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Queen's state funeral.

I was listening to an audio book throughout it all while Mrs Forward had it on telly. No idea what was happening but it was very well filmed and was a colourful bit of slow TV. Can't wait for Chaz and the Nonce's funerals.
For those who were working

i was working to get away from it

ffs i pay for cable to not have to watch the main channels half of them have a wanky title card playing and classical lift music

its over get this shite off my telly already
Seeing Biden & his missus without security was strange , just a couple of people attending a funeral and being told where to sit. The bit where that fellah snapped the wand was hilarious , and the crown/orb/sceptre bit was woah!
There appears to have been a run on clotted cream in Preston, where a friend had to visit seven supermarkets before he found and secured a small pot of Rodda's. Did everyone sit down with a cream tea to watch the funeral or something?

Weird. We were treated to clotted cream at work. Is there some reason to associate the Queen with this, or dead queens in general?
Someone must have collected some of the horse shit dropped on the parade today and have it on eBay by now
I'm disappointed that there wasn't a torrent of horse piss on camera , I'm guessing they made sure the horses wouldn't unleash piss on the parade 🤔

Here is the bit I was thinking of:

THE FIRST LESSON Ecclesiasticus 43. 11-26 read by the Dean of Windsor

LOOK at the rainbow and praise its Maker; it shines with a supreme beauty, rounding the sky with its gleaming arc, a bow bent by the hands of the Most High. His command speeds the snow storm and sends the swift lightning to execute his sentence. To that end the storehouses are opened, and the clouds fly out like birds. By his mighty power the clouds are piled up and the hailstones broken small. The crash of his thunder makes the earth writhe, and, when he appears, an earthquake shakes the hills. At his will the south wind blows, the squall from the north and the hurricane. He scatters the snow-flakes like birds alighting; they settle like a swarm of locusts. The eye is dazzled by their beautiful whiteness, and as they fall the mind is entranced. He spreads frost on the earth like salt, and icicles form like pointed stakes. A cold blast from the north, and ice grows hard on the water, settling on every pool, as though the water were putting on a breastplate. He consumes the hills, scorches the wilderness, and withers the grass like fire. Cloudy weather quickly puts all to rights, and dew brings welcome relief after heat. By the power of his thought he tamed the deep and planted it with islands. Those who sail the sea tell stories of its dangers, which astonish all who hear them; in it are strange and wonderful creatures, all kinds of living things and huge sea-monsters. By his own action he achieves his end, and by his word all things are held together.

I'm not interested in answering or in discussing your favoured version of post-monarchical politics. You're not owed an answer.
So it's ok to have a go and declare yourself a republican, but when you're pushed on what a republic would look like and how better than a monarchy or nothing at all - instead you have a go at me rather than answer. Ok fine, there you stand
Weird. We were treated to clotted cream at work. Is there some reason to associate the Queen with this, or dead queens in general?
Its just one of those quintessentially posh English things isn't it. If it had happened earlier in the summer there'd have been a run on pimms too.
So it's ok to have a go and declare yourself a republican, but when you're pushed on what a republic would look like and how better than a monarchy or nothing at all - instead you have a go at me rather than answer. Ok fine, there you stand

Yep, pretty much. Have a nice evening.
i was working to get away from it

ffs i pay for cable to not have to watch the main channels half of them have a wanky title card playing and classical lift music

its over get this shite off my telly already
Why have you still got it on? Of course it's going to be wall to wall, all day, at least.
Seeing Biden & his missus without security was strange , just a couple of people attending a funeral and being told where to sit. The bit where that fellah snapped the wand was hilarious , and the crown/orb/sceptre bit was woah!

I bet their security was a bit freaked out too.
i was working to get away from it

ffs i pay for cable to not have to watch the main channels half of them have a wanky title card playing and classical lift music

its over get this shite off my telly already
You could’ve simply watched the other half of your cable channels where “this shite” was not on your telly.
i earnt double bubble today because of events

whilst i was annoyed at a repeat whilst switching on the tv once returning home after a 12 hour shift

i've not had much hardship today
i earnt double bubble today because of events

whilst i was annoyed at a repeat whilst switching on the tv once returning home after a 12 hour shift

i've not had much hardship today
Why are you whingeing then?
They're just a family of opportunistic grifters. There's no real legitimacy (much less 'majesty') to it no matter how many people insist that there is. In fact they make everything so much more difficult for those wanting justice and progress by lending their consent and authority to a kleptocratic asset-stripping race to the bottom. They aren't worth the blood in their veins.
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