetarian indoctrinators threatening peoples right to poison themselves with nutrition-free, additive loaded, heart attack causing, animal murdering SHITE ("literally contains shite", R, TM -- read Erich Schlosser's Fast Food Nation and weep).

Oh yes, as well, McD is popular. Lets not question that. Never mind that mass marketing, standardisation, convenience and cheapness (based on shit ingresients, economics of scale, and shit wages) INDUCED that level of popularity. It was not demand led it was the company CREATING a demand and then posing as noble satisfiers of it.

MCDONALDS IS A SYMBOL. Of American free marketisiation and homogenisation and cultural imperialism.

[Riddled with inconsistencies because I was in a rush ... :D ]
yeah well william Im no veggie but Im on your side ultimately:

For what its worth all the righteous vegans outhere would be better off inside macdonalds drinking milkless tea and bringing their ideas to the people:

you stand out side with a table and leaflets and people just think look at those freaky people:(ive mean there)

any way I think people concentrate too much on lifestylish aspects of opposing capitalism (ie dreadlocks, ganja, veganism , hippy clothing punky clothing or what ever)

now Im guilty of most of the above and Im not tryna be holier than thou its just some times I feel more part of a rebbellious but ultimately innocuos sub culture:

rather than a movement :

know what I mean?

yoker on reflection
Now that's the william I'm used to, a good, down-home, dyed in the wool rant.

I for one am not trying to instruct you in jack squat.

I don't see it as an inconsistency. If you're against capitalism, McD certainly is a capitalist company.

Like a poster above said, I see it more as a weakness of your movement.

If you compare capitalism to a school of great whites swimming off the great barrier reef, you guys are attacking one of the pilot fish.

It's a burger company, for christ's sake. All the arches-smashing, clown lynching etc. smacks of mee-too-ism: a quick and easy way to identify yourself as an 'anticapitalist', without having to invest too much thought into what it is you actually believe in.

If the true reasons that you dislike McD relates to heavy handed advertising, effect on the ecosystem, health concerns, etc, then I assume you at least try to look at other companies, etc around you to see what they're doing.

While you're doing that, William, let me get you a Stella....

To me, going after McD is like Don Quixote and his windmills; lots of honorable intention, but a little nearsightedness leads to the wrong targets.

The capitalist system is vast, complex, interrelated, etc. Modern companies are behemoths that dangle cute slogans and friendly mascots in front of you, while adding billions to the bottom line.

McD does that to an extent, but as nano says, there are so many others around you that have a much greater effect. They are just better at hiding.

I think the whole anti McD thing is bigger in Europe, I'm not sure why. Here, for all its outlets, I think it's viewed as a bit of a lightweight, of little consequence. Individuals of your stripe tend to take on Exxon, or Johnson and Johnson, when they go out for the big fish.
'those who believe that smashing a McDs will solve their problems'

I don't think anybody on the planet believes that - unless their very, very stupid.
Maybe not, but I hope he wouldn't be so rude as to throw it at me....

Does he like Becks; or Bass Ale; or Watneys; or.....

I'm sure Interbrew will have something for everyone.
"America must not be criticised, in any manifestation, because it defends freedom and democracy. "

yeah... so then it's easy to defend those values, you just have to say that you defend them...?
'those who believe that smashing a McDs will solve their problems'

I don't think anybody on the planet believes that - unless their very, very stupid.

Bingo Kaka.

those who do are either:

a) doing so for fun, and are thus thugs. Hey isn't breaking windows fun!

b) doing so for a cause, and thus are 'very, very stupid'.
MacShite has a wonderful public image!!

I remember being on a tube, with a group of mates. We asked everyone in the carriage what they thought the worst company in London was.

100% said McSHITE!!!!!

And that was ordinary, non-activist punters!!

JC - I am not surprised to see you joining the Yanks in praising this odious company - US imperialism is your bag innit.

As Devilmaycare would say:

Johnny! Duh!!!!!!!

Because of the advertising and prominence. Ok people know Mcshit are evil. Can we move on now and expose and an anonymous group of fuckers? I didn't see JC praise Mcshit, but instead saying they are just one of a bad bunch. I've done my share of shit jobs and friends work there. Believe me there are far worse places to work, they just don't have the golden arches.

Don't get me wrong I dislike McDonalds, but can't we move on now? What did you buy last time you went shopping? Some of us may have gone to health food store, but the majority of us will have brought lots of names that we are aware of. Want to check who makes them? More then likely to be a corporation who most people have never heard of, but will quickly identify with their brands.
FTP: go back, comb my posts. Earlier, elsewhere, I praised McD. for Ronald McDonald house, a hospice situation, involving gravely ill kids.

Other than that, show me where I've praised McD.

Can't find anything?


Try reading, then thinking, before you speak, 'kay?

If you want to waste your efforts and energies combatting a...(get this!) burger company, be my guest.

People on the tube said; McD is the worst company? I'm glad to see you get your info from institutions of higher knowledge.

If you asked people on the local tube, what their favorite type of radio station was, they'd probably say light rock/easy listening.

So fucking what?

When I start checking with people on the tube to confirm my opinions, remind me to check in for a voluntary lobotomy.

Well, I guess capitalism can sleep easy tonight. While you guys are throwing rocks at the big, easy, obvious, but inconsequential target, the real villains are laughing all the way to Barclay's Bank.


Your posts are critical of people who target McShite! And I am so bored with hearing about "Ronald MacDonald Houses!!!"

They are a fucking tax break - they cost the company nothing and bring it adulation. They are named after the ugly clown that is it's mascot!! And, why oh why are there collection boxes in McShite for them?? Why are the punters asked to contribute towards them? They already do by buying the awful crap that McShites markets as "nutritional food".

I don't know any activist who thinks that McShite is the only problem - we realise that all profit making businesses are built on exploitation.

But McShites are bigger than "just a burger company" - they were the first companies to appear in the newly "liberated" Eastern European countries, they are everywhere!

They are part of a drive towards a mono-culture, they spend $2billion a year on advertising and marketing - they produce shitloads of waste, and they market directly at kids!! They exploit the environment and workers and their consumers.
McShite and McLibel


One thought about why McShite is particularly targetted in the UK is that they decided to sue activists for libel.

A long trial followed in which most of the activists claims were conclusivley proved!!! And it got lots of media attention - so people are more aware of it as a result.

Talk about shooting yourself in the foot!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe you'd be interested in George Reitzer's book on how capitalism standardises so much of life and culture. In capitalism we are forced, by outfits such as McDonalds, to conform. This is not equality. Equality embraces diversity. That is why smashing up a McDonalds is such an attractive proposition.
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