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video debunking 9/11 conspiracies

does anyone have any stuff about letsroll911.org ? someone has sent me a link to it and I really can't be arsed to try and read through it if someone here can tell me it's setup by a huntley appologist/space aliens ate his granny type
See, I would say it is wrong. OK, it hurts the victims, but that doesn't make it evil. Evil is perpetrating, or contributing to the perpetration of those crimes.

Getting the perpetrator wrong is far from evil. Please think about what you are saying.
DrJ: the problem for you is there are so many issues where you've been exposed as talking bollocks (with respect).

But, huntley is the biggest one. If it wasn't huntley, it'd be something else.

It's one thing to ask questions; it's another to make assertions. You make assertions - and that's why Huntley is a good reason to say you're talking shit.

Anyway, scrabble league will start soon - and not before time...!
editor said:
Lots of my questions still remain unanswered.

What happened to the 'real' planes and passengers and how come no one noticed the switch?

Or was the plane - like the missiles, according to you - blessed with invisibility?
Well, you'll have to ask to what purpose the FBI destroyed hours of radar records. Where's the testimony from the operators that tracked flights 11 and 175? We know flight 77 disappeared from radar, mysteriously, so that one is taken care of.

Oh, and Lord Lucan is buried in my backyard.
flimsier said:
He has; don't be a toady on this thread.
He has? News to me. And I don't like your implication that I'm a sycophant for thinking DrJazzz et al are conspiracy fans.
Loki said:
He has? News to me. And I don't like your implication that I'm a sycophant for thinking DrJazzz et al are conspiracy fans.

Don't worry, Loki. Flimsey probably didn't mean it like it sounded. That's what he always used to say to me, at least.
He's said he's sorry for being wrong; which is what he was.

I think DJ is a loony on these issues.

I'm calling youj a sycophant because you are. Not on this issue alone. Just generally.
Lock&Light said:
Don't worry, Loki. Flimsey probably didn't mean it like it sounded. That's what he always used to say to me, at least.

BTW, when the ed said 'don't call him CocknShite and he won't call you flimsy fart' - ie messing with usernames, did you pay attention.

Because you'll notice that I haven't called you the above since, but you've said the offensive towards me eight times (I was going to wait until double figures)...

Just that I have tried to be friendly, as I'm sure you'll agree. I'm still trying. I publicly apologised -and would have privately. YOu don't seem able to accept - and youstill unfortunately seem to wade in to other threads....! :(
flimsier said:
BTW, when the ed said 'don't call him CocknShite and he won't call you flimsy fart' - ie messing with usernames, did you pay attention.

Because you'll notice that I haven't called you the above since, but you've said the offensive towards me eight times (I was going to wait until double figures)...

Just that I have tried to be friendly, as I'm sure you'll agree. I'm still trying. I publicly apologised -and would have privately. YOu don't seem able to accept - and youstill unfortunately seem to wade in to other threads....! :(

I was talking to someone else.

BTW, I am not of the opinion that you have ever apologised to me at all.
DrJazzz said:
Are you guys STILL obsessed with diverting every thread I post on into Huntley?

As long as YOU'RE still obsessed with diverting every 9/11 thread into a discussion of your wank theories.
flimsier said:
He's said he's sorry for being wrong; which is what he was.

I think DJ is a loony on these issues.

I'm calling youj a sycophant because you are. Not on this issue alone. Just generally.
I appreciate the assistance flimsier but I didn't apologise for being wrong about Huntely per se, I apologised wholeheartedly for one particularly heated thread about the BBC commiting perjury (which was wrong) and accepted that it looked like Huntely was guilty after all once his previous came out. I am sorry the whole thing caused such a ruckus, and my tone would be different if it happened all over again. But I don't think I should apologise specifically for being 'wrong' and suggesting that a man not yet found guilty might be innocent (I never said I was certain of that). No-one's ever apologised to me on the threads where they have been wrong - there's been many, many occasions of that. why should they? We are free to get it 'wrong'. It would be nice, however, if there wasn't so much personal abuse flying around.
Lock&Light said:
I was talking to someone else.

BTW, I am not of the opinion that you have ever apologised to me at all.

flimsier said:
You almost exclusively (at a guess over 90%, but I haven't done any investigating) post on board politics (which can sometimes be the most interesting threads), something that can be described as arse-licking, or imply that someone should be banned. There are a large number of posters that I know personally who dislike this - and I am not talking about ern, PsM or RednBlack - I'm talking about others - and if they're a representative sample it can be called 'large number'.

You also lie. Not overtly in a way to wind people up, like the 'orange' slander, but with things like 'I didn't start it' or 'well the post from the editor telling people to cool it can't be aimed at me, because I haven't tried to get involved' (I'm paraphrasing).

I once had a very reasonable conversation with you about the Netherlands, some time ago. Us both having lived there, it was a decent thread and I had a high opinion of you. In my opinion, you've asked for the trouble you've had and I do think you are an unpopular poster as a result. Possibly the most unpopular poster. If you changed this and started posting on threads with reference to their titles (without trying to turn it into board politics or focussing on the board politics side of any thread) your reputation, I think, would change quickly.

I am not trying to excuse the posting style or individual posts of any poster, including myself.

Please don't become defensive about this, because I'm only writing to you because it seemed like you actually cared about it today - and I do have a heart and felt sorry.

I'm trying to tell you why I get wound up by you, and why I think (and there is, as I said, anecdotal evidence for this) others do.

Ignore if you wish. This was a genuine attempt to help.

FWIW, I apologise for previous pms I sent.

Locknlight. I tried, and am trying. I wanted to send a pm. Have you a problem you can't resolve.

(I'm not being funny!)
DrJazzz said:
No-one's ever apologised to me on the threads where they have been wrong - there's been many, many occasions of that.

