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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Compton Cricket Club - Wikipedia

Found 'em!

In real Trump stuff he's off to Asia today - once he's finished defaming everyone on Twitter - stopping off in Japan, RoK, China, Vietnam (bone spurs allowing) and the Philipines.

It's being reported that he might meet Putin in Vietnam.

Does he tweet when he's abroad, I seem to recall him not doing so on previous trips?

Apparently he hates foreign travel...

Oh dear...

I wonder whom he'll offend?

I wonder who he won't.
Compton Cricket Club - Wikipedia

Found 'em!

In real Trump stuff he's off to Asia today - once he's finished defaming everyone on Twitter - stopping off in Japan, RoK, China, Vietnam (bone spurs allowing) and the Philipines.

It's being reported that he might meet Putin in Vietnam.

Does he tweet when he's abroad, I seem to recall him not doing so on previous trips?

Apparently he hates foreign travel...

Oh dear...

I wonder whom he'll offend?

It's going to make the time George HW Bush puked in the lap of the Japanese prime minister seem like a diplomatic triumph.
I do, Supine. I'm not American, not in America, and - to be honest - haven't really followed much American politics until the last year-or-so's lunacy. Is that a slam dunk case over there?

I'm trying to put it in some context in my mind. Is it of the order of using the "n word"?
I do, Supine. I'm not American, not in America, and - to be honest - haven't really followed much American politics until the last year-or-so's lunacy. Is that a slam dunk case over there?

I'm trying to put it in some context in my mind. Is it of the order of using the "n word"?

It's more like calling an African-American man "boy." Its not unusual for racists around here to call full grown native men "Tonto" or "Chief." It pretty much means the same thing as "boy." Calling a woman "Pocahontas" is similar to that. Donald Trump uses it on Elizabeth Warren as a way to call her claimed native heritage into question, along with the added diminutive meaning.
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Dunno tbh. Think we need some American urbs to comment.

Why Donald Trump calls Elizabeth Warren ‘Pocahontas’

this is the nut:

Brown had accused Warren of using distant Native American ties to gain an unfair advantage in getting hired to coveted faculty jobs at Harvard Law School and University of Pennsylvania Law School. He said in a debate during the 2012 campaign: “[Warren] checked the box. She had an opportunity, actually, to make a decision throughout her career. When she applied to Penn and Harvard, she checked the box claiming she was Native American, and, you know, clearly she’s not.”

The Fact Checker dug deeply into Brown’s claim from the September 2012 debate, and awarded Two Pinocchios. We found no proof that she ever marked a form to tell the schools about her heritage, nor any public evidence that the universities knew about her lineage before hiring her.
Kyle Griffin‏Verified account @kylegriffin1
Kyle Griffin Retweeted Donald J. Trump

3 days ago, Trump proclaimed November 2017 National Native American Heritage Month.

Kyle Griffin added,

Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump
Pocahontas just stated that the Democrats, lead by the legendary Crooked Hillary Clinton, rigged the Primaries! Lets go FBI & Justice Dept.
6:53 AM - 3 Nov 2017

That's odd. It's not like Donald to be a complete dick. Mmm.
I saw the idea floated by Richard Painter on Twitter (I think he was a lawyer to the W Bush admin) that "the fix is in". Sessions will be sacrificed and then his replacement will fire Mueller. Page yesterday told a committee that he told Sessions about his meetings with Russians, so there's a load of perjury allegations/evidence against Sessions. I don't know if it's being floated that Sessions is in on all this and will be pardoned after a short time or somehow otherwise compensated for being the scaperacist.
Not so sure about this.

Also, I think the Mueller investigation is looking crimes that can be prosecuted at state not just federal level. The president can only pardon folk for federal but not state crimes.

Also think if Mueller gets deposed, unrest will step up a helluva notch in the US.
Kyle Griffin‏Verified account @kylegriffin1
Kyle Griffin Retweeted Donald J. Trump

3 days ago, Trump proclaimed November 2017 National Native American Heritage Month.

Kyle Griffin added,

Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump
Pocahontas just stated that the Democrats, lead by the legendary Crooked Hillary Clinton, rigged the Primaries! Lets go FBI & Justice Dept.
6:53 AM - 3 Nov 2017

That's odd. It's not like Donald to be a complete dick. Mmm.
It's actually quite common for white Americans to claim Native American ancestry, especially Cherokee, and especially since the late 1960's. This article explains the background, and this is the main reason.

The continuing popularity of claiming “Cherokee blood” and the ease with which millions of Americans inhabit a Cherokee identity speaks volumes about the enduring legacy of American colonialism. Shifting one’s identity to claim ownership of an imagined Cherokee past is at once a way to authenticate your American-ness and absolve yourself of complicity in the crimes Americans committed against the tribe across history.

I don't think most folks would admit that, and many carry on the myth in good faith. I'd say probably half the white people I grew up with claimed native ancestry, somewhat in good faith. Maybe it was a tale from Grandpa, embellished as it was passed down or a more palatable explanation for "non-white" features than believing your ancestors might have been African, Asian, Arabic or Jewish, for example. To be fair, if you genuinely had native ancestors and "passed" as white, you wouldn't have shouted about it until maybe the 1960's, when Native American art, music, dress, culture, etc. was appropriated by the mainstream - and when Native Americans were no longer seen as a threat to white "civilisation."

