Hardly getting over it.
i truly feel for the harm you have come to serving this country. im not being sarcastic, i mean that.
but if i may use your self disclosed problems as an example.
you have levels of disability and related health problems that are fairly severe. yet even with those problems you are able to use ICT, formulate arguments (whether i agree with them or not doesnt come into it), and sit at a computer for some time.
there are numerous fields of employemnt that someone with your comaprable disabilities could do utilising those skills
why can people not see the point i am making
there are very few people that can not undertake any form of employment at all
There are very few employers (I haven't found any) who're willing to take on someone whose ability to "...use ICT, formulate arguments ... and sit at a computer..." are intermittent, as is my ability to concentrate and to not slur like a drunken Cornish trawlerman when his boat has come in.
This is the problem that gums up the schemes you're talking about. People with "*simple" health issues may get something out of such (vastly expensive for little return) programmes. The likes of myself and that "significant minority" I spoke of won't. Not because we don't have saleable skills, but because we have to sell those skills on our own terms rather than on the terms set by an employer, and employers don't go for that. I get the occasional bit of research work from old contacts, on my terms, which means it's not anything time-sensitive or particularly interesting, but it is "meaningful activity" if nothing else.
*All things are relative.