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What is your favourite conspiracy theory?

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I <heart> the Illuminati one and the Lizards one. Oh, and the hoaxed moon landings.

I have amused myself for hours today reading conspiraloon sites.
Badger Kitten said:
I <heart> the Illuminati one and the Lizards one. Oh, and the hoaxed moon landings.

I have amused myself for hours today reading conspiraloon sites.

The lunatic on Question time ranting on it was military aircraft crashed into the twin towers as a plot by the Americans to start a war on terrorism takes some beating.
I think my fave one has probably just got to be the general ZOG one. I mean it's just hilarious. And seeing nazis on st*rmfront etc. attribute everything to it is amazing. Like when they say the Jewish media makes black men look cool, and white men look nerdy and lame, so that's why white girls like black guys and they themselves can't get girlfriends :D :D
All conspiracy theories are invented by a secret international committee of Freemasons and propagated by their stooges in the media. They do it to distract attention from their own sinister activities.
Probably the one which holds that 19 or so muslim fanatics with a penchant for lapdancers conspired to waltz four hijacked aircraft around the most heavily protected airspace in the world and a multi-$trillion US military was utterly powerless to prevent them hitting commercial and military targets. That's a good one! ;)
The Octopus conspiricy. I read about it in Nexus once and it was so convoluted I couldnt rember a word of it after, except they had a hand in Lockerbie.
Jazzz said:
Probably the one which holds that 19 or so muslim fanatics with a penchant for lapdancers conspired to waltz four hijacked aircraft around the most heavily protected airspace in the world and a multi-$trillion US military was utterly powerless to prevent them hitting commercial and military targets. That's a good one! ;)
Fucking prick.
Jazzz said:
a multi-$trillion US military was utterly powerless to prevent them hitting commercial and military targets. That's a good one! ;)

That is the one aspect of the affair that suprised me. The total lack of readiness to respond to such an attack. Britain has had a defence strategy for shooting down hijacked aircraft before they could be used against something like a nuclear power station for a very long time now. There are missile armed aircraft on standby 24/7 to prevent it. (or at least try to).
Jazzz said:
Probably the one which holds that 19 or so muslim fanatics with a penchant for lapdancers conspired to waltz four hijacked aircraft around the most heavily protected airspace in the world and a multi-$trillion US military was utterly powerless to prevent them hitting commercial and military targets. That's a good one!
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Yeah as if anyone could like, hijack a plane or something
tobyjug said:
That is the one aspect of the affair that suprised me. The total lack of readiness to respond to such an attack. Britain has had a defence strategy for shooting down hijacked aircraft before they could be used against something like a nuclear power station for a very long time now. There are missile armed aircraft on standby 24/7 to prevent it. (or at least try to).
yes, and is it not surprising that for all the failures of routine defence procedures that took place that day, not a single person has been even reprimanded? Anyway, I better not discuss it any further else this will turn into a 9-11 thread.
Other favourite ones - the theory that the Iraq war was about oil ("absurd conspiracy theory" - Tony Blair). The theory that generations of doctors in Tuskeegee conspired over decades to deny penicillin to black people with syphilis, so as to watch what happened to them - oh except that one was confirmed as true, wasn't it? The theory that our military personnel were used as guinea pigs to test Sarin while being told they were investigating the common cold at Porton Down - except hang on, that one was true too. Or what about the Iran-Contra affair? Or if you were in pre-war Germany, it was once conspiracy theory to say that Hitler was building concentration camps.

I don't know really, having trouble here. :(
I think conspiracy theories are very interesting.

This thread is about your faves: kind of assumes you don't believe them, but have enjoyed reading them nonetheless
Badger Kitten said:
I think conspiracy theories are very interesting.

This thread is about your faves: kind of assumes you don't believe them, but have enjoyed reading them nonetheless

I agee. My one is about the number seven, its a number i like and the theory is something major happens in your life every seven years. :)
That old lady peace protester who was burgled, but nothing was taken. Then she was abducted by the burgalars and Stabbed to death in woodlands 20 miles from anywhere.

Apparently she had information on some government matter. Some say the security services did the burglary.
starfish2000 said:
That old lady peace protester who was burgled, but nothing was taken. Then she was abducted by the burgalars and Stabbed to death in woodlands 20 miles from anywhere.

Apparently she had information on some government matter. Some say the security services did the burglary.

I don't think that counts as a consiracy theory, more like a lack of evidence.
starfish2000 said:
That old lady peace protester who was burgled, but nothing was taken. Then she was abducted by the burgalars and Stabbed to death in woodlands 20 miles from anywhere.

Apparently she had information on some government matter. Some say the security services did the burglary.
Hilda Murrell, that's always been a great conspiracy theory.
Stobart Stopper said:
Hilda Murrell, that's always been a great conspiracy theory.

Sorry folks I was thinking of another case, the Hilda Murrell case was sorted earlier this year:-
Labourer gets life for Murrell murder

Saturday May 7, 2005
The Guardian

A labourer was yesterday jailed for life for the murder more than 20 years ago of the 78-year-old rose grower and anti-nuclear campaigner Hilda Murrell.
At the end of a four-week trial at Stafford crown court, the jury found that Andrew George, 16 at the time of the crime, had stabbed, sexually assaulted and kidnapped Ms Murrell before dumping her in a Shropshire wood and leaving her to die of cold.
tobyjug said:
Sorry folks I was thinking of another case, the Hilda Murrell case was sorted earlier this year:-
Labourer gets life for Murrell murder

Saturday May 7, 2005
The Guardian

A labourer was yesterday jailed for life for the murder more than 20 years ago of the 78-year-old rose grower and anti-nuclear campaigner Hilda Murrell.
At the end of a four-week trial at Stafford crown court, the jury found that Andrew George, 16 at the time of the crime, had stabbed, sexually assaulted and kidnapped Ms Murrell before dumping her in a Shropshire wood and leaving her to die of cold.

And you believe this shit?
Stobart Stopper said:
And you believe this shit?

As someone has been convicted and no-one is rushing to start an he is innocent campaign, I really don't have any choice but to belive it.
tobyjug said:
As someone has been convicted and no-one is rushing to start an he is innocent campaign, I really don't have any choice but to belive it.
Did yu say that about the Birmingham Six and Colin Stagg?
Stobart Stopper said:
Did yu say that about the Birmingham Six and Colin Stagg?

I did not say anthing about those cases. My point still stands no-one appears to be starting a he is innocent campaign.
tobyjug said:
I did not say anthing about those cases. My point still stands no-one appears to be starting a he is innocent campaign.
Have you rea up on this case and found out what it was actually about? I bet you haven't have you? You don't have a clue about it. I am not talking about the bloke who supposedly killed her,I mean the background to her life and CND work.
She saw documents that concerned the possible deployment of nukes in the Falklands War.
Badger Kitten - if you have found it entertaining going through illuminati stuff for hours, you might want to come along to David Icke on May 26th at Brixton Academy... nothing like hearing the lizard man himself, and it might be the last time he talks in the UK.
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