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Which jab did you have - Astra Zeneca or Pfizer? And what side effects?

What jab? What side effects?

  • I had the Pfizer

    Votes: 66 18.6%
  • I had the Astra Zeneca

    Votes: 125 35.2%
  • I don't know what I had

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Pfizer + no side effects

    Votes: 65 18.3%
  • Pfizer + some side effects lasting less than/about 48 hours

    Votes: 38 10.7%
  • Pfizer + side effects lasting more than 2 days

    Votes: 6 1.7%
  • AZ + no side effects

    Votes: 51 14.4%
  • AZ + some side effects lasting less than/about 48 hours

    Votes: 121 34.1%
  • AZ + side effects lasting more than 2 days

    Votes: 37 10.4%
  • Something else (explain yourself)

    Votes: 13 3.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I didn't have any side effects after Pfizer jab. But three weeks later I had some of the symptoms reported here, alternating between freezing and feeling hot. Sweating, shivering, shaking. Feeling weak, giddy and tired. Aching arms and legs. Lasted two days, then another three days before I felt normal.
I didn't think it was a reaction to the jab as it was three weeks later. I thought it might be a flu variant, but I didn't have a high temperature. And I hadn't been within 2 meters of anyone since the jab, so I don't know what it was.
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Just woke up after having second Pfizer dose yesterday. My joints are in agony, my arm is extremely sore and it would be safe to say I feel quite sorry for myself. The first time I had a sore arm but was otherwise fine, so quite disappointed it’s worse this time round. I see from a BBC article on side effects though that Pfizer seems to cause worse side effects the second time round. Hope it passes soon!

Update; yesterday was awful, I ended up in tears with the pain as it was everywhere and nothing could properly shift it. It wore off around 9, I slept like a log last night, feel much better this morning. Arm still sore but at least my joints do not feel like they are on fire now. OH hasn’t had hers yet and obviously she will get it, but it’s not exactly got her skipping with glee at the prospect. My cousin had hers last week and reported a headache so bad she could barely open her eyes for 24 hours. It’s a shame the effects are quite grim, but science is incredible. Feel lucky I got mine well before other folk in my age group.

Apart from the difference in the way the AZ works, it seems that getting the body's own cells to express the spike protein seems to have the potential to produce a very strong reaction.

It will be interesting to see how the new Novavax adjuvanted insect cell-grown protein vaccine being produced at Billingham pans out ... though the Quillaja saponaria adjuvant might gee things up a bit ...
I had the AZ on Wednesday morning. The pharmacist, who administered the shot, said I could start with paracetamol immediately if I wanted, so I did. Felt a bit like I was stoned early in the afternoon and was maybe a bit more tired over the last few days, but that was it. Slept well, no fever. I had taken two days off work, so that I could take it easy, which I think might have helped.

Husband had the AZ last Sunday lunchtime, and had very mild side effects, had the shivers, but no fever in the evening after the shot, felt a bit under the weather and was a bit more tired with the odd mild headache, he also took paracetamol, but not until the evening. We've both been taking Vitamin D and zinc since last March. No idea if any of that made any difference. I think the paracetamol most likely did.
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