We must shut up because we're all hypocrites
Not had time to read all this thread but ...
I see the Instruct the Left to Be Universally Consistent tendancy of the right-leaning Transatlantic crew has returned with a vengeance. Its such fun hypocrisy hunting isn't it? Such a great and effective way of undermining any argument faintly critical of the status quo - instructing peolle on spurious grounds of "inconsistency" if they don't, to dilute their campaign to the point of total ineffectiveness by broadening it to include everything.
The proponents of this instruction feign puzzlement. Why single out McDonalds? Others are as bad or worse. It's hypocritical to challenge MacDonalds if you don't challenge ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING remotely similar, everywhere, at all times. For mysself (they say) I dislike McDonalds personally oh oh yes, but it's so hypocritical to single it out, and so "undemocratic" and "against freedom" to campaign against its iniquities that you must either extend your campaign to include all companies/institutions worse than McDonalds, or shut up.
And chucking a brick though McDonalds is thuggish, however understandable the anger engendered by the globalising, homogenising, local diversity destroying, clown-faced-fucker-kid-indoctrination of McDs. All that is absolutely fine. Undemocratic to criticise it. Elitist too, no doubt.
Anti American too and America must not be criticised, in any manifestation, because it defends freedom and democracy.
Oh yes, we're dictatorial vegetarian indoctrinators threatening peoples right to poison themselves with nutrition-free, additive loaded, heart attack causing, animal murdering SHITE ("literally contains shite", R, TM -- read Erich Schlosser's Fast Food Nation and weep).
Oh yes, as well, McD is popular. Lets not question that. Never mind that mass marketing, standardisation, convenience and cheapness (based on shit ingresients, economics of scale, and shit wages) INDUCED that level of popularity. It was not demand led it was the company CREATING a demand and then posing as noble satisfiers of it.
MCDONALDS IS A SYMBOL. Of American free marketisiation and homogenisation and cultural imperialism.
[Riddled with inconsistencies because I was in a rush ...