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video debunking 9/11 conspiracies

dr j

perhaps you could use your undoubted talents in a more profitable way, by exposing and highlighting government abuses, without bringing in outre elements which merely serve to make you look foolish.
WouldBe said:
I'm fully aware of that I used to be an avionics technician. :)

It's just the way DrJ had written serial number which I took to mean the registration number.

Edit : Most of the serial numbered parts I have ever seen, the serial number is stamped on a small aluminium plate which is attached to the peice of equipment. Aluminium melts well below the temp steel does so there is little chance these would survive either.

From Bob the Lost's link

"It would be impossible for an ordinary fire resulting from an airplane crash to destroy or obliterate all of those critical time-change parts or their serial numbers. I repeat, impossible."

So we have, on 9-11, the first airplane crash ever in which we don't seem to be able to identify the wreckage. And then we had, the second such airplane crash! And then the third, and the fourth. Did the laws of physics change that day?

Or should we ask - is something fishy going on? Why can't the USG come up with this hard evidence for the official story?

Bob the lost - your argument that this lack of evidence for the official story is - in fact - evidence for the official story is obviously perverse and logically flawed. But to help you out; destroying evidence, controlling the investigation is one thing. Faking evidence is quite another, and you have to remember the few at the top that know about the whole thing aren't the kind of people that can sneak in to Boeing and knock out some time-change parts. And if other planes hit, then there will be plenty of wreckage with other serial numbers. So all you can do anyway is corrall all the wreckage and then sit on it - which appears to have been exactly what happened.

editor will like this other possibility for the phone calls too - which is that they weren't necessarily faked. ;) But it's not up to me to say what happened on 9-11, although I have my preferred theories.

Luckily, the doubts about 9-11 are taking root and the facade is slipping as members of the public are waking up to it!

9/11 Whitewasher Grilled By Informed C-Span Callers
DrJazzz said:
From Bob the Lost's link

"It would be impossible for an ordinary fire resulting from an airplane crash to destroy or obliterate all of those critical time-change parts or their serial numbers. I repeat, impossible."

So we have, on 9-11, the first airplane crash ever in which we don't seem to be able to identify the wreckage. And then we had, the second such airplane crash! And then the third, and the fourth. Did the laws of physics change that day?

Or should we ask - is something fishy going on? Why can't the USG come up with this hard evidence for the official story?
You can't read. It says from AN ORDINARY FIRE.

A fuel-laden plane deliberately smashed into a massively reinforced concrete structure at high speed is hardly going to cause an 'ordinary' fire, is it?


But if it wasn't the 'real' plane, where did the original plane magically disappear to and what happened to its passengers, crew and pilots and how the chuffin' Nora did they perfectly fake the phone calls?!!

And how come no one noticed this 'imposter' plane taking off and how did it manage to avoid being tracked by any flight control centres as it miraculously turned up in the airspace?

Any ideas?
Faking evidence is quite another, and you have to remember the few at the top that know about the whole thing aren't the kind of people that can sneak in to Boeing and knock out some time-change parts.


If it was a cruise missile (one suggestion) or a drone plane then you'd have to keep quiet:

1) The crew of the launcher that fired off the missile
2) The stores department that accounts for the missile
3) The team that collected parts and investigated the crash
4) All arms of the investigative machine that collected data.
5) Anyone who saw the orriginal plane being shot down (the alternative explanation)
6) Anyone who (re)armed the plane that shot the orriginal plane down
7) The pilots of the planes that shot the orriginal plane down.
8) (If not a cruise missile but a drone plane) The team involved in flying it, refitting it, launching and test flying it etc.

You can't say that only a few people would be in on it, cruise missiles aren't one man portable toys that the military use all the time, nor are FAA investigations one man efforts, surely one of them would have said that the plane was a fake?

As you'd have to have members of the accident investigation crew in on it they'd be able to sign out a few old bits of 757 parts and singe them, no additional people needed. It would also have prevented this line of enquiry too.
Bob the Lost's link is associated with Joe Vialls, the lying anti-Semitic cunt.