A good friend from High School had one of those Ancestry DNA tests done a while back and it showed he was just Irish, Scottish and English. His sister was furious because she'd built a "New Age" type business on the back of claiming Native American ancestry.
I must have American relatives - very far removed - through ancestors who went to Scranton, Pennsylvania, which I believe had a lot of Welsh settlers, coal mining, chapels and the like... HRC has some Welsh heritage I understand. . .

A lot of English people don't recognise that, either! ;)
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It's actually quite common for white Americans to claim Native American ancestry, especially Cherokee, and especially since the late 1960's. This article explains the background, and this is the main reason.

I don't think most folks would admit that, and many carry on the myth in good faith. I'd say probably half the white people I grew up with claimed native ancestry, somewhat in good faith. Maybe it was a tale from Grandpa, embellished as it was passed down or a more palatable explanation for "non-white" features than believing your ancestors might have been African, Asian, Arabic or Jewish, for example. To be fair, if you genuinely had native ancestors and "passed" as white, you wouldn't have shouted about it until maybe the 1960's, when Native American art, music, dress, culture, etc. was appropriated by the mainstream - and when Native Americans were no longer seen as a threat to white "civilisation."

A good friend from High School had one of those Ancestry DNA tests done a while back and it showed he was just Irish, Scottish and English. His sister was furious because she'd built a "New Age" type business on the back of claiming Native American ancestry.
It' funny, but it' a joke amongst native Americans to call whites "Cherokee", because they all claim to be Cherokee,.

Maybe because they like the song and it is the only tribe they know

They took the whole Cherokee nation
Put us on this reservation
Took away our ways of life
The tomahawk and the bow and knife
Took away our native tongue
And taught their English to our young
And all the beads we made by hand
Are nowadays made in Japan
Cherokee people
Cherokee tribe
So proud to live
So proud to die
They took the whole Indian nation
Locked us on this reservation
Though I wear a shirt and tie
I'm still part redman deep inside
Cherokee people
Cherokee tribe
So proud to live
So proud to die
But maybe someday when they learn
Cherokee nation will return, will return
Will return, will return, will return
I must have American relatives - very far removed - through ancestors who went to Scranton, Pennsylvania, which I believe had a lot of Welsh settlers, coal mining, chapels and the like... HRC has some Welsh heritage I understand. . .

A lot of English people don't recognise that, either! ;)
True true. Might be because to American ears, a Welsh accent isn't as distinct from and English one as a Scottish or Irish accent. If you mention the Welsh have a completely different language that to their ears sounds a bit like Klingon, they're heads explode. :D

If you ever watch the US version of "Who Do You Think You Are?" the white guests always seem to want to know if they have royal blood or someone famous in their history. The one with Brook Shields finding out she was descended from Charlemagne was pretty cringe-worthy. Conversely, in the British version, especially the posh guests seem more excited to find great great grandpa was down the mine or in the workhouse. Ah well.
Maybe because they like the song and it is the only tribe they know
Why thank you for the opportunity to post this - which was very popular when I was in 1st grade! :D

(It was written by John D. Loudermilk, sung by Mark Lindsay with the Raiders and nope, none were Native American.)

Back to the serious shit.

Jeff Sessions Just Declared War on Lawyers Who Dare to Oppose the Trump Administration

On Friday, the Department of Justice filed an astonishing appeal with the Supreme Court, urging the justices to intervene in the Jane Doe case that seemed to have ended last week. Doe, an undocumented 17-year-old in a federally funded Texas shelter, was denied abortion access by the Trump administration, which argues that it can force undocumented minors to carry unwanted pregnancies to term. On Oct. 24, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that Doe must be allowed to terminate her pregnancy, which she did the next day. Now the DOJ is urging the Supreme Court to vacate that decision—and punish the ACLU attorneys who represented Doe.

Make no mistake: With this filing, Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ Justice Department has declared war on attorneys and groups who dare to oppose it in court.

Because Doe obtained her abortion, Friday’s appeal might seem pointless, presenting no live controversy for the justices to adjudicate. But the DOJ has three goals here. First, it wants the Supreme Court to punish the D.C. Circuit for issuing a decision that it believes to be egregiously wrong by wiping the entire ruling off the books. Second, the DOJ wants to eradicate a decision that sets a legal precedent it despises. Doe’s lawsuit was initially brought as part of a class action, and the ACLU will continue to litigate its broader claim against the Trump administration’s absolute bar on abortion access for undocumented minors. As long as the D.C. Circuit’s decision remains on the books, those lawsuits are almost guaranteed to succeed. The Justice Department wants it gone so that it can litigate this issue anew.

Third, and most importantly, Friday’s appeal is a flagrant effort to crucify the individual attorneys who represented Doe, and to terrify likeminded lawyers into acquiescence. The DOJ thus asks the Supreme Court to force Doe’s lawyers to “show cause why disciplinary action should not be taken” against the ACLU—either by the court itself or by state bars—for “material misrepresentations and omissions” designed to thwart an appeal.

In other words, the DOJ is using the full weight of a government agency to threaten professional ruin upon the lawyers who defended Jane Doe’s constitutional right to abortion access.
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