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Who is going to win the 2018/2019 Tory Leadership election?

Who is going to win the 2018/2019 Tory Leadership election?

  • Total voters
Some will be, yes.

One of the things Johnson did to stimulate house building was to allow developers to renegotiate the percentage of affordable housing in schemes, in some cases down to nothing. That’s the legacy.

I've been a reader of Private Eye for about 45 years. They frequently detail the machinations of Labour councils in London, re planning permission and affordable housing.

It is more than a tad disingenuous to portray this as a purely Conservative construct, because it isn't.
Good. Now we can mock your ill-informed pontificating without having to put up with the tedious retorts of a petulant overgrown man child... Come to think of it, your sympahty for Bojo the Clown makes sense.
He never actually puts people on ignore just claims to for some strange reason.
Who voted for Corbyn because he was a bit of a laugh? I don't think even his enemies would say that, if anything he is accused of being po faced and humourless

There were quite a few Tories who did the £3 membership thing to vote for Corbyn - both for political sadism and 'for a giggle' - the number talking about having done so after the 2017 GE dropped off somewhat, but there is a constituancy that does it.
There were quite a few Tories who did the £3 membership thing to vote for Corbyn - both for political sadism and 'for a giggle' - the number talking about having done so after the 2017 GE dropped off somewhat, but there is a constituancy that does it.
So it was claimed, but either way that's not voting for Corbyn because he is a laugh, as is supposedly the case with Johnson. They may have thought that making Corbyn Labour leader was a laugh, but it's in no way the same as people voting for Johnson because they found his buffoonish persona amusing
Stewart has come up with a novel idea to resolve the Brexit conundrum
Rory Stewart insisted "there is no new negotiation with Europe". He said the EU had made it clear they would not revisit the withdrawal agreement. Instead he proposed setting up a citizens' jury to break the Brexit impasse.
Under his plan, a group of 50,000 people would be selected randomly from the electoral register. Those people would get a phone call in late July to check they were available to participate.
A polling company would then whittle the number down, making sure the final group was representative of the country. That group would be given three weeks to make recommendations which Parliament would then be able to approve or reject.
Somehow, I think it's unlikely we will get to see if this plan will actually work.
Stewart has come up with a novel idea to resolve the Brexit conundrum

Somehow, I think it's unlikely we will get to see if this plan will actually work.
I don't understand this.

He opens with a problem - the EU won't renegotiate.

Then pitches his brainwave - let the people decide! (via some sort of focus group citizens assembly)

Ok. So how does this address the problem?
... How does this address the problem?

It's a mechanism to remove the 'the people voted for Brexit, but not which Brexit...' reasoning/excuse you find coming from the mouths of undisguised remainers.

They complain that a yes/no question simply wasn't designed to cope with the undoubted complexity of the issue, and that they are simply doing what they think is best in the absence of specific instructions from the electorate. This is a mechanism to provide those specific instructions, and this deprives them of this excuse.

Many will find another excuse, and Stewart knows that, but he only needs X number to vote for it, he doesn't need to please everyone.
It's a mechanism to remove the 'the people voted for Brexit, but not which Brexit...' reasoning/excuse you find coming from the mouths of undisguised remainers.

They complain that a yes/no question simply wasn't designed to cope with the undoubted complexity of the issue, and that they are simply doing what they think is best in the absence of specific instructions from the electorate. This is a mechanism to provide those specific instructions, and this deprives them of this excuse.

Many will find another excuse, and Stewart knows that, but he only needs X number to vote for it, he doesn't need to please everyone.
Makes sense. Still, it surely only resolves the problem he starts with if this big focus group ultimately agree with May's deal
Stewart is not in it to win. Hes there to promote himself as the standard bearer of remainy, socially liberal "sensible", tacking to the centre conservatism - there to save the tory party after it crashes and burns in the fires of brexit. In about 6 months time.
Its says something about the calculated nonsense that is being sold in the leadership contest (i.e.I'll negotiate a better brexit by threatening them with no deal - and by the sheer force of my personality) - that stewarts wishful thinking, technocratic waffle is actually the most plausible option on offer
Johnson has a shit load of enemies. Probably wishful thinking but I really hope somebody somewhere is waiting until the coronation is imminent before releasing the hounds, destroying Johnson's leadership hopes and hopefully career while throwing the Tories into (even more) turmoil as they whimper along to a now inevitable GE on 8% in the polls
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