No wonder Dr Jazzz is a fan!
Oh, and it wasn't a cruise missile... eye witness reports back this up.

Still, if some people want to believe the accounts of paranoid idiots who weren't even in the country at the time...
Have a look at the Links page of Physics911...

...they're ever so proud to have Dr Jazzz's mate Joe Vialls' website there.


Another conspiracy bollocks website bites the dust.

"Cigarettes are good for you!"

"Huntley Is Innocent!"

"911 was a missile attack, erm, by Zionists, yeah, and, erm, George Bush!"

Do me a favour...
Bob_the_lost said:

If it was a cruise missile (one suggestion) or a drone plane then you'd have to keep quiet:
Don't forget the CIA All-Star Mike Yarwood team who were on hand to instantly - and perfectly - reproduce intimate conversations from the passengers who had, err, been invisibly taken somewhere or another in their plane that, err invisibly vanished someplace or another.

Oh, and any site that links to that lying moron Joe Vialls' site can be safely dismissed completely out of hand. That evil cunt is stil maintaining that Ian Huntley is as innocent as the driven snow.
Anyone who believes that has to be some sort of cunt.

Dr Jazzz - you're obviously a cunt.
DrJazzz said:
"It would be impossible for an ordinary fire resulting from an airplane crash to destroy or obliterate all of those critical time-change parts or their serial numbers. I repeat, impossible."

You yourself have previously stated that the fire (wether from jet fuel, thermite or HE) was hot enough to melt the steel of the building resulting in 'pools of molten steel in the basement'.

Steel melts at ~1500C
Aluminium melts at ~660C

How on earth are several inch thick steel girders supposed to melt yet a thin (<1mm thick) Aluminium identification label supposed to survive?
WouldBe said:
You yourself have previously stated that the fire (wether from jet fuel, thermite or HE) was hot enough to melt the steel of the building resulting in 'pools of molten steel in the basement'.

Steel melts at ~1500C
Aluminium melts at ~660C

How on earth are several inch thick steel girders supposed to melt yet a thin (<1mm thick) Aluminium identification label supposed to survive?

maybe they were encased in some sort of tin foil?
I doubt Dr Jazzz will reply tonight, I think he's off to invent a new bullshit story about Zapatistas...
Pingu said:
maybe they were encased in some sort of tin foil?

Tin foil, being made of Aluminium, would also melt :p

Must have been some invisible insulating material was applied so that no one would notice it and probably applied by pixies whilst the plane was in service as virtually every piece of equipment on an aircraft has a traceable serial number on it.

I dread to think how long it would have taken to strip the aircraft down to protect all the serial number labels. ;)
WouldBe said:
You yourself have previously stated that the fire (wether from jet fuel, thermite or HE) was hot enough to melt the steel of the building resulting in 'pools of molten steel in the basement'.

Steel melts at ~1500C
Aluminium melts at ~660C

How on earth are several inch thick steel girders supposed to melt yet a thin (<1mm thick) Aluminium identification label supposed to survive?
Logic error!

Serial numbers have survived every other plane crash with jet fuel on board, so they are meant to survive this. So are several inch thick steel girders (which incidentally should have been left upright while the rest of the WTC pancaked around them)!

You cannot argue that the official theory satisfies the former on the basis that we are having to discard it on another issue!

Also, you are ignoring the two crashes which weren't at the WTC, neither of which we have any identified plane parts for either. Also, at the Pentagon, all but one of the passengers were supposedly identified! How on earth can that be, if all the aluminium vaporised?
DrJazzz said:
Logic error!

Serial numbers have survived every other plane crash with jet fuel on board, so they are meant to survive this. So are several inch thick steel girders (which incidentally should have been left upright while the rest of the WTC pancaked around them)!

You cannot argue that the official theory satisfies the former on the basis that we are having to discard it on another issue!

Also, you are ignoring the two crashes which weren't at the WTC, neither of which we have any identified plane parts for either. Also, at the Pentagon, all but one of the passengers were supposedly identified! How on earth can that be, if all the aluminium vaporised?

