Psychological projection. False assumption.we all need hopes and aspirations
It’s a valid option. It’s not as if you owe your life to some higher creator.might as well take opiates and sleep my life away
Psychological projection. False assumption.we all need hopes and aspirations
It’s a valid option. It’s not as if you owe your life to some higher creator.might as well take opiates and sleep my life away
Just to add - having a focus and interests is definitely important for mental health and recovery from drug problems. This is not often the same as work though.
Psychological projection. False assumption.
It’s a valid option. It’s not as if you owe your life to some higher creator.
hiya again eric
fond of saying the same thing.. i guess that's an attribute from your parliamentary days?
dont understand this concept of support for the welfare state but your taxes are only your taxes and only you can claim them...... so whose taxes pays for al the other people who claim benefits but haven't paid taxes?
must be just mine i guess as your taxes are only your taxes and no one else is allowed to touch them...... mmmmmmmm
don't you have to declare all assets over £8k and then you are not entitled to any benefits? not defrauding the state benefit system are we?
ah.. i guess you are off work on the sick.. no hang on you cant be off sick as you are
and of course you couldn't be off sick nor actually unemployed as that would mean you are seeking a job, not out riding your bicycle.. and of course if too sick to work, too sick to ride a bike...
again agreed, but "labouring" is part of what we are as social animals. without work its difficult to attribute meaning to our lives, a sense of self, presents a lack of "label" (not getting into that argument.. we just need them ok! ) limits social circle (as said) and so on
the benfits of working far outstrip any downside
Magical beliefs like that gave us the welfare state.but "labouring" is part of what we are as social animals
Shut it.what is life without hopes and aspirations?
again agreed, but "labouring" is part of what we are as social animals. without work its difficult to attribute meaning to our lives, a sense of self, presents a lack of "label" (not getting into that argument.. we just need them ok! ) limits social circle (as said) and so on
right lunch over, back to the grindstone
bitch eh
Their sense of self demands it. Are you sure your assumptions are any more robust?and you base this assumption on what exactly
Their sense of self demands it. Are you sure your assumptions are any more robust?
and you base this assumption on what exactly
no jonas sense of self demands it, we havent actually heard what his clients might think
Firstly, you imply, I infer. Secondly you're full of shit. What good is a 'previous market' to anyone exactly? Why not just suggest that the unemployed get on the next steamer for the colonies to seek their fortune? I really don't understand what you mean when you say there are 2,400,000 unemployed, 430,000 vacancies and no shortage of jobs. And lets not forget that every person you kick off of IB is another person who is going to be topping up the dole claimant count and fighting with all the other people for a handful of jobs.
And let's not forget that 'a job' doesn't necessarily mean a good job, or a full time job or a long term job. If you're claiming JSA and you're offered some agency work it's unlikely to escape your notice that there will be no guarantee of how many hours you will get and so no guaranteed income. You will also be aware that if you sign off JSA and then lose your new job you might be waiting up to six weeks to restart your JSA claim, and with only two weeks' part time wages to live on in the meantime. When we create what you seem so keen on, ie a situation where nobody is allowed to turn down an offer of work, we create a situation where employers can treat staff just however the fuck they like and know that the workers won't have any choice but to put up with it. And even if all 430,000 vacancies were filled tomorow morning, the fact remains that two million people, or five million if you count IB claimants, will still be out of work. When there's no vacancies left anywhere would you finally accept the fact that it is possible to be unemployed without choosing to be unemployed?
again agreed, but "labouring" is part of what we are as social animals. without work its difficult to attribute meaning to our lives, a sense of self, presents a lack of "label" (not getting into that argument.. we just need them ok! ) limits social circle (as said) and so on
the benfits of working far outstrip any downside
i endoevouir to meet my cleints needs based on what they say they want.. i may discuss with them hether their wants are realistic and achievable, but if its legal and within the remit of the service i work in, i will do my utmost to either deliver it for them or enable them to deliver it for themselves
preferably the latter, its worth more if you gain it for yourself
It sounds like jonas' job was created to keep them off the streets in the first place. As for their bitterness. Well. It's self contempt. Obviously.
eh? are you even suggesting that working is not healthy and "normal"
weve always done it from days of "working" to collect our fruit and nuts to working in todays system in exchange for tokens which we then exchange for our fruit and nuts
even those whose life style i envy (probably in an ill informed way) that have truely opted out of the rat race and are self sufficent with regards their energy and nutritional needs, work.. they grow their food, generate their power and maintian their life style through this "working"
they dont have some bloke that comes round and does it for them out of the kindness of his heart
but if you want a psych paper analysing the role and purpose fo worke for our mental well being, you couldve googled it for your self
"The primary theme of this article, which serves as the introductory contribution of a special section of the "American Psychologist," is that work plays a central role in the development, expression, and maintenance of psychological health. The argument underlying this assumption is articulated at the outset of the article in conjunction with a historical review of vocational psychology and industrial/organizational psychology. The article follows with an overview of contemporary vocational psychology and a presentation of the psychology-of-working perspective, which has emerged from critiques of vocational psychology and from multicultural, feminist, and expanded epistemological analyses of psychological explorations of working. Three illustrative lines of inquiry in which research has affected the potential for informing public policy are presented. These three lines of scholarship (role of work in recovery from mental illness; occupational health psychology; and working, racism, and psychological health) are reviewed briefly to furnish exemplars of how the psychological study of working can inform public policy."
but i forgot,,, people want everyone else to meet their needs for them
Dunno. Sounds more like some third party agency like AddAction or whatever. Careful with that BNP reference by the way. Cheap shots like that only advance their case. The BNP if anything are distinctly anglo-saxon welfarist. It is the National Health Service after all.does he work at the nash?
Dunno. Sounds more like some third party agency like AddAction or whatever. Careful with that BNP reference by the way. Cheap shots like that only advance their case. The BNP if anything are distinctly anglo-saxon welfareist. It is the National Health Service after all.
eh? are you even suggesting that working is not healthy and "normal"
weve always done it from days of "working" to collect our fruit and nuts to working in todays system in exchange for tokens which we then exchange for our fruit and nuts
even those whose life style i envy (probably in an ill informed way) that have truely opted out of the rat race and are self sufficent with regards their energy and nutritional needs, work.. they grow their food, generate their power and maintian their life style through this "working"
they dont have some bloke that comes round and does it for them out of the kindness of his heart
but if you want a psych paper analysing the role and purpose fo worke for our mental well being, you couldve googled it for your self
"The primary theme of this article, which serves as the introductory contribution of a special section of the "American Psychologist," is that work plays a central role in the development, expression, and maintenance of psychological health. The argument underlying this assumption is articulated at the outset of the article in conjunction with a historical review of vocational psychology and industrial/organizational psychology. The article follows with an overview of contemporary vocational psychology and a presentation of the psychology-of-working perspective, which has emerged from critiques of vocational psychology and from multicultural, feminist, and expanded epistemological analyses of psychological explorations of working. Three illustrative lines of inquiry in which research has affected the potential for informing public policy are presented. These three lines of scholarship (role of work in recovery from mental illness; occupational health psychology; and working, racism, and psychological health) are reviewed briefly to furnish exemplars of how the psychological study of working can inform public policy."
but i forgot,,, people want everyone else to meet their needs for them
Oh please. That's just some boy scout take on Socialist=Nice and Fascist=Evil rubbish. Like some cosmic battle between the good and kind vs the bad and mean.
ok tell us the NICE said of fascism!