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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Anti-solidarism and the general fuckwittery she espouses is fascism's helpful friend, not socialism and those working class 'white trash' sorts.

All those German socialists/communists/anarchists who fought the Nazis to the bitter end and were murdered or sent to camps where they died later. Never existed.
Wouldn't be surprised if . . . they figure out some way to put Clinton and Obama in a kangaroo court (they've said often enough they want to)

Well then, here we go . . .

White House chief of staff calls for special counsel to probe Democrats

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly said on Monday a special counsel should be appointed to investigate Democrats over a uranium deal during the Obama administration and a dossier compiled on Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign.
Republicans in Congress last week launched an investigation into an Obama-era deal in which a Russian company bought a Canadian firm that owned some 20 percent of U.S. uranium supplies.

Some Republicans have said Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved the deal after her husband’s charitable foundation received a $145 million donation. The New York Times has reported that Clinton, a Democrat who lost to Republican Trump in the 2016 election, did not participate in the decision.

Republicans have also raised questions about whether Democrats funded a dossier put together during last year’s presidential campaign that detailed accusations about Trump’s ties to Russia.
Deflection, deflection, deflection.

That said; if any wrongdoing ocurred; it's no harm in investigating.
Deflection indeed. But what is the point of an expensive, time-consuming investigation when facts are already readily and openly available (i.e. the Uranium One thing) with no evidence of illegality? Putting your political opponents in the dock on trumped up charges isn't unusual in authoritarian states of course. It's nothing to do with finding out the truth though.

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?
Deflection indeed. But what is the point of an expensive, time-consuming investigation when facts are already readily and openly available (i.e. the Uranium One thing) with no evidence of illegality? Putting your political opponents in the dock on trumped up charges isn't unusual in authoritarian states of course. It's nothing to do with finding out the truth though.

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

Trumpologists and Repubs seem keen to believe it; the Uranium One is getting mentioned more and more.
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Yup, if there's a straw to grasp somewhere, they'll grab it and wave it, about hoping everyone will think it's a tree. Facts, schmacts!
when you lump leftists who disagree with you in with nazi racists it gets personal. And you keep doing it. But fine, ignore me.
Nope, that's a deflection. One final attempt at explanation before I move on.

I said that a person can be a socialist AND still harbour sexist, racist, homophobic, anti Semitic, etc. views. Also, a person can be a socialist and still benefit from structural oppression. For example, men with both left and right wing views can be misogynist and benefit from male privilege. Socialist ideology doesn't immunise the all left wing men against being misogynist pricks nor automatically address the mechanisms of patriarchal oppression.

If you don't agree, you have a right to your opinion. Fine.

This hasn't been the first time someone's taken comments like the above as a personal attack. "They're criticising socialists. I'm a socialist, therefore they are calling me sexist/racist/Homophobic, etc.". Then come the demands for public apologies, wailing and gnashing of teeth . . Jesus, it gets silly.

Final PSA. Don't like my posts? Put me on ignore. I'll do the same and we can carry on discussions without getting on each others nerves.
Trumpologists and Repubs seem keen to believe it; the Uranium One is getting mentioned more and more.
It's getting mentioned more and more by Repubs and Fox News to discredit Mueller since he was FBI director under Obama for 4 years......'why didn't he investigate this scandal' :hmm: etc, etc. The Trumpistas and Repubs are scared.
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it's hard to think of a stupider thing than trick or treating to use as an example of why everyone should just look out for no 1 and hoard their own sweets. Interesting choice of costume though.
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Nope, that's a deflection. One final attempt at explanation before I move on.

I said that a person can be a socialist AND still harbour sexist, racist, homophobic, anti Semitic, etc. views. Also, a person can be a socialist and still benefit from structural oppression. For example, men with both left and right wing views can be misogynist and benefit from male privilege. Socialist ideology doesn't immunise the all left wing men against being misogynist pricks nor automatically address the mechanisms of patriarchal oppression.

If you don't agree, you have a right to your opinion. Fine.

This hasn't been the first time someone's taken comments like the above as a personal attack. "They're criticising socialists. I'm a socialist, therefore they are calling me sexist/racist/Homophobic, etc.". Then come the demands for public apologies, wailing and gnashing of teeth . . Jesus, it gets silly.

Final PSA. Don't like my posts? Put me on ignore. I'll do the same and we can carry on discussions without getting on each others nerves.
you did all this because you didn't like me mocking your quite shocking take on 'well who let hitler in? I hadn't realised how deep your madness goes but its reached historical revisionism t least. But no, I'll let you put me on ignore, rather than the other way around. BTW I mentioned nothing about sexism and patriarchal oppression. As for this not being the first time, well, I rather think that might be your problem not mine- and to be clear here, you've not critisiced, you've called people racist.

but yes, back to the bad man and the bad things, history is dead and there is only the gurning face of trump and your reactions to him. carry on...
It's getting mentioned more and more by Repubs and Fox News to discredit Mueller since he was FBI director under Obama for 4 years......'why didn't he investigate this scandal' :hmm: etc, etc. The Trumpistas and Repubs are scared.
Potentially more dangerous when scared though. If deflection doesn't seem to be working, the could try more direct action. Like this -
Devin Nunes wants to bring Democrats and FBI officials to Congress for questioning as early as this week
I don't really know where to put this observation but it seems inappropriate in the NY terrorist incident thread.