Are you now revoking your statement about the pools of molten steel?

If not then the logic holds true.

How do you expect individual columns of girders 1000ft high to stay up right without the cross bracing of the floors?

That's not only logic defying but gravity defying as well.
Bob_the_lost said:

If it was a cruise missile (one suggestion) or a drone plane then you'd have to keep quiet:

1) The crew of the launcher that fired off the missile
2) The stores department that accounts for the missile
3) The team that collected parts and investigated the crash
4) All arms of the investigative machine that collected data.
5) Anyone who saw the orriginal plane being shot down (the alternative explanation)
6) Anyone who (re)armed the plane that shot the orriginal plane down
7) The pilots of the planes that shot the orriginal plane down.
8) (If not a cruise missile but a drone plane) The team involved in flying it, refitting it, launching and test flying it etc.

You can't say that only a few people would be in on it, cruise missiles aren't one man portable toys that the military use all the time, nor are FAA investigations one man efforts, surely one of them would have said that the plane was a fake?

As you'd have to have members of the accident investigation crew in on it they'd be able to sign out a few old bits of 757 parts and singe them, no additional people needed. It would also have prevented this line of enquiry too.
You have a top-secret special ops unit which gets the gear it needs and carries out the hits. That's all.

As for the FAA investigation team - well, yes, I concede you would have a lot of problems with them. Very awkward indeed. Can you think of a possible reason as to why there has been no FAA investigation into any of the ill-fated flights?
WouldBe said:
Are you now revoking your statement about the pools of molten steel?

If not then the logic holds true.
Not at all, they were even confirmed by a poster on these boards who saw them. If you want to believe the official theory you have to account for these pools. or say they weren't there. You cannot not account for the pools, then use them as evidence to support the official theory when it suits! And in any case, there were two flights not at the WTC.

The steel girders should have all been very firmly rooted in the ground or the WTC wouldn't have stayed up when it was built! :rolleyes:
DrJazzz said:
You cannot not account for the pools, then use them as evidence to support the official theory when it suits! And in any case, there were two flights not at the WTC.
Lots of my questions still remain unanswered.

What happened to the 'real' planes and passengers and how come no one noticed the switch?

Or was the plane - like the missiles, according to you - blessed with invisibility?
editor said:
Don't forget the CIA All-Star Mike Yarwood team who were on hand to instantly - and perfectly - reproduce intimate conversations from the passengers who had, err, been invisibly taken somewhere or another in their plane that, err invisibly vanished someplace or another.

Oh, and any site that links to that lying moron Joe Vialls' site can be safely dismissed completely out of hand. That evil cunt is stil maintaining that Ian Huntley is as innocent as the driven snow.
I agree with you on these threads - almost always.

I'm not sure 'evil' is appropriate though. He's welcome to think that - I think (actually, I'm sure) he's wrong, but he's not evil for his opinion.
Joe Vialls claiming to know for a fact that a US Serviceman was responsible for killing those two kids in Soham and wasting people's time is evil.

Selfish cunts so desperate to cling on to their sense of importance in being the loonspud minority who really do know the truth, and aren't we all poor fools for not believing evidence-free theories with no logical possibility of occurring in reality whatsoever, and as a result we are of course accused of automatically believing everything we are told by government.

I wonder how the husbands, wives and mothers of the passengers on those planes deal with fucking retards like Dr Jazzz telling them that their loved one is alive and well, and instead of dying in the 9/11 attacks are actually living in a lizard factory set up by David Icke, or involved in tin foil hat production, or whatever flavour horseshit Planet Conspiranoid is chewing that week.
flimsier said:
I agree with you on these threads - almost always.

I'm not sure 'evil' is appropriate though. He's welcome to think that - I think (actually, I'm sure) he's wrong, but he's not evil for his opinion.
I'd say someone manufacturing disgusting bullshit claiming that an evil child murdering scumbag is in fact a totally innocent victim of a 9/11 conspiracy comes pretty close.
Are you guys STILL obsessed with diverting every thread I post on into Huntley?
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