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Queen's state funeral.

They performed a sleight of hand. The cameras went to piper outside the main Chapel and then abracadabra she was gone!
There were a few moments where her coffin could be seen descending extremely slowly into the royal vault. But the final ceremony down there is private so if theres anything interesting in those final rituals we wont get to see them.

I was hoping the ceremonial snapping of the magic royal wand might have something about it but it came with a handy joint to make the snap all neat and tidy, somewhat resembling a royal snooker cue.

The holy hand grenade also made it to its pillow without exploding.
There were a few moments where her coffin could be seen descending extremely slowly into the royal vauly. But the final ceremony down there is private so if theres anything interesting in those final rituals we wont get to see them.

I was hoping the ceremonial snapping of the magic royal wand might have something about it but it came with a handy joint to make the snap all neat and tidy, somewhat resembling a royal snooker cue.

The holy hand grenade also made it to its pillow without exploding.
So are the orb and sceptre monarch specific?

I bet they re-use the state crown though!

Were the yeoman guarding these things right up to internment ? Hope they were on OT for today.
Managed to completely ignore this by sleeping til 12 then doing a little bit of work in the afternoon. Hopefully tomorrow things will go back to what passes for normal these days as mourning lockdown ends.

All this flummery, forelock-tugging, monarcho-military-religious obscurantism and bullshit should have remained in the seventeenth century where it belongs, but far too much to ask that we fast forward to a functioning republic with a written constitution.
The yeoman and archers fucked off leaving the guarding solely to Her Majesty's Body Guard of the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms.
I wonder who's guarding them back to the Tower.

Will C3R have to appoint a new Lord Chancellor or does the current one get a new stick*?

* Staff of office?
Managed to completely ignore this by sleeping til 12 then doing a little bit of work in the afternoon. Hopefully tomorrow things will go back to what passes for normal these days as mourning lockdown ends.

All this flummery, forelock-tugging, monarcho-military-religious obscurantism and bullshit should have remained in the seventeenth century where it belongs, but far too much to ask that we fast forward to a functioning republic with a written constitution.
Why do we need to swap one type of state for another? Just different type of forelock-tugging to different important people that want to rule over us.
So are the orb and sceptre monarch specific?

I bet they re-use the state crown though!
I dont actually know but I sort of expect they reuse all three of those props since they were removed from the top of the coffin and placed on cushions elsewhere before the final descent.

The snapped white stick 'wand of office' thing I mentioned does get 'buried' with her.
I dont actually know but I sort of expect they reuse all three of those props since they were removed from the top of the coffin and placed on cushions elsewhere before the final descent.
I bet you're right. They'll rebrand them I reckon.
I only tuned in very briefly and avoided nearly all of the words. Im presuming there wasnt any stuff about sea monsters like we got at Philips funeral?
I only tuned in very briefly and avoided nearly all of the words. Im presuming there wasnt any stuff about sea monsters like we got at Philips funeral?
I didn't pay any attention to his funeral apart from E sitting on her own with mask and tears while Boris Johnson and his ilkwere having it large.
Managed to completely ignore this by sleeping til 12 then doing a little bit of work in the afternoon. Hopefully tomorrow things will go back to what passes for normal these days as mourning lockdown ends.

All this flummery, forelock-tugging, monarcho-military-religious obscurantism and bullshit should have remained in the seventeenth century where it belongs, but far too much to ask that we fast forward to a functioning republic with a written constitution.
Cracked into the emergency German beer supply and passed out mid Windsor so all is good.
I liked the pre-funeral stuff. The bagpipes playing while the navy pulled the gun carriage was good. I held my breath a bit that the crown, orb and scepter didn't fall off. Was relieved for those pallbearers that nothing went Pete.

I muted most of the actual service and fell asleep during the Windsor one. I woke up just as that fella broke a stick and she got lowered into the pit.
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