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what no annual poppy bunfight thread?


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Had to do a bit of digging, but did manage to find the Glasgow black poppies from back in 2014:

I blocked most of them, but there is a recurring theme that Muslims are offended by the poppy. So, make sure you wear one.

Dumbasses don't understand that Muslims fought in the wars.

I think it is all based on a twerp named Don Cherry's comments in 2019

"You people... you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey, at least you can pay a couple bucks for a poppy or something like that,"

He was canceled, but his fan base think that the offensive part was calling immigrants "You people".

They really don't understand that the offensive bit was after that.
They're 'offended' by bacon sandwiches and christmas also despite there being zero evidence of that being the case.

Oh yes, was seeing a lot of those, too!

"Say Merry Christmas , not Happy Holidays".
When polled, the Muslims were not offended. Most liked the lights and trees. It gives a bit of colour to a very dull world.

As for bacon sandwiches, a Muslim friend was asked about bacon. He said that he was taught to treat it as an allergy. :)

Underlying theme seems to be very anti-Muslim.
I struggle to understand their fear.
I don't bother with them including the refusenik ones. It's a bit like clapping for the NHS.

I have a black poppy knocking about somewhere that I bought a few years ago. It got picked up by anarchists, mutineer supporters, anti-militarists and those wanting to remember the non-white people who died in the wars so got a bit confusing (though I support all of those things). I couldn't much be arsed explaining it, didn't want to be attention-seeking (knew a white poppy-wearer who had a lecture down pat and was always eager to launch into it), and just really from wanted to put some money in the tin and support remembering the terrible losses of that part of the last century and support those still around who were affected without being associated with the militaristic associations of the red poppy (I defiantly stuck with the red poppy for a while but the meaning seemed to shift too much for comfort).

So now I just chuck some money in the tin and don't wear one.

As an aside, I once ate a bacon sandwich in front of a Muslim friend and it didn't really occur to me until someone I was with said afterwards that they didn't want to go for the bacon sandwich in case it made them uncomfortable. Can understand people trying to be sensitive but think I got away with it. :hmm:
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I have a black poppy knocking about somewhere that I bought a few years ago. It got picked up by anarchists, mutineer supporters, anti-militarists and those wanting to remember the non-white people who died in the wars so got a bit confusing. I couldn't much be arsed explaining it, didn't want to be attention-seeking (knew a white poppy-wearer who had a lecture down pat and was always eager to launch into it), and just really from wanted to put some money in the tin and support remembering the terrible losses of that part of the last century and support those still around who were affeced without being associated with the militaristic associations of the red poppy (I defiantly stuck with the red poppy for a while but the meaning seemed to shift too much for comfort).

So now I just chuck some money in the tin and don't wear one.

Over in Canada, we only have one colour.
The red poppies are not only a reminder, but a fundraiser for the Legions.

yes, y'all can google and find some random article about black poppies and poppies for dead service animals.
The Legion's red poppies are what majority wear.
Over in Canada, we only have one colour.
The red poppies are not only a reminder, but a fundraiser for the Legions.

yes, y'all can google and find some random article about black poppies and poppies for dead service animals.
The Legion's red poppies are what majority wear.

Yeah, same here - almost all red poppies.
Would be mildly interested to know if the proportions on this thread would've changed at all since the original poll in 2014?

If there were any WW2-era conscripts still alive in 2014 they're surely now dead, and with them any reason to ever wear a poppy.
The whole of my nearest town (aspires to tweeness at the best of times) has been draped with hand made crocheted red poppies, the whole fucking place, they are wound around the post boxes and bollards and draped over shop signs like pustules of self regarding wretchedness.
I get that it was probably nice for whoever got together to make them and eat biscuits or whatever but there's something about them just encapsulates all the things i hate about england.
I was in Biggin Hill yesterday and every lamp post on every main road has a poppy on it - its not a tiny place, thats hundreds and hundreds of poppies - big ones too. Cant caputre it on a photo as its the endlessness of it all thats mindboggling
Over in Canada, we only have one colour.
The red poppies are not only a reminder, but a fundraiser for the Legions.

yes, y'all can google and find some random article about black poppies and poppies for dead service animals.
The Legion's red poppies are what majority wear.
Do you have the weird performative culture about it though? The kind of stuff documented all over this thread? That seems like a particularly British kind of brainrot to me, I could be wrong though.
As an aside, I once ate a bacon sandwich in front of a Muslim friend and it didn't really occur to me until someone I was with said afterwards that they didn't want to go for the bacon sandwich in case it made them uncomfortable. Can understand people trying to be sensitive but think I got away with it. :hmm:
I think that's a bit weird -- it really wouldn't be a problem for any of the Muslim people I know. Why not ask them?

I mean would you not eat meat in front of a veggie? I'm veggie and people do it all the time and I'm like 🤷‍♀️.
The old "muslims are offended by your bacon butty" thing is just made up right wing/far right culture war bollocks. I don't think I've ever met a muslim who would give a toss, and I've worked with literally hundreds of muslims from Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Libya, Qatar, and pretty much every country in the so-called "muslim world", as well as UK muslims. The only response I've ever seen over me having me pork pie snap in front of them is a laugh when I said they'll probably not want me to share it with them - oh and the time when I said to someone I met in the street, "I won't shake hands with you fella, I've got bacon butty grease on my hands" was also met with a laugh, a nod but no hand shake. Basically, 99.99999% of muslims (true statistic that :D) don't give a flying fuck about what you're eating, just as long as they're not expected to partake as well.
I was in Biggin Hill yesterday and every lamp post on every main road has a poppy on it - its not a tiny place, thats hundreds and hundreds of poppies - big ones too. Cant caputre it on a photo as its the endlessness of it all thats mindboggling

All straight in the bin and new ones next year no doubt.

Show me someone who is really into this remembrance stuff and who isn't some kind of dodgy nationalist and you win a packet of hob nobs.
Why did Prem football clubs do a remembrance thing before kick off this weekend? Remembrance day is two weeks away
The home team does it this weekend and next weekend (that way every club does it) cos the weekend that is nearest the 11th November is an international break so there is no Premier league or Championship football that week.
I think that's a bit weird -- it really wouldn't be a problem for any of the Muslim people I know. Why not ask them?

I mean would you not eat meat in front of a veggie? I'm veggie and people do it all the time and I'm like 🤷‍♀️.

Yeah, I think it's odd too - most of the Muslims I've met are not remotely spiky about anything - it was pointed out to me by a third person that they wouldn't have felt easy about it doing it themselves. Good to have a sanity check on that when it's something that's only happened once - I've committed plenty of social slips in the past due to not knowing some rule or other.
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