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Wear masks in shops

This waterloowelshy loon hasn't posted since 2013, until turning up in the last few days and shitting all over covid threads with their madness, this thread in particular has been totally ruined.

They need a thread ban, or ideally a ban from from the whole covid forum.
This waterloowelshy loon hasn't posted since 2013, until turning up in the last few days and shitting all over covid threads with their madness, this thread in particular has been totally ruined.

They need a thread ban, or ideally a ban from from the whole covid forum.

Bit ott.

The argument being made is not an uncommon one, its not exactly a fringe view. There will inevitably be a point where the damage the government restrictions are doing will outweigh the positives of protecting people. The actions the government take will kill as well, its just a case of where you stand on how far is to far and the risk / reward scale.

Personally I don't think protecting the vulnerable whilst simultaneously having no covid restrictions is possible. Which leaves us with some restrictions or a shrug of the shoulders and a load of people dying needlessly and you could make an argument that our economic situation is so bad simply because the government failed to act quick enough.
No, for being a loon.

You only reappeared yesterday, and on a thread of 31 pages, you are now the top poster with 72 posts.

You are not only a loon, but an obsessive loon.
Its called responding to responses. If I hadn't responded then no doubt I would have been accused of running away. Its nice to see that Urban is still a vaccuous echo chamber where any dissenting voices are sworn at and bullied. But yeah, you are the 'nice' guys.
Its called responding to responses. If I hadn't responded then no doubt I would have been accused of running away. Its nice to see that Urban is still a vaccuous echo chamber where any dissenting voices are sworn at and bullied. But yeah, you are the 'nice' guys.

Empathy is a burden. :(

edit: was it a vacuous echo chamber back in 2013? It's all become a bit of a blur...
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A representative quote from this article:

"Hundreds of essential workers around the US have died after contracting Covid-19, including over 900 healthcare workers, at least 100 grocery store workers and 93 meat plant workers in the first three months of the pandemic, and 132 public transit workers in New York City.

Several families of Covid-19 victims have filed lawsuits against employers for alleged lack of safety protections for workers from the coronavirus, as Republicans in Congress and some state legislators push for legislation to grant employers immunity."
Its called responding to responses. If I hadn't responded then no doubt I would have been accused of running away. Its nice to see that Urban is still a vaccuous echo chamber where any dissenting voices are sworn at and bullied. But yeah, you are the 'nice' guys.

You're not a 'dissenting voice', you're a voice that doesn't seem to understand a hefty percentage of what they're talking about.

Your posts are inaccurate, full of wild speculation, draw likely unrelated things together to 'prove a point', and seem to be skating perilously close to right wing 'don't worry about the old and vulnerable, think of the economy' idiocy.
Well my post about the herd immunity threshold was quite logical if I say so myself.

I will have to look it up.
The herd immunity stuff seems as odd now as when the Tories trotted it out in March.

I don't think we are due a vaccine any time soon which will get us to that magical goal either.
We might have an iffy vaccine which a lot of people refuse...

edit: actually, it's hard to tell which point you were responding to, since it wasn't quoted, but it looks like its in response to a "we have to just keep getting it until we are immune" type comment.
Your posts are inaccurate, full of wild speculation, draw likely unrelated things together to 'prove a point', and seem to be skating perilously close to right wing 'don't worry about the old and vulnerable, think of the economy' idiocy.
Nothing wrong with wild speculation, drawing likely unrelated things together to prove a point, those are meat and drink on urban

But skating, that's beyond the pale
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