What with all this talk of illegals immigrants and wall building it seems this guy who has just killed a load of people in NYC had limited education, little grasp of English and no connections to the US when he pitched up but he still got a Green Card. Now I don't want to get into a larger discussion about the rights and wrongs of immigration control in general but if its seemingly so easy to migrate legally wouldn't that be the first place to start if you wanted to control immigration?
I don't really know where to put this observation but it seems inappropriate in the NY terrorist incident thread.

What with all this talk of illegals immigrants and wall building this guy who has just killed a load of people seemingly had limited education, little grasp of English and no connections to the US when he pitched up but he still got a Green Card. Now I don't want to get into a larger discussion about the rights and wrongs of immigration control in general but if its seemingly so easy to migrate legally wouldn't that be the first place to start if you wanted to control immigration?

Immigrating to the US legally really isn't that easy. The man from the NY terrorist incident won one of the few visas that are given out by a "diversity lottery". It was pure chance that he came here and someone else didn't.

What is the diversity visa lottery? - CNNPolitics
I can't believe that this has not been reported more. I live in the US and most of the reporting of the tax plan that I have seen and read just focuses on income taxes and how it impacts the average person (and the fact that it benefits the rich the most). when I heard that part of the plan involves abolishing estate taxes it was quite clear that this was a plan designed to help Trump's family when he dies but they never mentioned it on the news. For him, if this gets passed, he probably won't care if he gets impeached/removed.
I can't believe that this has not been reported more. I live in the US and most of the reporting of the tax plan that I have seen and read just focuses on income taxes and how it impacts the average person (and the fact that it benefits the rich the most). when I heard that part of the plan involves abolishing estate taxes it was quite clear that this was a plan designed to help Trump's family when he dies but they never mentioned it on the news. For him, if this gets passed, he probably won't care if he gets impeached/removed.
I wouldn't be surprised if he isn't already thinking his days as president are numbered, so his twin goals will be to reduce the chance he'll get prosecuted for anything and to cream as much as he can off the public purse while he has the chance.

Maybe he'll start a war for shits and giggles, too. :(
They're gonna have one helluva long wait.

Awaiting Trump's coal comeback, miners reject retraining

What many experts call false hopes for a coal resurgence have mired economic development efforts here in a catch-22: Coal miners are resisting retraining without ready jobs from new industries, but new companies are unlikely to move here without a trained workforce. The stalled diversification push leaves some of the nation’s poorest areas with no clear path to prosperity.

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor has received about $2 million since 2015 from the federal POWER program, an initiative of former President Barack Obama to help retrain workers in coal-dependent areas. But the state is having trouble putting even that modest amount of money to good use.

In Greene and Washington counties, 120 people have signed up for jobs retraining outside the mines, far short of the target of 700, said Ami Gatts, director of the Washington-Greene County Job Training Agency. In Westmoreland and Fayette counties, participation in federal job retraining programs has been about 15 percent of capacity, officials said.

“I can’t even get them to show up for free food I set up in the office,” said Dave Serock, an ex-miner who recruits in Fayette County for Southwest Training Services.

Programs administered by the Appalachian Regional Commission, a federal and state partnership to strengthen the region’s economy, have had similar struggles. One $1.4 million ARC project to teach laid-off miners in Greene County and in West Virginia computer coding has signed up only 20 people for 95 slots. Not a single worker has enrolled in another program launched this summer to prepare ex-miners to work in the natural gas sector, officials said.
Nope, that's a deflection. One final attempt at explanation before I move on.

I said that a person can be a socialist AND still harbour sexist, racist, homophobic, anti Semitic, etc. views. Also, a person can be a socialist and still benefit from structural oppression. For example, men with both left and right wing views can be misogynist and benefit from male privilege. Socialist ideology doesn't immunise the all left wing men against being misogynist pricks nor automatically address the mechanisms of patriarchal oppression.

If you don't agree, you have a right to your opinion. Fine.

This hasn't been the first time someone's taken comments like the above as a personal attack. "They're criticising socialists. I'm a socialist, therefore they are calling me sexist/racist/Homophobic, etc.". Then come the demands for public apologies, wailing and gnashing of teeth . . Jesus, it gets silly.

Final PSA. Don't like my posts? Put me on ignore. I'll do the same and we can carry on discussions without getting on each others nerves.

I would never put you on ignore, you're too funny.

You do know all this shite is a scam, don't you?

UK has have 40 years of it and only middle class have slightly prospered through it and the elite have banked the publick money anyways.

Working class people who retrain for another vocation still have to compete against a huge pool of other working class people that have also retrained for that same vocation, for limited openings.

Wages are driven down, people get poorer.

Everything pays the same, retrain, apprenticeships for shelf stackers.

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