I've been following your postings for years. When have you ever been proved right? Any occasion whould do as an example.
flimsier said:
Locknlight. I tried, and am trying. I wanted to send a pm. Have you a problem you can't resolve.

(I'm not being funny!)
I meant have you a problem with me you can't resolve?
DrJazzz said:
I appreciate the assistance flimsier but I didn't apologise for being wrong about Huntely per se, I apologised wholeheartedly for one particularly heated thread about the BBC commiting perjury (which was wrong) and accepted that it looked like Huntely was guilty after all once his previous came out. I am sorry the whole thing caused such a ruckus, and my tone would be different if it happened all over again. But I don't think I should apologise specifically for being 'wrong' and suggesting that a man not yet found guilty might be innocent (I never said I was certain of that). No-one's ever apologised to me on the threads where they have been wrong - there's been many, many occasions of that. why should they? We are free to get it 'wrong'. It would be nice, however, if there wasn't so much personal abuse flying around.

The last four lines need examples, else they are bollocks, I'm afraid.

Why didn't you apologise for the huntley stuff. You have said you think he's guilty. I'd apologise.
Lock&Light said:
I've been following your postings for years. When have you ever been proved right? Any occasion whould do as an example.

This should be interesting, since I cannot recollect a single occasion when Dr Jazzz's obsessive 9/11 conspiranoid stories or anything else he has posted was ever proved right.
pk said:
As long as YOU'RE still obsessed with diverting every 9/11 thread into a discussion of your wank theories.
Oh gosh, I diverted a thread about 9-11 conspiracy theories with my discussion of 9-11 conspiracy theory. Pretty big diversion, huh? Especially when it had settled into talking about moon landings. :rolleyes:

Go and bother someone else pk. I don't think anyone much admires your 'unending stream of piss' posting behaviour these days, anyway, apart from a few newbies who reason it's better to be on your side of the stream. :rolleyes:
flimsier said:
He's said he's sorry for being wrong; which is what he was.

I think DJ is a loony on these issues.

I'm calling youj a sycophant because you are. Not on this issue alone. Just generally.
A sycophant to whom? And what's with the off-topic abuse?
Lock&light: this is being derailed. PM me with a response, and if you get an abusive response, ignore me or something, but I think you'll agree that I've tried!

I'd say 'please' but it's too desperate.

And you've baited me twice in the last month and I've purposely not responded for the sake of peace.

Otherwise I'm happy to be a 'web-enemy' but I don't want to be. Entertaining but pointless, is the pont.
flimsier said:
I guess I mean; despite my attempts - do you want to make an enemy of me?

I hope not.

Flimsier, my dear chap. Please understand that until you started attacking me the only reason I had to notice you was because of your rather dramatic adventures during the terrible tsunami.

After you started to attack me, and then obsessivly follow me around, I grew to rather dislike you. But you are not my enemy, flimsier, because you don't register enough on my radar.
just so I can get something straight in my head...

is there an allegation that non of the planes were actually real and that no passangers were actually killed?

serious moment here.

bear with me on this as it has a lot of relevance
Pingu said:
just so I can get something straight in my head...

is there an allegation that non of the planes were actually real and that no passangers were actually killed?

serious moment here.

bear with me on this as it has a lot of relevance

I'd come back from lunch, if I was you. A lot has happened since you went out.
Loki said:
A sycophant to whom? And what's with the off-topic abuse?

You may think it was off topic. I'll withdraw from the debate. You do suck up to the owner of the site (from my perspective). No disrespect intended - I just couldn't live with myself if I didn't say what I think.

Saying what you think and not behind people's backs is what everyone wishes they did. I'm trying to be honest. It will wind people up; but everyone thinks that if someone said it of them they'd be ok about it because they can take genuine criticism. Usually, it results in them begin very upset and plotting their revenge. My point is that I am calling it as I see it, rather than chatting about it (as I heard on Sunday) at an urbanites meet. What's funny is that the posters who read my posts telling the truth are more upset with me than those who talk about them being wankers behind their backs.

Well ok then.
DrJazzz said:
Oh gosh, I diverted a thread about 9-11 conspiracy theories with my discussion of 9-11 conspiracy theory. Pretty big diversion, huh? Especially when it had settled into talking about moon landings. :rolleyes:

Go and bother someone else pk. I don't think anyone much admires your 'unending stream of piss' posting behaviour these days, anyway, apart from a few newbies who reason it's better to be on your side of the stream. :rolleyes:

Of course, your ludicrous claims regarding 9/11 are admired by all and sundry aren't they?

Your claims that all vaccines are more harmful than the diseases themselves, and you having the nerve to attempt to talk worried parents out of giving their children potentially lifesaving injections such as the MMR, and you wonder why there's so much personal abuse flying your way.

I insult you because I think you're a paranoid full-of-shit twat who should just stick to playing piano.

But nothing I can say to you is as insulting as your insistance that calls made from aircraft to their loved ones before the planes hit on 9/11 were actually placed by impersinators.

Or that the hundreds of people who saw an aircraft hit the Pentagon actually saw a missile instead, according to your David Icke bollocks.
Lock&Light said:
Flimsier, my dear chap. Please understand that until you started attacking me the only reason I had to notice you was because of your rather dramatic adventures during the terrible tsunami.

After you started to attack me, and then obsessivly follow me around, I grew to rather dislike you. But you are not my enemy, flimsier, because you don't register enough on my radar.

So why follow me with 'flimsy fart' bollocks?

<genuine question>
flimsier said:
What's funny is that the posters who read my posts telling the truth are more upset with me than those who talk about them being wankers behind their backs.

Well ok then.

How is it possible to talk behind anyone's back on a bulletin board?
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