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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

You do know all this shite is a scam, don't you?

UK has have 40 years of it and only middle class have slightly prospered through it and the elite have banked the publick money anyways.

Working class people who retrain for another vocation still have to compete against a huge pool of other working class people that have also retrained for that same vocation, for limited openings.

Wages are driven down, people get poorer.

Everything pays the same, retrain, apprenticeships for shelf stackers.

So you believe the coal jobs are coming back to the US and coal fired power is the way of the future?
The Trump family Thanksgiving dinner should be lively this year! :)

Vanity Fair: Trump blaming Kushner for Mueller investigation
Roger Stone, a longtime Trump ally, also recently said Kushner wasn't giving Trump good advice - a sentiment which Trump reportedly agreed with, according to someone familiar with the conversation.

Sam Nunberg, a former campaign aide to President Trump who was fired, echoed the statement.

"Jared is the worst political adviser in the White House in modern history," Nunberg said.

"I'm only saying publicly what everyone says behind the scenes at Fox News, in conservative media, and the Senate and Congress."
Yes Sam....you said that all by yourself.
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Axe to grind

“Here’s what Manafort’s indictment tells me: Mueller is going to go over every financial dealing of Jared Kushner and the Trump Organization,” Sam Nunberg told Vanity Fair.

“Trump is at 33 percent in Gallup. You can’t go any lower. He’s fucked.”

Nunberg was fired by President Trump. Last year, Trump accused the former campaign aide of breaching a confidentiality agreement and sued for damages.

Sounds like another ex loyalist that trump has fucked over with his legal team
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I remember people suspecting this at the time but now we know that it is true. Twitter censored its users to help Clinton.

Not our problem.

John Profumo, one of the honourable men.
He did make amends after the scandal with charity work, but quietly.. Was on the board of Toynbee Hall when I worked for a charity based there about 29 years ago.
read that manfout or whatever his name is has three passports. I thought having three phones was shady, but three passports? I'm sure theres a perfectly reasonable explanation but I always associate multiple passorts with shadiness of the first water
Well, this is interesting.

U.S. Prosecutors Consider Charging Russian Officials in DNC Hacking Case

The Justice Department has identified more than six members of the Russian government involved in hacking the Democratic National Committee’s computers and swiping sensitive information that became public during the 2016 presidential election, according to people familiar with the investigation.

Prosecutors and agents have assembled evidence to charge the Russian officials and could bring a case next year, these people said. Discussions about the case are in the early stages, they said.

If filed, the case would provide the clearest picture yet of the actors behind the DNC intrusion. U.S. intelligence agencies have attributed the attack to Russian intelligence services, but haven't provided detailed information about how they concluded those services were responsible, or any details about the individuals allegedly involved.
Are bots “users”? Do you think it is censorship that the mods here remove content from bots too and that bots should be free to spam?
Back in the day, weren't they called sock puppets and astro turfers - people paid to pose as 'ordinary citizens' to promote products or political views. Pretty sure Israel was criticised for doing this with message boards in pre social media days.

If you get a long convo on a controversial topic on Twitter these systems, you'll find maybe 1/4 of responses are clearly fakes. Twitter had over inflated their members for ages, do I suspect they don't want to boot the many thousand right wing bots, as that would make their numbers even lower.
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I think a lot of you just don't get it, Trump is great, the gift that keeps giving!

What a breath of fresh air after 8 years of Obama sitting on his hands watching the rise of Black lives matter and doing nothing about the issues that group raised, sitting on his hands watching the rise of a nuclear north Korea and doing nothing, sitting on his hands overseeing the highest number of deportation in US history.

Trump is a wonderful President having to sort out all the shit Obama left him with, I hope he gets a 2nd term , can you imagine what life would be like if Clinton had won, years of nothing going on in public but the hands that really have the power working behind the scenes, working on their own interests. Trump the President the power brokers didn't want, you should be applauding and enjoying it not moaning all the time.

Rejoice and be happy Clinton didn't win :thumbs:
read that manfout or whatever his name is has three passports. I thought having three phones was shady, but three passports? I'm sure theres a perfectly reasonable explanation but I always associate multiple passorts with shadiness of the first water

:hmm: Born with the first one. Reckon I’ve earned the second one.
:hmm: Born with the first one. Reckon I’ve earned the second one.
thats fair enough but in all the gangster/spy type thrillers they have multiple passports, more than two at least. In different names. And a lockbox in an anonymous hatton gardens type place where they keep them with high denomination notes of several currencies and a and a walther ppk.

sometimes a small bag of dodgy diamonds.
So, Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak paid a visit in April 2016 to Kennesaw State University in Georgia.

Kennesaw State had the contract for managing the election process throughout Georgia in 2016.

The FBI began an investigation in March of this year of their Centre for Election Systems due to concerns of a data breach.

GEORGIA VOTING HACK: FBI investigating alleged breach of Georgia elections center at Kennesaw State University

Then a suit was filed in the summer, alleging that state officials ignored warnings that the voting systems could be hacked.

Then, the University deleted all the evidence.

Georgia Destroyed Election Data Right After a Lawsuit Alleged Its Voting System Was a Mess. Why?

On July 4, Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp’s office was alerted about the lawsuit by the press and declined to comment. It received a copy of the suit on July 6.

And on July 7, Georgia officials deleted the state’s election data, which would have likely been critical evidence in that lawsuit, the Associated Press reported Thursday.

Bit fishy.
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