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Why do you want to shut down McDonalds?

My position is simple: there are many things that are imperfect in this world. There are many things that could be changed. There are other things that perhaps don't need changing. There are even some things that are just fine, thank you very much.

I admire people who take a stand, especially when that stand goes against the popular wisdom, or the popular way of doing things.

I include some of the posters here in that group.

However,I believe that the best, and for me the only, action to be taken, is considered action.

In other words, action taken after reflection and thought.

If it's a group, and serious or large scale action is to be taken, then debate and consideration should preface any action.

Ihaven't defended McDonalds here, aside from Ronald McDonald house.

I will defend the right of people to eat there if they so choose.

I will defend the right of mcd to exist as a company.

I will question the motives of those who vehemently attack that company, but I do it out of interest, not out of any axe I might have to grind on behalf of McD.

I agree with the things Nano says about truth in advertising, and about advertising to children. I have borne the brunt of the effects of Saturday morning cartoon advertising. Believe it or not, McD is neither the most effective, nor the most insidious.

I have had difficulty with the tone taken by those who disagree with me.

I'd put it this way. They are vehemently opposed to McD. I am no lover of the company, but I will eat there on occasion, and I am not calling for its destruction.

For the record, I have now read the synopses of the McLibel decision. I'd like to say more about it when I have more time, but for the record, it's my opinion that the actions of McD in instituting and carrying on with this lawsuit are asinine and ridiculous in the extreme.

The image of a corporate behemoth attacking a couple of protestors is disgusting. Also, it's a terrible business practice.

So I have mixed feelings about McD.

But those who have argued with me take an extreme position.

An analogy. In the 60s, in the heat of the civil rights struggle, there were a core group of extremist whites who hated blacks and were violently opposed to integration or civil rights of any kind.

The rest of the white population, including those in the south, stretched along a spectrum from that extreme position, to the other, liberal end.

There were lots of whites who would agree with the vote for blacks, but didn't want whites and blacks marrying, for example.

Others agreed with equal access to education, but not neighborhood integration.

A fucked up situation, I agree, but my point is that there were lots of opinions and positions, and many whites who would agree with some form of civil rights.

The racist extremists had a powerful tool to use against these 'middle of the road' whites.

It was the word 'nigger lover'.

If any white showed the least inclination towards agreeing with black civil rights, they were branded a nigger lover by the extremists.

For many of the especially Southern whites, this went too far. They were afraid of the social ostracism, etc, that went along with this appelation.

So they kept quiet, afraid of their fellow whites who were more extreme than they were.

How does this relate?

Nano, myself, and a couple of others have said things that are not full fledged love of mcdonalds, but a questioning of all the anti mcd sentiment.

For our troubles, we in essence get labeled "mcdonlalds lovers".

I've been told I'm an apologist for the company, that I wholeheartedly support them ,etc.

None of that is true, if you take the time to read the posts.

However, like the good old boys of the south, people attempt to belittle us, and our arguments, by using essentially the same tactic.

"If you don't agree with us, I guess you're a mcdonalds lover"

Not a very good argument.

It bugs me to see otherwise intelligent people stoop to that kind of a tactic.
freethepeeps, for the record, jose bove and his friend did dismantle Mc donald in the early hours of the morning, but was quite happy and proud to claim the credit (and to my understanding did not grass his mates). also he claims that the police knew all about it all along, (not the date and times of course).
I have to say, i'm quite partial to a Double Sausage & Egg in the morning on the way to work. But I need at least two to feel it touch my throat on the way down.

Quite fond of the Makky D's hot chocolate, although it's rather gritty.

But the toilets stink of piss and shit. Always. Anyone care to explain why this could be? Or is it because it's the food preparation area?

JC wrote:

That is an interesting definition of an automaton: one who considers all information before making a decision.

Since we apparently do not share the same dictionary, is it any wonder that we disagree?

I don't know about your dictionary, but mine says something about "soulless mechanisms".

Rational decision-making might be a possible task for a machine, but irrationality is what makes us humans such perfect advertising fodder.

