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video debunking 9/11 conspiracies

fubert said:
yeah but as i understand, and, as ever i could be wrong there's only something like five prinicple corporations reporting or acting as source for most of the news that gets reports, at least at a top tier level.
That wouldn't work in real life.

News reporter: "Hi TV archive library, could you send me the footage of the south tower being hit please?"
Archive editor: "Err, um...I'm not allowed to because I've been instructed by the CIA"
News reporter: "Thank you for my career-boosting exclusive"

(News reporter takes five minutes to verify that there is a world wide global conspiracy and sets about writing the article that will define his career and make him/her famous.)

If, of course, the news archiver hasn't had the same thought first. Or any one of the tens of thousands of people who would also be aware of the 'censorship'.
Wess said:
I didn't see anything of the sort and if it is the blurry pixalated pictures you posted up that your referring too...then all I can say is, You have got to be joking??
Actually Dr. J. I think the only people that can "see" those pods are people who would see anything they have been told too....there were no pods or missile flash's...
Are you saying there are no flashes visible? Please clarify.
editor - luckily for us the footage of the South Tower impact is already out there, we've got it.

However, should you try to contact say, the BBC, asking for a copy of the video feed that day, I think you'll find they won't give it to you. Or any of the other news networks. Have a go if you like!
I think I've seen it. I believe it addresses the pod and the flashes.

The thing is blagsta, I believed - before people went 'hey, what's that on the belly, what's that flash' - that the planes weren't what we thought they were, and that they were loaded with ordnance. So it's a lot easier for me to consider that the 'pod' is something that shouldn't be there, rather than an optical illusion. Also I cannot reconcile the flash with the nose strike, as they appear distinct in one of the pieces of footage. Also, the 'flash' lines up beautifully with the 'pod'. I don't think the footage is unequivocal by any means - there is plenty of other stuff to disprove the official story - but it is compelling. But the point of view to take is this - does the footage support the official story? Remember the USG has been unable to give us a piece of plane with a serial number on it, something that an ex-military aircraft accident investigator says defies explanation - unless they were the wrong planes. And the engine found a few blocks away has been identified as the wrong type.
DrJazzz said:
Are you saying there are no flashes visible? Please clarify.
What I'm saying Dr. J. is that hijacked planes brought down the WTC...

you posted a pic in World politics a while back of a plane with what you said were missile pods under the wings of the plane..... it looked nothing like it.
DrJazzz said:
Let me repeat the question for you wess, it's very simple
Dr J...first of all, watch that vidio posted up on page 2 of the thread and we'll discuss itif you like (I'm dowloading it so I can watch it now)

...but if you really think I'm going to get into a tit for tat, back and forth petty argument about missile flash's or pods, that goes on and on then you have got to be kidding....Honestly mate, i think the majority of conspiracy theory's are just childish purile crap.

I would be too embarrased to use any of those shysters like Joe vialls or Jeff Rense but you guy's not only believe the rubbish on their websites but use it as if it is some sort of scientific proof.
just to clarify...I was referring to pictures that you posted up in a thread inthe world politics forum six or 12 months ago where you were saying that they were pics of the plane with missile pods underneath. I can't remember if you started the thread or not. I wasn't referring to the video that is on page 2 of this thread.
DrJazzz said:
Remember the USG has been unable to give us a piece of plane with a serial number on it, something that an ex-military aircraft accident investigator says defies explanation - unless they were the wrong planes. And the engine found a few blocks away has been identified as the wrong type.

Links would be apreciated, break them so the ed feels happier about it and all :p. Also a question, have you read the senate report on 9/11? It's a long read but worth doing if you are going to discuss the attacks. As for the parts with serial numbers, i'll wait for your link, but the majority of military aircraft accidents don't involve passenger jets hitting tower blocks.
I haven't claimed the flashes (which are there, on all footage) or the 'pod' are scientific proof, if you read my recent posts. I do think however that they are compelling, and I consider that the footage does not support the official story.

Have you seen the rest of www.digitalstylecreations.com? Do you realise that you are asking me watch a video made by people who are conspiraloons like me? I think it's a good video, and contribution to the debate although I don't necessarily agree with all of its analysis.

It's amusing that those trying to defend the official theory are relying on videos made by those who seriously question it! ;)
DrJazzz said:
Let me repeat the question for you wess, it's very simple
I've got some questions!

Are there any pods visible?

Are there any missiles visible?

Why does 99% of the known world sem to say "no" to thise questions, yet you seem to think you know better? What special powers have you got then?

And if you insist in your pitiful schoolboy fact-free fantasy that it was a 'pretend plane' that hit the towers, please explain what happened to the original plane, its passengers its crew, and how the chuffing heck did they manage to fake the personal phone calls, including those of passengers who weren't even booked on the flight?
ok, I've dug a source for that one out

"It is impossible for all of the time change parts that have these serial numbers that are trackable to the specific aircraft,… it is impossible for them to be totally destroyed where these serial numbers could not be read." Col. George Nelson (ret.)

