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waste of DNA sets fire to manchester dogs home

I wouldn't like to speculate about the kid's motives, mental health, or morality at this point. Manchester Evening News (@RichW_MEN) reporting 'a 14-year-old boy from Harpurhey whose name was provided to police by members of the public'. His family are gonna have a rotten time.

I don't think it is a bad thing to speculate that he may not have set out with the intention of killing the dogs.
At the risk of derailing the thread, I reckon all/most/many kids go through weird phases of staring fires/killing animals etc - But the majority of them grow up to be reasonably ok adults - I honestly do think that the serial killer/killed animals as a kid is overplayed - All/most/many kids killed animals as kids (whether they'll admit it or not), so course most serial killers did but only coz most kids did.

Beyond insects and accidents (rabbit hutch left open, dropping the goldfish etc) I can safely say that I never killed an animal as a kid.
Maybe don't. You only get in trouble again.

Tell you what did happen round there, years & years ago, though it's a bit out of order looking back - There used to be an adventure playground and a bit of waste ground and, on the other side of a fence, Harpurhey old market. Anyway, we were playing in the advenny, about ten or maybe eleven, and one of us launched a stone over the fence into the old market. This black woman with a southern/cockney accent came running out at it "Which one of you little bastards did that? You hit my baby on the head".

Anyway, we overwhelmed & battered her. Not exactly proud, but it was funny & well, it is what it is.
Tell you what did happen round there, years & years ago, though it's a bit out of order looking back - There used to be an adventure playground and a bit of waste ground and, on the other side of a fence, Harpurhey old market. Anyway, we were playing in the advenny, about ten or maybe eleven, and one of us launched a stone over the fence into the old market. This black woman with a southern/cockney accent came running out at it "Which one of you little bastards did that? You hit my baby on the head".

Anyway, we overwhelmed & battered her. Not exactly proud, but it was funny & well, it is what it is.

What is the point of this post?

Louis MacNeice
Apart from the horror, what struck me is how so many people responded to help animals...animals that so many people didnt care enough about to look after. talk about irony. Why are we so love/hate with animals?
When I read about this last night I was so sad, those poor dogs (and I'm not a dog person but still). Then I was angry at the twat who started it but then when I saw the donations I have to say I actually cried. Sure there are some shitty people in this world and I'm sorry so many dogs were lost but the donations (money and stuff) sure as hell reaffirmed my faith in the majority of people. (I'm also very hormonal hence the crying :oops:)
Frances shut up trying to defend yours and other peoples really shitty actions. No I haven't ever hurt an animal, nor have most of the people I know. Consider this a warning.

Not the thread, not the time and not the board. Thought you would have learnt that by now.
The total donated now stands at £328,000, and they'll be able to claim another £63,000 in gift aid. This restores my faith in humanity, and I'll buy something to donate too and drop it off at the ticket office at Manchester Piccadilly.
People helping out has been magnificent. I have a feeling dog adoptions from the new/repaired shelter will be very high. Such a shame so many dogs end up unwanted. I'd have all of them if I could.
People helping out has been magnificent. I have a feeling dog adoptions from the new/repaired shelter will be very high. Such a shame so many dogs end up unwanted. I'd have all of them if I could.

I agree. But sadly the problem of unwanted dogs will never go away, but as long as we do right by them that is what matters.

The fundraising is still climbing - it was over £1,000 a minute last night, and is now rising faster than that. It looks like they might raise enough to build a completely new home. :)
Nearly £400k now and no sign of slowing down, I can see it getting to a million plus. Hopefully the insurance will cover the re-building work and the money donated can kit it out and some surplus funnelled to the sister dogs home in Warrington.
Nearly £400k now and no sign of slowing down, I can see it getting to a million plus. Hopefully the insurance will cover the re-building work and the money donated can kit it out and some surplus funnelled to the sister dogs home in Warrington.

I can see it continuing to climb throughout the day - especially as this has got very wide attention, especially through Twitter.

Over £400,000 on the main donation page now, and £30,000+ on another one someone else has set up.
Seen some people moaning about "what about starving children abroad?" I think people are responding to the senselessness of allegedly setting fire to a dog's home on purpose. How people risked their lives to save animals. It has that feel good factor that brings people together and responding in a positive way.

However, there are people threatening to the murder the suspected arsonist online, perspective people.
Seen some people moaning about "what about starving children abroad?" I think people are responding to the senselessness of allegedly setting fire to a dog's home on purpose. How people risked their lives to save animals. It has that feel good factor that brings people together and responding in a positive way.

However, there are people threatening to the murder the suspected arsonist online, perspective people.

I agree - threatening to murder the alleged arsonist is wrong. The risk was mentioned last night by GMP asking people not to take matters into their own hands. Let the justice system take its course and deal with the suspect that way. I wonder whether the court will impose reporting restrictions to block his name being reported, for fear of reprisals?
When I read about this last night I was so sad, those poor dogs (and I'm not a dog person but still). Then I was angry at the twat who started it but then when I saw the donations I have to say I actually cried. Sure there are some shitty people in this world and I'm sorry so many dogs were lost but the donations (money and stuff) sure as hell reaffirmed my faith in the majority of people. (I'm also very hormonal hence the crying :oops:)

I'm not hormonal, but was teary last night too. :) This sort of thing does upset me, as I love dogs to bits. :)
The fund raising has benefited from the Jason Manford effect as well as he has it up on his Facebook page which has nearly a million likes.
A bit. We did fucking horrible things when we were kids that I now regret. But it was so long ago it's hard to get too regretful about it. It happened. We were nasty little swine. But it's all water under the bridge now.

That's what I was trying to say - It probably wasn't appropriate on this thread though.
So, according to Urban, this lad is a twat, an idiot, fully aware of his actions and the consequences for these poor dogs, ought to be locked up forever or burnt to death in his cell. He is fully responsible for his actions! But I bet Urban doesn't think he's capable of consenting to sex though. :rolleyes:
So, according to Urban, this lad is a twat, an idiot, fully aware of his actions and the consequences for these poor dogs, ought to be locked up forever or burnt to death in his cell. He is fully responsible for his actions! But I bet Urban doesn't think he's capable of consenting to sex though. :rolleyes:
fwiw i didn't say he should be locked up forever or burnt to death in his cell.
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