Your pointless pedantry is misplaced.
And your two dollar words are going over like a lead balloon.

One of the connotations of automaton is 'mindless'

We don't usually associate mindlessness, with considering all options, and weighing information.

Yes, irrationality makes us human, but rationality also serves to separate us from the animals of lesser brainpower.
Socialist Party

Johnny Canuck,

The Socialist Party:


is a member Party of the Committee for a Workers International:


In Canada our Party is Socialist Alternative:


The London Elections site you visited is specifically about the London Mayoral and London Assembly elections. We didn't support a Mayoral candidate. We supported both the Socialist Alliance and Campaign against Tube Privatisation Slates, and we supported Teresa Bennett here in Lambeth, though she is not a member of our Party. Our Party had several candidates standing in other areas: Ian Page, in Lewisham, who is a sitting Councillor, for example.

We are not allowed to stand under the name 'Socialist Party' so where we have stood on our own outside the Socialist Alliance we have had to stand as 'Socialist Alternative' - in the General Election we stood mostly under the umbrella of the Socialist Alliance and Dave Nellist, one of our Councillors in Coventry, and a former Labour MP, got the highest vote of any Socialist Alliance candidate.

Steve Bush,
Lambeth Socialist Party.
I dont know if anyone has mentioned this before becuase I simply cannot be bothered to read all the posts on this thread. I read an article a while back and it had something quite amusing in it. As Im sure you know that MDs cheese burgers have gherkins in them and that some people like their burgers without these tasty bits in. So, what MD did at first was to have some cheese burgers with gherkins in and some without. However, they came across a problem. The nutritional value of the burger was so low that it could not be legally classified as food. Hence all cheese burgers have a tiny slice of gherkin.

Another thing is that when I was 16 I actually worked in Mds and as a result I will never eat there again. I worked in the morning making breakfast and, because I was often the only person there, I under-cooked and over-cooked alot of the food. Sometimes I dropped things on the floor. I just didnt give a fuck because I was under alot of pressure to get it all done. The thing is that thier food is geared up to be made fast, not well. Cooking meat straight from frozon cannot be good for you.

I just wish there were not so many suckers out there who eat that shit.
i hate Mcds so much that i even designed a leaflet/flyer against them but in an effort to avoid becoming dogmatic :eek: , i looked at what mr cannuck has to say, and its interesting.

I think that because Mcds is such a visible and potent brand, they became an obvious symbol for what people see as the problems of multinationals and capitalism....but what Canuck says about Interbrew is right - they appear to be far worse. ...and no ones actually said 'ok, i'm going to give up stella, and im going to stop smoking,' the question gets sidestepped, much like when canuck gets accused of trying to cloud the issue so much that inaction is the only possible position.
I LOVE these boards for twisting my head :D
Steve: I'm sorry you view what I do as trying to 'cloud the issue'.

What I'm usually trying to do is point out that the issue is possibly more complex than it has otherwise been represented to be.

Action on various fronts is going to happen. All I suggest is a little stopping and thinking, before the headlong rush to wherever.
I have a relative living in the British Isles. Was talking to her last night.

I mentioned to her about the widespread hatred of McD, how I found it perplexing.

She just laughed and laughed, said that people in UK probably like it, and eat it, more than at home in Canada.

Oh well......

Have you guys been pulling my leg?
They do. You wont find a balanced general cross section of British public on this board. But then I think you guessed that already.

Its still shit food though.
Vimto, the most you're getting is....Northern Ireland.

Are the eating habits different there then?
it seems so: from 'diet, nutrition and schoolchildren: an update' (e. weichselbaum & j.l. buttriss, in nutrition bulletin 39:1 (march 2014))
eg said:
Primary (‘milk’) teeth
The proportion of children with dental caries in primary teeth decreased between 1983 and 2003 in the UK (Table 18) and, in 2003, there were differences between countries, the highest proportion being observed in Northern Ireland, followed by Wales. Five- and eight-year-old children from Wales and Northern Ireland had higher rates of decay compared with the UK average (Table 19 ). There are no separate data available for Scotland.
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