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waste of DNA sets fire to manchester dogs home

How is a 14 year old an idiot? He is not even an adult.

He's an idiot for not realising the potential of his actions. He's a little prick. But he is just a kid and, due to his stupidity, he's now in a situation where him and his family are going to be targets for every have a go vigilante from miles around. I reckon a lot of us if we're honest have committed atrocities or at least potential atrocities in our youth - I'm glad the internet wasn't going when I was young.
Yeah, it's a terrible thing and RIP those poor dogs but let's not get silly with the revenge fantasies eh? It will just be some daft kid who set fire to the place without thinking of what might happen. Sooner or later everyone's going to end up knowing who he is and it's going to cast a long shadow over the rest of his life.

Like that student who pissed on a cenotaph but a million times worse.
If you are setting fire to buildings where there's a constant yap and bark going on, the one thing you can't argue is 'I didn't know there were dogs in there who would burn to death'.
If you are setting fire to buildings where there's a constant yap and bark going on, the one thing you can't argue is 'I didn't know there were dogs in there who would burn to death'.

Yeah but he won't probably have thought through the horror of dogs burning to death. Comparable to a kid making spoof 999 calls to the fire brigade - Inexcusable, but they don't think of some poor fucker burning to death coz the fire engine's on the other side of town.

I'm not excusing the twat as such, but I don't think it's unreasonable to suppose that he didn't fully comprehend the potential horror of what he did.
Yeah but he won't probably have thought through the horror of dogs burning to death. Comparable to a kid making spoof 999 calls to the fire brigade - Inexcusable, but they don't think of some poor fucker burning to death coz the fire engine's on the other side of town.

I'm not excusing the twat as such, but I don't think it's unreasonable to suppose that he didn't fully comprehend the potential horror of what he did.
Nah, if you set fire to a building where there's dogs barking (presumably) a few feet away, it's not like a hypothetical of something happening elsewhere in town at a later time.
much as it pains me to say so.. i concur. If he was local (which seems likely) there is no way he will be able to stay. his home will become a target for every AR loonspud for miles and his life wil be made a misery.

shit i am getting soft in my old age
I agree. The reaction of the community tonight gives some measure of how they view the dogs home, so if he is convicted, he has not only made a huge mistake in his life (arson conviction plus any punishment) but also made his family's life very difficult if they live in the area. :(

But I do think that kids of 14 do know the risks of setting fires, unless they have some developmental issues for example.

We'll have to see what happens in this case, and presumably we'll know more in a couple of days whether he'll get charged or not.
Nah, if you set fire to a building where there's dogs barking (presumably) a few feet away, it's not like a hypothetical of something happening elsewhere in town at a later time.

He'll have known he was setting fire to the dogs home, but what I'm trying to say is he won't have realised the full horror of what setting fire to the dogs home meant. Like in Blue Remembered Hills - They set the barn on fire with Donald in it, but until Donald's actually burning they don't properly know what they've done.

E2a and I know they're only meant to be seven in BRH but still, same script, I reckon.
Nah, if you set fire to a building where there's dogs barking (presumably) a few feet away, it's not like a hypothetical of something happening elsewhere in town at a later time.
Starting a fire and internationally burning down a building/killing people or animals are two different things.

Even adults set fires that end up in a way that they didn't intend.
Arson is always a more serious offence than fraud given the unpredictable threat to life.

You can get life for arson. Like geordie off Our Friends In the North.

To bring a bit of much needed levity to the table though, does anyone else reckon Pingu 's avatar at first glance looks like Rolf Harris? Obviously if you click on his name , you can see it's not Rolf, but just if you cast a cursory eye?
That is, some arsonists. Aparently there are four categories of arsonists, I'm referring to compulsive fire starting.
Starting a fire and internationally burning down a building/killing people or animals are two different things.

Even adults set fires that end up in a way that they didn't intend.
True. But starting a fire for whatever reason is inherently dangerous as you just can't predict how it will behave outside of controlled conditions. So the intent may vary, but the risk is pretty much the same.

As 8115 says, there some who are compulsive fire setters, and these are the most dangerous. I'd guess this extreme would be more likely dealt with under the mental health system rather than penal. But I know that this won't necessarily happen in reality. :(
Let's see if the kid did start the fire, and why.

There's something about starting fires, plus kids who torture /kill animals, and whether later they turn their attention to adults.

I have no references to hand.
The response from the Harpurhey community has been immediate, generous & brave, especially the two lads who dived into the burning building to rescue dozens of dogs. This is the same community vilified by the BBC's poverty tourism 'People Like Us' series last year.
True. But starting a fire for whatever reason is inherently dangerous as you just can't predict how it will behave outside of controlled conditions. So the intent may vary, but the risk is pretty much the same.

Oh yes the actual risk is the same but I am talking about perceived awareness of the risk.
I am just speculating of course but he may have started a fire in a certain area thinking it would be ok and not spread or just not really thinking at all.
As opposed to thinking "I am going to burn this whole building to the ground and kill all the dogs with it!!!" iyswim?
Let's see if the kid did start the fire, and why.

There's something about starting fires, plus kids who torture /kill animals, and whether later they turn their attention to adults.

I have no references to hand.

At the risk of derailing the thread, I reckon all/most/many kids go through weird phases of staring fires/killing animals etc - But the majority of them grow up to be reasonably ok adults - I honestly do think that the serial killer/killed animals as a kid is overplayed - All/most/many kids killed animals as kids (whether they'll admit it or not), so course most serial killers did but only coz most kids did.
The response from the Harpurhey community has been immediate, generous & brave, especially the two lads who dived into the burning building to rescue dozens of dogs. This is the same community vilified by the BBC's poverty tourism 'People Like Us' series last year.

You could sum up the north manchester/Harpurhey people in those words.
I hope he sets a fire in his cell and nobody listens to the smoke alarm. Ever

Yeah but you like to grab people by the throat when all they're doing is innocently knocking on your mates door so I think we can safely say you're prone to over-reaction.
I wouldn't like to speculate about the kid's motives, mental health, or morality at this point. Manchester Evening News (@RichW_MEN) reporting 'a 14-year-old boy from Harpurhey whose name was provided to police by members of the public'. His family are gonna have a rotten time.
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