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Queen's state funeral.

Does anyone know what the fanfarey thing that introduced God Save the King during the main service was? None of the info online lists anything between the Reveille and the anthem itself.
Something like 'Sleep, dearie sleep'. Carried out by the Queen's personal Piper. Apparently he used to play outside her window when she was at Balmoral.

You could check this by asking your own piper to go and ask hers. If you don't have a piper what kind of peasant are you?
Well I quite like a bit of pageantry but still think the Russians had the best idea about how to treat royalty

Who'd have thunk that 0.36% of the population could have generated such a hegemonic hit for the establishment?
View attachment 343740
Who'd have thunk that 0.36% of the population could have generated such a hegemonic hit for the establishment?

Culture Secretary Michelle Donelan said her government department was still "crunching the numbers", but believed that around 250,000 people had passed through the hall in total.
Le Monde

That's the estimated number of people who watched the FA Cup Final on 28 April 1923 between Bolton Wanderers and West Ham United at Wembley Stadium.
Such was the eagerness of fans and casual observers to attend the final at the new national stadium that vast numbers of people crammed through the 104 turnstiles into the stadium, far exceeding its official 127,000 capacity. The crowds overflowed onto the pitch as there was no room on the terraces. Estimates of the number of fans in attendance range from 240,000[19] to well over 300,000.

E2A Donelan quote in text
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Something like 'Sleep, dearie sleep'. Carried out by the Queen's personal Piper. Apparently he used to play outside her window when she was at Balmoral.

You could check this by asking your own piper to go and ask hers. If you don't have a piper what kind of peasant are you?

Tbf, out of all the things a life of wealth and privilege gets you, having a piper blasting away outside your window seems like one of the less desirable ones.
I can’t get over the fact the Queen had her own piper.

She had the whole Ten Days of Christmas.

If seems more people in the UK watched the Euro 2020 final.

View attachment 343740

Who'd have thunk that 0.36% of the population could have generated such a hegemonic hit for the establishment?

British queue management is clearly amateur if that's all there were

Almost like it was deliberately created as a monarchical-iconic fabrication spectacle

Tbf, out of all the things a life of wealth and privilege gets you, having a piper blasting away outside your window seems like one of the less desirable ones.

Why are you lot so concerned about “wealth” and “privilege” and “queue size”?

The old girl’s dead, and you’re not.

You’re the privileged ones now compared to her.
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