DrJazzz said:
ok, I've dug a source for that one out
And from the very same site:
Let me talk to you about where you might take this kind of a tool and do something with it, and again I am not sure I want to be on tape for this. We have looked at Mars, we have looked at UFOs, we spent some time looking at Mars, tomorrow I believe that you are going to hear a presentation on the Mars phenomena, and if I am correct, that you will be told that there are structures on the surface of Mars. I will tell you for the record that there are structures underneath the surface of Mars that cannot be seen by the Voyager cameras that went by in 1976, which is what you are going to hear tomorrow; I will also tell you that there are machines on the surface of Mars and there are machines under the surface of Mars that you can look at, you can find out in detail, you can see what they are, where they are, who they are and a lot of detail about them.
Bonkers fruitloop fuckwittery for the terminally gullible. Why do you believe anything posted on such ludicrous sites?
DrJazzz said:
editor - luckily for us the footage of the South Tower impact is already out there, we've got it.

However, should you try to contact say, the BBC, asking for a copy of the video feed that day, I think you'll find they won't give it to you. Or any of the other news networks. Have a go if you like!
Yeah, not a single news network will hand out this amazing footage, from Indymedia to the Chinese, the Russians, Al Jazeera, Indonesians, North Koreans etc. Because they're all in on this conspiracy!
Well... they are subject to it Loki, rather than 'in' on it. By all means, try to get a copy of the BBC feed that day. And see how far you get!
DrJazzz said:
You can see the debris flung out horizontally by the explosives.

The only reason that everything left the building horizontally, is because that's the only way it could go. The buildings were designed to fall in on themselves
DrJazzz said:
Well... they are subject to it Loki, rather than 'in' on it. By all means, try to get a copy of the BBC feed that day. And see how far you get!
You do realise that they're under no legal obligation whatsoever to freely give out their footage to any bonkers conspiraloon who asks, aren't you?

But do reveal what invisible hand is supposedly stopping all the other global news agencies around the world showing their footage or how thousands of journalists have all been mysteriously and faithfully silenced on the subject of this "banned" footage.

But don't tell me: "they" - with their planet-spanning, journo-crushing censorial powers - still can't stop some bedroom playground conspiraloon 'truth seeker' running the footage on their own homepage, eh?
editor said:
And from the very same site:

Bonkers fruitloop fuckwittery for the terminally gullible. Why do you believe anything posted on such ludicrous sites?
I can't vouch for everything on that site, but it broke stuff on Gulf War Syndrome years ahead of its time from Joyce Riley in particular.

This is your standard trick - ignoring something very sensible, i.e. George Nelson's comments and expertise, by association of stuff that has nothing to do with it. The point is, whistleblowers are having to use these sites to get heard - the rest of the media ignores them.

As you would have learned first hand had you come to hear the 'last person out of the towers' - hero William Rodriguez talk at the meeting last Friday.
DrJazzz said:
Well... they are subject to it Loki, rather than 'in' on it. By all means, try to get a copy of the BBC feed that day. And see how far you get!
What, Al Jazeera, the Chinese, the Indonesian media are subject to it too? Have you ever lived in these countries? Do you have an understanding of how the media operate there? Let me pre-empt your answer: No.

You haven't a clue DrJ.
I like this power hour place you've found, it's amusing:

conspiraloons-R-Us said:
This video system lacking some resolution, as the bomb plane is set full throttle, he doesn't see the lamp poles at the crossroads between highways 27 and 244. The shocks are not destructive for the plane, but bend the lamp poles and pull some of them out, probably causing the bomb plane to be close to crash on the ground of the pentagon's heliport. The pilot succeeds already in stabilizing the trajectory.
http://www.thepowerhour.com/911_analysis/french-911.htm (most of the way down)
Hahahahahaha, think i'll show that to a mate doing aeronautical engineering, he'll wet himself laughing. You've seen what happens if you hit a lamp post at 60mph?

The analysis is flawed, and some is plain old wrong. For a start the don't seem to know what the point of DU is, or how it works...

Since it is known that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was foreseen, and that the FBI ordered and organized JF Kennedy murder

I do like this site, i was feeling a little off colour, but you've cheered me up Dr J!
DrJazzz said:
I think I've seen it. I believe it addresses the pod and the flashes.

The thing is blagsta, I believed - before people went 'hey, what's that on the belly, what's that flash' - that the planes weren't what we thought they were, and that they were loaded with ordnance. So it's a lot easier for me to consider that the 'pod' is something that shouldn't be there, rather than an optical illusion. Also I cannot reconcile the flash with the nose strike, as they appear distinct in one of the pieces of footage. Also, the 'flash' lines up beautifully with the 'pod'. I don't think the footage is unequivocal by any means - there is plenty of other stuff to disprove the official story - but it is compelling. But the point of view to take is this - does the footage support the official story? Remember the USG has been unable to give us a piece of plane with a serial number on it, something that an ex-military aircraft accident investigator says defies explanation - unless they were the wrong planes. And the engine found a few blocks away has been identified as the wrong type.

Yes, you seem to believe all sorts of weird shit based on no evidence. You then pounce on things to reinforce your world view. You're paranoid mate.
DrJazzz said:
I can't vouch for everything on that site, but it broke stuff on Gulf War Syndrome years ahead of its time from Joyce Riley in particular.

