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Why do you want to shut down McDonalds?

Apart from the onion content (which means I'd have to write off most of the next day), the fat (saturated or not) overload, the refined carbohydrates, the high salt level, the token levels of dietary fibre, the way that a lot of flavour and texture seems to have been processed out of it...

...the factory farming, the carbon footprint, the widespread takeover of farmland which previously grew local crops, the Mcjobs phenomenon, the homogenization/corporatization of previously unique communities, and on and on....of course this is not all on them, but they certainly helped pave the way for a business model that has poisoned our countries and our communities and our bodies.
Ha ha, McDonalds! :p hope this signifies the beginning of the end of an era. Not that it will make much difference but it does go to show how population being educated about the practices and quality (lack thereof) of a particular company and their products can make big changes.

Isn't this more to do with other chains offering more choice, the proliferation of posh burger joints and the McDonald generation general just growing up and eating elsewhere?
Isn't this more to do with other chains offering more choice, the proliferation of posh burger joints and the McDonald generation general just growing up and eating elsewhere?

there's a lot of theories, and I shouldn't have stated that as a factual, set-in-stone reason, but since most of those customers have moved largely to chains like Panera and Chipotle, whose whole business model is based on presenting food as healthier, fresher, more "real", and their restaurants as more ethical, more involved in the community and more invested in their employees, there's most likely a big correlation...
also the fact that I regularly hear the typical soccer mom type talk about how they don't go to McDonald's/Burger King (anymore, if they ever did) because of the health (mostly health and sometimes the factory farm type reasons) and anecdotally know so many people who have changed their eating habits and have become much better educated about fast food, a lot of which I think can be attributed to a combination of documentaries/books/exposes about the industry as well as the scientific data/ nutrition studies which have been more in focus since the "obesity crisis" began being spoken of. I think all these factors are undeniable.
And then of course there's what you mention, that people have all become "foodies" and fast food has really grown up, but part of that is the push to eat healthier foods and to not just eat mindlessly. Not that it's doing much good, but still...

eta: most of all, you can just feel it. there's a huge amount of shame in eating fast food (well, McD's/Burger King/Taco Bell/KFC) now that wasn't there 10 or 15 years ago.
there's a lot of theories, and I shouldn't have stated that as a factual, set-in-stone reason, but since most of those customers have moved largely to chains like Panera and Chipotle, whose whole business model is based on presenting food as healthier, fresher, more "real", and their restaurants as more ethical, more involved in the community and more invested in their employees, there's most likely a big correlation...
also the fact that I regularly hear the typical soccer mom type talk about how they don't go to McDonald's/Burger King (anymore, if they ever did) because of the health (mostly health and sometimes the factory farm type reasons) and anecdotally know so many people who have changed their eating habits and have become much better educated about fast food, a lot of which I think can be attributed to a combination of documentaries/books/exposes about the industry as well as the scientific data/ nutrition studies which have been more in focus since the "obesity crisis" began being spoken of. I think all these factors are undeniable.
And then of course there's what you mention, that people have all become "foodies" and fast food has really grown up, but part of that is the push to eat healthier foods and to not just eat mindlessly. Not that it's doing much good, but still...

eta: most of all, you can just feel it. there's a huge amount of shame in eating fast food (well, McD's/Burger King/Taco Bell/KFC) now that wasn't there 10 or 15 years ago.

Totally endorse the above. One observation of McDonalds is seeing the difference between America and the UK. In the UK Mcdonalds have made substantial changes. In the States they were (certainly on my last visit there 4 years ago) serving up total crap as to just crap here. (Would never usually go to McDonalds but was in a McDonalds in Union Square for a desperate coffee as nowhere else in the area was open at 3.00 am).

I completely avoid now for reasons you state even if desperate for a coffee and there is nowhere open, I really want to see the decrease of the chain retail mentality that has polluted our high streets over the last 20 years.

There is still a huge way to go to combat obesity and it is not just the food industry at the core of this, our lifestyles of sitting in front of computers and not getting off our arses and doing exercise is another major contributor to the increasing girth in the Westernised world as does increased consumption of alcohol.
ive recently flipped through some protest photos posted by the editor, and next to one, he proclaimed something like "heres a boarded up McD, id like to see them all this way"

now i thought that was a truly stupid thing to say. in his eyes, all he sees is the golden arch logo and boom = evil capitalists. but think about all the positives that McD and others like it bring to society. they employ thousands of people, donate millions to charity (i.e. McD house for kids). a homeless or poor man who before had to beg for a meal, can now buy a relatively satisfying meal for $2-3. there is whats called the McD effect. it goes something like, 'any 2 countries that have a McD, will not fight each other in a war.' its not totally correct, but the premise is there. McD generates huge capital that is essential for local economies. before the editor says something like that, maybe he should think twice about the effects on society of such actions.
the only thing i would blame McD for is the relative unhealthiness of its food (cholesterol, etc). Their fries is fucking great though.

Force the fuckers to pay employees and suppliers decent money (the law placing a finger on the scales opposite McD's leveraging-power at the negotiation table) and let em have at it imo... juicy tangy unhealth and all.

Those who enjoy McD's range of food-like substances on a regular basis will eventually resolve themselves through education or death I guess, preferably the former.
It's more than just rubbish food, poor employees rights, harming the enviroment, poor animal husbandry etc. It's also their controlling arrogance that i cant stand. If anyone goes anywhere near infringing one of their many trade marks, they will hire the most expensive lawyers and sue the hell out of you. They also feel they have a riggt to open anywhere and will fight toorh and nail to do so as per the battle to open in Hamstead. I believe they have since left.
This menu item did not endear me to them:


Nor did seeing that they are rebuilding outlets as all touchscreen in Germany:



Electro-burgers - NO! :eek:
...going home late last sunday ...couldn't be bothered to cook .....stopped of at a McD on junction 32 for my first Big Mac in probably a decade ..nothing much else open past that point on my way home, apart from the rinky .......and I was given what I thought was a mini Mac ...I took it back ...."you've got my order wrong" I sez ......... they hadn't ...looking like they were questioning my sanity ...(possibly valid as I was in a Mcd) ..that was it ...I'm sure its about half the size it used to be ...rather surprised , a very quick eat .....a lot of goo and two very mm thin meat patties just a tad thinner and they would have passed light through like a lens ........damn !
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