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Which jab did you have - Astra Zeneca or Pfizer? And what side effects?

What jab? What side effects?

  • I had the Pfizer

    Votes: 66 18.6%
  • I had the Astra Zeneca

    Votes: 125 35.2%
  • I don't know what I had

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Pfizer + no side effects

    Votes: 65 18.3%
  • Pfizer + some side effects lasting less than/about 48 hours

    Votes: 38 10.7%
  • Pfizer + side effects lasting more than 2 days

    Votes: 6 1.7%
  • AZ + no side effects

    Votes: 51 14.4%
  • AZ + some side effects lasting less than/about 48 hours

    Votes: 121 34.1%
  • AZ + side effects lasting more than 2 days

    Votes: 37 10.4%
  • Something else (explain yourself)

    Votes: 13 3.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Looks like my entertaining 5 days has been dramatically trounced :(
Out of interest, those who experienced nausea and vomiting, are you prone to this ordinarily ?
And those with allergic reactions come to that ...

My symptoms were just like my usual OTT way with the lurgy ... I never have gastric issues.
I had the AZ at the weekend and I still have a really sore upper arm. Injection Saturday morning, really easy and almost wasn't convinced I'd had it tbh. Sunday felt like a lump of concrete in my arm, heavy and really sore. Headache really shit too and quite emotional (but then I am these days) on Sunday. But the sore arm is still there today though much better.
Maybe the >48 hour symptoms are increasing as the Urban vaccinees are from younger and younger cohorts ?

This is possible and what I've suspected.

Obviously in this totally non-scientific non-Lancet poll we can't tell that. We can only assume the people getting jabbed are getting younger.

But FWIW the >48h side effects in the last three weeks for AZ have risen from 10% to 12% to what is now 13.8%.
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After an hour I started to feel slightly warm from the top of my arm, up my neck to my ear. Woke up this morning feeling as though my eyes and nose were starting to run but never did. Slightly queasy and about of a headache. They went after taking the dogs for a walk. Don't really notice the arm unless I touch it then you notice the slightly sore spot.
Don't suppose you have any ginger tea in ? Our root ginger in hot water ? Stomach Ease tea by Yogi is good for nausea. Bless you, it'll pass.
No. Did consider a flat ginger beer but couldn't keep owt down. Been vomiting all day.

Fella came home at 5 to find me crying with pain so loaded me up with cocodamol and ibuprofen. Not meant to have ibu cos of heart but pain so intense I had to. Now feeling almost human. Still in bed cos any movement sets off waves of pain, but had some warm milk and toast.

I'm 53 for the purposes of the non-Lancet theory. And my body over-reacts to friggin everything. Seriously hope 2nd jab dunt do this, not sure I could hack it tbh.
No. Did consider a flat ginger beer but couldn't keep owt down. Been vomiting all day.

Fella came home at 5 to find me crying with pain so loaded me up with cocodamol and ibuprofen. Not meant to have ibu cos of heart but pain so intense I had to. Now feeling almost human. Still in bed cos any movement sets off waves of pain, but had some warm milk and toast.

I'm 53 for the purposes of the non-Lancet theory. And my body over-reacts to friggin everything. Seriously hope 2nd jab dunt do this, not sure I could hack it tbh.
Ah bless ya gal, I hope you're right as ninepence ever so soon.
I think I may have been a bit premature saying my side effects from AZ last Sunday only lasted 2-3 days. I'm still tired 10 days later - a few times I've just fell asleep for a couple of hours and not realised I'd slept until I saw the time. From Sunday I've felt like shit (mild to moderate flu like symptoms). It may be just a cold I guess, but it's very rare I get ill like this (perhaps to do with my immune system after my jab?) A colleague at work had her jab the same day as me and she is exactly the same.

Seriously hope 2nd jab dunt do this, not sure I could hack it tbh.

Hope you're feeling better. Anacdotally, it seems that those who had side effects with the first jab, were much better with the second. Fingers crossed :)
Hope you're feeling better. Anacdotally, it seems that those who had side effects with the first jab, were much better with the second. Fingers crossed :)
Thanks. Really bloody hope so. Will take all the painkillers from the off if I'm the same.

Hope you're feeling better soon too.
Err, looks like I'm having a 3rd day of lingering effects. After a night full of anxiety dreams and sweats, I woke up feeling like I was full of adrenaline, wobbly limbs, crushing anxiety, feeling like I want to cry, no energy at all. Feel really fucking strange. Gonna change my vote now.

Anyone else had this?

I'd say that's very, very unlikely to be anything physically related to the contents of the vaccine tbh.
My post was wondering if you had a history of anxiety, and if you did then would think it's that rather than the vaccine directly, and if not then wondering what the link between the ingredients of the vaccine and how any of that would cause crushing anxiety mostly, but then just decided it wasn't worth posting.

Re: the next post, then the anxiety is a reaction to being ill, rather than a side effect of the vaccine itself. It might seem like splitting hairs, but there is a big difference. There would need to be some link between something the vaccine contains and then that causing the physical effects mentioned, and I haven't seen any evidence or heard any good explanation detailing the link so far, although happy to be shown otherwise.

More generally I'd say Urban seems to have a very out of the ordinary range of side effects given it's such a small sample, so I am slightly one eyebrow raised at some of what people have mentioned here. I've given hundreds of vaccines, talked to hundreds of people that have had vaccines, and get briefings on side effects and the latest data, and the stuff on here I've not seen mentioned or heard anywhere else. Like I said happy to see evidence otherwise, but it's worth considering other causes (other illnesses, psychological issues, etc.) Also coincidence is also entirely possible, as it people having a heightened sense of things due to watching for them, and as I've said before there's good research showing the expectation of side effects has a massive impact on people then having them.
I was referring to whatever he posted and then withdrew before I saw it
I know, sorry :(

mine was just the standard response to someone replying with a full stop. And fwiw your reaction does sound too much like a coincidence to write it off.
Totally get that point LynnDoyleCooper, but as someone better informed on statistics/psychology will pop up and say soon, people are more likely to post if they've had side effects than if they hadn't and yes of course with this being in the press we're all slightly wary about it. But there we are. And on behalf of us all, thank you for giving us the vaccine. Dora gave me mine and she was ace :D
Just to add personally I was surprised how good and relieved I felt after my first vaccine, and on reflection I think it was in large part a release of being low level stressed for months, and the vaccine gave me a sense of feeling much safer. It wasn't something I was expecting at all as I guess you adjust and normalize yourself to low level of stress, but my partner said I was noticeably much more relaxed. Just a pain in the arse to live with now, rather than a complete dick. :D
Thank you LynnDoyleCooper . I have had anxiety over the past year like pretty much everyone, but that's only one part of what I posted. The other things being wobbly like I've had a massive surge of adrenaline and generally feeling v strange. I had pretty bad side effects, this feels like a continuation of them. My body over-reacts to lots of stuff anyway.

You have a tendency to downplay and patronise people's reactions on here. Perhaps bear that in mind when replying.
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