This is your standard trick - ignoring something very sensible, i.e. George Nelson's comments and expertise, by association of stuff that has nothing to do with it. The point is, whistleblowers are having to use these sites to get heard - the rest of the media ignores them.

As you would have learned first hand had you come to hear the 'last person out of the towers' - hero William Rodriguez talk at the meeting last Friday.

Look - the site you use to back up your claims does have a bearing on the validity of those claims. I could produce a website today that claims that Dr Jazzz is an alien from the planet Zarg, it wouldn't make it true though would it?
DrJazzz said:
Remember the USG has been unable to give us a piece of plane with a serial number on it, something that an ex-military aircraft accident investigator says defies explanation

Er the plane 'serial number' is simply painted on the fuselage of the aircraft and this is the only place it appears.

If the temp of the fires were hot enough to melt steel (wether through fuel fire or explosives!!) how do you expect a painted serial number to survive?
DrJazzz said:
This is your standard trick - ignoring something very sensible, i.e. George Nelson's comments and expertise, by association of stuff that has nothing to do with it. The point is, whistleblowers are having to use these sites to get heard - the rest of the media ignores them.

George Nelson's online report
In short he says that there should be serial numbered parts, but none have been shown to external investigators (why should they), and untill some are there is the possibility that there's something wrong with the story.

Now, let's look at George's position for a bit shall we?

1)It's been a while, how hard do you think it would be to take a set of landing gear, enscribe the apropriate serial numbers and then fake the damage caused by a crash? Difficult, but far from impossible.

2) There is no reason to release the wrekage, the identity of the planes is known, they no longer seem to be flying etc. the idea that the US fired a cruise missile into the pentagon is slightly tenuous.

From 1 we can see that if the US gov wanted to dispell the rumours then all they would have had to do was release some faked up landing gear photos. Or manufacture some fake components and then show them to the public. Why they would not do this to fit in with the conspiracy plot is beyond me.

This non release of evidence does not help conspiracy theorists at all. He says repeatedly that there is no definite proof of which planes were involved, but he poses no evidence to show it's not them. The only stuff that does that is the slightly more suspect stuff we keep finding.
WouldBe said:
Er the plane 'serial number' is simply painted on the fuselage of the aircraft and this is the only place it appears.

If the temp of the fires were hot enough to melt steel (wether through fuel fire or explosives!!) how do you expect a painted serial number to survive?
There are shit loads of inscribed serial numbers on almost every part in a plane, all of which are logged when installed. (Micheal Crihton's Air frame, good book :D).
Bob_the_lost said:
There are shit loads of inscribed serial numbers on almost every part in a plane, all of which are logged when installed. (Micheal Crihton's Air frame, good book :D).

I'm fully aware of that I used to be an avionics technician. :)

It's just the way DrJ had written serial number which I took to mean the registration number.

Edit : Most of the serial numbered parts I have ever seen, the serial number is stamped on a small aluminium plate which is attached to the peice of equipment. Aluminium melts well below the temp steel does so there is little chance these would survive either.
Of course, if it wasn't the 'real' plane, it rather begs the question: where did the original plane magically disappear to and what happened to its passengers, crew and pilots and how the chuffin' Nora did they perfectly fake the phone calls?!!

And then there's the question of how no one noticed this 'imposter' plane taking off or how it managed to avoid being tracked by any flight control centres as it miraculously turned up in the airspace.
WouldBe said:
I'm fully aware of that I used to be an avionics technician. :)

It's just the way DrJ had written serial number which I took to mean the registration number.

Edit : Most of the serial numbered parts I have ever seen, the serial number is stamped on a small aluminium plate which is attached to the peice of equipment. Aluminium melts well below the temp steel does so there is little chance these would survive either.

But according the USG a passport survived from one of the towers planes, just happened it was a terrorists passport.

I don't know much about the rest of the conspiracy stuff but I saw them announce they'd found that on the TV the day after with my own eyes. I saw them then refuse to confirm they'd found it the day after that.

Something is deffinately not right.
DrJazzz said:
I haven't claimed the flashes (which are there, on all footage) or the 'pod' are scientific proof, if you read my recent posts. I do think however that they are compelling, and I consider that the footage does not support the official story.

Have you seen the rest of www.digitalstylecreations.com? Do you realise that you are asking me watch a video made by people who are conspiraloons like me? I think it's a good video, and contribution to the debate although I don't necessarily agree with all of its analysis.

It's amusing that those trying to defend the official theory are relying on videos made by those who seriously question it! ;)

Dr Jazzz, although your twattish determination to believe in all things lizard-like and tinfoil hatted is both amusing and desperate, I feel I must point out that in the immediate days after 9/11 I personally watched the attacks on the Trade Center from various sources, recorded from live transmissions, on Digital Betacam tape, in slow motion, and none of your pods were there, or missiles, as I have already told you, so I can only conclude that your sources are lying fucking wankers with a knack for faking video, and who are just attention seeking surplus cunts who don't mind pissing on the graves of the dead to sell their shit books.

You insistance that they have some merit in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary is beneath contempt.
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