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what no annual poppy bunfight thread?


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Well I was very lucky in that my dad survived the war and went on to the ripe old age of 86. But he took remembrance day seriously, as did the surviving members of his unit.
Well I was very lucky in that my dad survived the war and went on to the ripe old age of 86. But he took remembrance day seriously, as did the surviving members of his unit.

Straight back into the fight, the two intervening years were just a brief pause before continuing with the really important stuff.
Oh dear. Get your right-wing ringpiece bingo cards out lads.


(Link broken to deny them the clicks they're so desperately courting)

‘Sorry snowflakes, I’m proud to wear a red poppy and we shouldn’t force white ones on children’

In our rabidly PC culture, there are a growing number of people who would love to do away with any form of recollection of the two World Wars. They believe in the philosophy of least said soonest mended. They believe any mention of the war is bound to upset the Germans or the Japanese and really, after all this time, isn’t it better for us to forget all about it?

Remembrance is increasingly being seen as a glorification of violence, tinged with the toxic aroma of ardent nationalism. Some people even believe that wearing a red poppy is racist. This snowflake generation look at those who made the ultimate sacrifice as savages who died for nothing. They are strung out on their guilt trip about their ancestry, wishing they could rewrite history into some kind of utopian multi-culturalism. They see pageantry as being part of colonialism and the Cenotaph as a legitimate target for vandalism.

Within our communities, there are a growing number of people who are prepared to burn poppy wreaths and urinate on the memory of all those who died to give them the freedom of speech and political expression. The red poppy is being seen as a symbol of hate, a wretched Flanders flower and something to be replaced.

Even our schools are becoming places where this subversive battle is being fought. White poppies are being forced on children, supported by teaching unions. This is a ploy to replace the traditional poppy with one that is sold on the premise that it represents peace and all those who have died in conflict. It is a poppy promoted by the Peace Pledge Union, an organisation that insists that wearing a red poppy honours only British soldiers. I have to say that I find this quite insulting. Throughout my life, I have always thought that the traditional poppy was to remember all those who had died as a result of war. As a priest, I always made sure that civilians as well as service personnel were remembered. Only someone with a limited imagination would limit the symbolism of the red poppy only to soldiers.

I wear my poppy for all those who have died as a result of war and terrorism. I wear my poppy for the soldiers who fight for my freedom and the passer-by mown down by a coward in a truck high on some barbaric theology of being paid in virgins for murdering innocent children. I wear my poppy for every civilian in every war killed, by bullet and bombs on both sides of the conflict. My poppy reminds me of the futility of war and the need to remember the mistakes of the past so they don’t become the Armageddon of the future.

The whole point of the red poppy for me was that it was the first flower to grow on the battlefields of the Somme and Ypres. It was a symbol of new life and hope coming out of chaos and destruction. It was red and not white and should be worn with pride for those who have given so much for us. More than this, we need to use the poppy as a symbol of strength. We British have endured much. Yet, powers within forbid us from celebrating our culture for fear of upsetting others who have chosen to live amongst us. Now, the symbol of our readiness to stand up for others is under threat.

Remembrance Day and the red poppy are virtually all we have left of our culture. Jesus has been taken out of Christmas and Easter has become solely a chocolate feast. Bring on a marching band and the Union Flag in Whitehall and the loony liberals play the race card. For me, remembrance is a day of making a statement. A statement that there are people in this world who will stand up to tyranny and oppression and who will not go the way of the appeasers. It is about saying to the world that we in Britain have fought totalitarianism before and we will do it again. We are not a nation to go quietly into the night and back down when liberty is at stake.

GP Taylor is a writer and broadcaster and can be followed @GPTaylorauthor.

Did he miss anything out? Bonus points for 'they've banned Christmas'.
I don't bother with any poppies. I did go through a phase of wearing the white one, but to me it represents pacifism and I'm not a pacifist so I stopped wearing it. I'm happy to stay out of the whole thing and to me the poppy represents deference to the ruling class. I see it as a pro-war, pro-capitalist symbol of British militarism and imperialism. I am aware that the poppy appeal was originally called the Haig Fund and was started by Butcher Haig, and that's reason enough for me to not wear it.

Saw an old woman wearing a poppy themed waistcoat yesterday. That kind of thing isn't too uncommon where I am.
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I don't bother with any poppies. I did go through a phase of wearing the white one, but to me it represents pacifism and I'm not a pacifist so I stopped wearing it. I'm happy to stay out of the whole thing.

Saw an old woman wearing a poppy themed waistcoat yesterday. That kind of thing isn't too uncommon where I am.
Buying and wearing of poppies is sold to us as an act of remembrance but is really a fund raising mechanism for the Royal British Legion.

The Royal British Legion carry out activities that the government should be doing. It's a fucking disgrace that they dont. They also lobby the government on behalf of the armed forces to do what they should be doing.

If the government did their job properly (through taxes) there would no need for the RBL, no need for citizens to subsidise the government (absconding responsibilities) through charity and less cost to the environment and economy (caused the need of a third party to exist and manufacture fake flowers).

I'm not participating in this bad system. I tithe direct to other charities from my salary instead.
Buying and wearing of poppies is sold to us as an act of remembrance but is really a fund raising mechanism for the Royal British Legion.

The Royal British Legion carry out activities that the government should be doing. It's a fucking disgrace that they dont. They also lobby the government on behalf of the armed forces to do what they should be doing.

If the government did their job properly (through taxes) there would no need for the RBL, no need for citizens to subsidise the government (absconding responsibilities) through charity and less cost to the environment and economy (caused the need of a third party to exist and manufacture fake flowers).

I'm not participating in this bad system. I tithe direct to other charities from my salary instead.

What charities? Surely you could argue that they are all doing something the government should do instead?
Yes, it wasn’t Bobby Davro obviously, it was Bobby Ball.

Tasteful. I might get two.
Why did Prem football clubs do a remembrance thing before kick off this weekend? Remembrance day is two weeks away

there's no premier league / championship matches over the 13/14 november weekend, as there's international matches on.

many teams that are at home this weekend will be away next weekend, so this weekend is the home match nearest to remembrance day for most teams.
What charities? Surely you could argue that they are all doing something the government should do instead?
Médecins Sans Frontières
Cancer Research

I definitely agree the government should be solving homelessness by fixing the house prices and stock availability. But that won't happen as politicians personally profit from an inflated house market and there but for the grace of God goes us.
Would be mildly interested to know if the proportions on this thread would've changed at all since the original poll in 2014?
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